Chapter 2 THE INVISIBLE ENEMY According to the hypothesis found - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 THE INVISIBLE ENEMY According to the hypothesis found in myths, the Lord of Darkness is the King of this World. Some people worship him as the leading element of evil. Therefore, Satan controls only those adherents who support him consciously. They have always been a not very influential minority. There is another old mental monster of a parasitical nature on the Earth, which I call the EGP. (Translator’s note: The English abbreviation “EGP” is the direct equivalent of the Russian abbreviation “ЭГП”.) People do not know about it. The EGP has an influence on people of different nationalities and convictions. Factual control of the civilized sections of humanity, and therefore of the world, is exercised by the EGP. And the most of the evil on the Earth is generated by it and not by the Lord of Darkness. It happens, however, that their aims and methods overlap. Their strategic guide lines are also correlated in many respects, because the one or the other are guided by selfishness (individual and collective) and both are on the same side – that of evil. Butconflictsbetweenthem are not rare either The EGP is less radical in terms of evil than the Lord of Darkness, because it takes care of its members as far as possible. In order to increase its life potential it actively uses both good and evil. However, the evil is usually well concealed under good intentions. It succeeds in hiding its true objectives under the external appearances of the good. The EGP creates a cunning mechanism of enslavement. Many of the structures and ideologies adopted by people that are meant to bring truth and good were created under its invisible direction. The EGP and not - as many people think - the Lord of Darkness causes the greatest degree of evil. Even if the prince of darkness acts in secret, his evil essence is obvious to rational people. The lack of obvious evidence of EGP’s acts and the fact that they are hidden behind apparently good deeds provides the EGP with a life potential, large-scale influence and makes it effective. That is why the EGP is so very dangerous and harmful. That is why after many centuries of intellectual evolution people are still not able to master the power of evil. The Cosmos is definitely stronger than the EGP, which is a relatively small entity compared to it. But on the scale of the Earth itself the EGP is the biggest among the negative mental-astral forms. Its power is directly conditioned by the negative energy accumulated by humanity. The Almighty has no reason to eliminate it until humanity realizes how negative their own thoughts and actions are and humans finally conclude that they should work towards a creating a better environment for them, their relationships and activities. The EGP controls the situation on the Earth both widely and deeply. The majority of people are incapable of adequately perceiving reality because of the fact that dominant world-views are created under its influence. The discovery of many important truths is impeded by the effect of the EGP. My mission consists not only in spreading the New Knowledge about God and the Supreme Laws but also in weakening the artificial barriers in the way of comprehension. The time to reveal the essence of the EGP and the full meaning of the abbreviation “EGP” will come when the main part of the New Knowledge is to be revealed. The EGP’s Puppets People of different nationalities and convictions are under the influence of the EGP. There are many intellectually and spiritually developed people among them. The main difficulty and paradox of the situation lies in the fact that the majority of the best individuals are under the influence of the EGP. There is a set of signs, which together permit one to assess the affiliation with EGP. The description of these signs will be revealed at the same time as the major part if the New Knowledge is expounded. This time has not yet come. When I learned how to determine which people are subject to the EGP, I remembered those who, at one point in time, showed great hostility toward me and I realized that the great majority of them showed obvious signs of affiliation with the EGP. I never gave them any reason to justify their hostile attitude towards me. They were just puppets in the hands of the EGP and that is why they were acting against me without any reason. Sometimes their motivation was the phenomenon which is known as “unreasonable antipathy at first sight”. Some of them were surprised by this feeling and others were not. Anyway, when there was a contradiction between logic and feelings they preferred to believe in their feelings. On one occasion a representative of the EGP who had a positive attitude towards me created dangerous situations and problems for me without wanting to - as it is shown in the story “The Charming Face of Danger”. Maybe you are wondering: if Vladimir Vestnik is under the protection of God, why does God permit him to fall into dangerous situations? The fact is that the inconvenience and danger I have experienced are not only as karmic compensation for sins but also intended to have a learning purpose. Like everybody, I was naive and ignorant in my youth. When I was faced with problems, I learned to overcome them, gained the sort of experience which it is impossible to get from listening to others and from reading books. While I was suffering from the attitude of people under the power of the EGP, I realized the need to examine the reasons for their hostile attitude towards me and I learned to recognize them and to expose them. I know that in the future the representatives of EGP will attempt to hinder the realization of my Mission in various ways. They will create difficulties in the distribution of the books, and for the activities of the Society of New Enlightenment. They will diffuse defamatory statements in the press about me, my Mission and my Assistants. And in doing all this they will be convinced that they are right and objective, and they will frankly laugh at the hypothesis of the existence of the EGP. Nevertheless this is much more complex than people are able to imagine. Certainly, people who are under the influence of the EGP do not question their situation. They do not notice anything about themselves. If you say to them