Chapter 2- A TRIP TO REMEMBER by ABHINAV KASHIKAR The silent - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2- A TRIP TO REMEMBER by ABHINAV KASHIKAR The silent green valley made us ooze from the inside while our giggles were being audible all around it. The sun was going back to sleep as the stars were awakening to fill the darkness, the twilight had begun. We walked for around three kilometers and headed back to the hotel. We had no more stamina to walk further; our legs were pounding in pain. We reached hotel and Ankit suggested dining at the hotel’s restaurant instead of going for the room service as it charged more. There were already five tourist groups besides us in that hotel including the group of three girls. We ordered our food and devoured it silently, we had run out of entire energy we had and in turn, our jumping throat turned silent, we wanted to talk only if telepathy was possible. The quiet restaurant suddenly was filled up with chuckling, the girls have entered. Mayank nudged me for this, as if I had not noticed the ladies. “Stop it man”, I mumbled, I tried being a little strict. They took the table next to us and I noticed them peeping at us, ‘they are too hot’ my mind groaned. Before I could fantasize more about them, Ankit and Mayank stood up and walked towards them. I joined them, of course I had to. “Hi girls” Ankit greeted them. “Hi” a girl replied. “Can we join you?” Mayank asked curiously. “NO! We prefer privacy” a girl replied brusquely. “No No… that’s fine, you may join us. More the people, merrier the memories, we’d be glad” said the girl in black top, she seemed as happy as Larry with our arrival. Diya and Nisha walked to us with their dropping jaws still trying to be subtle. Well, this is what friends are for; ready to support and screw you at any moment. After a little chortle they pulled a chair to join. “I am Mitika” the first one said. “I’m Isha”, the other one said, and she looked cute. I was waiting curiously to know the name of Ankit’s hot girl wearing a black top and she finally said, “I am Jennifer”. We introduced ourselves too. They were not as weird as I thought them to be. We had some things in common like they too were here to enjoy, they too were engineering students but the uncommon fact was that they belonged to Delhi. I didn’t want to admit, but I ended up enjoying their company. We sat in the restaurant till late, talking and getting to know each other. Jennifer seemed more of a playgirl to me; I wasn’t sure of my perception about her. The tricks she played to make us smile and gather the attention took my breath away though I disliked the ‘playing’ vibes of her. Little did I know then, that one day every bit of mine will die to witness these tricks of her! Nisha, Diya and Ankit went upstairs to their rooms while Mayank and I were still in the restaurant talking to the girls. Later, I couldn’t bear to stay awake for a moment or more so I wished them a goodnight and climbed the stairs. I reached to the third floor and as soon as I was about to open the door of my room, a voice came from behind “Hey… Meer”. I turned towards her in amusement, “Yes Jennifer, do you need something?” “Don’t call me Jennifer, call me Jenny” she said. “Okay Jenny, tell me what’s the matter?” I asked her. “No, Just wanted to wish you good night” she said softly. “You climbed up to the third floor to wish me night?” I asked surprisingly. “Yep, Good Night… Meer. Have sweet and wonderful dreams, as sweet and wonderful as you are” she winked and turned to leave. I stood at the door and saw her going down the stairs. Nobody had ever wished me good night the way she did in that moment; her unusual words kicked away every negative thought I was cooking in my mind about her. That night as I went to sleep, she was the one who covered my thoughts. Her small little good night wish had made me feel wanted. I replayed those 30 seconds in my mind again and again and I felt an urge to rush to the second floor and ring her door bell and say ‘Good Night’ again. I dropped the idea; I still had some precocity of not doing so. I had some tangled thoughts in my mind as for me these hot girls were like mathematics numerical, that is, if you’re finding it so easy you are definitely doing it wrong. I dozed off I don’t know when… As I woke up, I realized that I was the only one snoring in the room. Ankit and Mayank were already out of the room to the restaurant for breakfast. I recalled the night and realized that I had slept too late as I was busy grinning for those 30. I sat on the bed with my hair ruffled and a blanket over me to protect myself from the chilly morning. I was still dreaming when I saw Jenny entering the room with a cup of coffee in her hand. I smiled wide as I saw her, though she didn’t have to do that as I had paid for the room service as well. “I am so lucky to see this beautiful morning smile of yours. Good Morning dude” she said as she placed the cup on the desk beside me. “You produce better dialogues in my dreams Jenny” I whispered. “Huh? Meer… Get up” she said softly as she shook my shoulder. “Oh sorry, I thought I was dreaming” I said, as I realized she was really there for me, shocked I was, a harsh one for an early morning. I immediately removed the blanket over me and went to check my hair in front of a mirror. She smiled and handed the cup of coffee to me and said “Get ready soon. We are going for trekking”. I smiled back and she left. She had made my day, at some point I made my mind realize that I was not the guy who falls for anyone so easily… but somewhere my heart replied that she wasn’t anyone but that ‘Someone’… I rushed to get ready as I could not wait any longer for the trekking or maybe I could not wait to see her again.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:16:21 +0000

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