that somebody else is controlling their mind, they will be frankly surprised and will not believe you. Very probably, they will laugh heartily at the idea. In reality they are pitiful creatureswho do not understand what they are doing. It seems to them that they are outwardly reasonable and free. While committing evil deeds, they think that they are doing good. They are surprised that they encounter serious problems without suspecting that they are thus receiving just punishment for their sins. They are misled by false world-views that are created under the influence of the EGP. They crippletheir souls, and thus ensure an unhappy future for themselves. Among them there are truly good people – kind, honest, fair - who actively try to promote good. If they really manage to promote what is truly good, as they see it, but the overall negative influence of the EGP is set against the smaller positive benefits of their actions, their lives are usually unhappy or they die quite young. Such people can also be famous personalities and historical figures. When they do not become puppets they become victims of the EGP. Using its influence, the EGP abruptly reduces the immunity of these people, and condemns them to misfortune and a catastrophic end to their lives.More precisely, the EGP redistributes the potential of individual realization in favour of more constructive people for their personal development. I will talk about the redistribution of the potential of realization in the one of my next books. This kind of person dies or becomes severely ill, and the other people are surprised at how God allows this to happen to really good people. But there are no contradictions in the evolutionary-karmic plan. People are free to choose their beliefs and as a consequence that they are part of the super-organism. What I refer to as a super-organism, are those organisms that are essentially combined organizations of different kinds, including those based on world-views.The life activity of a super-organism implies karmic consequences. Super-organisms redistribute their potential karmic pay-off which is addressed to them, among their members, considering their own advantages. The mistake which good people, who are in the power of the EGP make, lies in their excess of confidence. They take the constructions of the world-view as given without asking for a clear objective basis. The absence of objectivity is a violation of one of the principles of the Norms of Conscious Existence – Harmony. This principle involves appropriate perception. That means that information should correspond to reality. One must not trust in information which is not sufficiently confirmed by reality. Many people may consider that this state of nature is excessively severe, when such insignificant things as the lack of objectivity and credulity lead to such misfortunes. But the lack of objectivity is really a major sin that deserves to be severely punished. The person who trusts in the powers of darkness becomes a puppet, a weapon of evil. Even if the person does not become a puppet in this life, a mistaken principle is consolidated in his soul which in the next life can lead to the point when he may become a weapon of evil there. Information on world-view is true only where it is confirmed by reality, which is in turn the domain of God. Someone who is not objective is very often on the same side as those who are against God the Almighty. And despite this that person is usually convinced that he is on the side of the Almighty. According to my information it is clear from their attitude that these belong to the EGP and support other negative forces. Normally, my book would not attract the attention of this kind of person. That is why only a few of them will buy my book, although they have quite often been given it. Generally they get stuck on the first page and then they neither find the time nor the will power to finish the book. Some of them feel a kind of tiredness in their eyes or they start to feel ill (this is the result of the EGP’s influence). The most persistent among them finish reading the book and become direct opponents of the New Knowledge and, as a consequence, of myself. Of course, these observations relate to the people who are in general interested in this kind of information. But the time will come when I will reveal the main part of the New Knowledge and then many of the people who are under the power of the EGP will have the possibility to free themselves from this invisible oppression that forces them to act on behalf of the forces of darkness. My confrontation with the EGP started a long time ago. Long before I learned about its existence, God’s protection has made it possible for me stay alive till now. When I recall the numerous dangerous situations I have been in and the enemies I have encountered, it is really surprising that this should have happened to me, because I lead a rather quiet life. But I understand the logic of why I have been exposed to that kind of danger. A battle between the forces of Light and Darkness is going on at the field level (virtual (unconscious)). Because of my mission, I should be at the forefront of this battle. The people of the EGP have put me in danger. But the forces of Light deflect these dangers through the friendly actions of other people. Why does the EGP not like me? My mission is to put an end to dominant power on the Earth of the EGP. Because of it life on the Earth is permanently under the influence of evil and a country like Russia remains in decline. It attempts to hinder artificially the evolution of civilization, and this rapidly makes the people in society full of hatred. As I mentioned above, the EGP had created a cunningly designed mechanism of submission. It is remarkable that, the main part of this big mechanism is served by spiritually and intellectually developed people, most of whom are honestly in favour of progress and the good. Theirinnocencehasbetrayedthem, as has their inability to orient themselves according to the criteria of truth. The time will come when they will be astounded to learn with what strength they have acted and what severe crimes they have committed against humanity, against the Supreme God – God, the Almighty.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 13:57:50 +0000

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