Chapter 2 The Panostic Church The name of this church is - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 The Panostic Church The name of this church is derived from Pan (all) and Gnostic (learned or knowledge). However, since most people would pronounce that “pang-nostic” instead of “pan-nostic,” the “gn” in gnostic was removed to ease in pronunciation. The Panostic belief system strives to answer all of the questions that man has sought to discover since he first realized his own mortality. Some of those questions include why we are here and what happens after death? The Panostic Church does not hold others with different belief systems in contempt but does not defer to them either. We actually look to those who believe in other religions, and how those beliefs have been modified throughout history, as proof of the concept that there is a truth and they just don’t have it. But first, a look at the nature of God is needed. Most of the universe is made of “dark matter” and “dark energy.” Unfortunately, the reason that they are both called “dark” is because they can’t easily be observed, not because they are evil. It would make sense that a portion of this unknown energy and matter would constitute God. For the purposes of this discussion, and for the likely clarity that the term might invoke, this energy and mass will be called God. This would also suggest that the birth of God came during the big bang that created all matter. For all that we know God could have been the catalyst for the big bang in the first place. As the universe has matured, so has God. That is not to say the God is physically growing, just that the energy and matter that comprises God continues to grow in collective wisdom and ability. Now look at way that the observable universe behaves. It coalesces into separate objects using the force of gravity, among others. If that’s the way the universe works, wouldn’t the energy/matter of God behave the same way? Wouldn’t God coexist with the material planet and those that live upon it? Now picture God existing throughout the universe with centers, like nerves with connections to other nerves, and one of those centers being our planet and solar system. Like nerves connected to each other, they form a collective consciousness, and that is God. Then picture the Earth that is energized by God. And like the sun, it has spikes and arcs of energy all over its surface. Those energy spikes are us, contained in a mortal form. We are all connected and are all part of the greater God, as well as every living thing on our planet. The trees, the birds, dogs, and cats…everything. That doesn’t mean that everything is a God, just part of God. And as every spike of energy returns to the source (God), God grows through the experiences and knowledge obtained by the spike/spark (spirit) when it was active. Then subsequent spikes draw from God part of that collected knowledge. As a mortal being dies, the spirit is returned to God. While that spirit exists, it is also connected to God. Just as early man could not have imagined that we are all made up of star stuff that was formed in supernovas; early man could not have imagined this concept of God. Now we know that one is true, it is time to accept the logic and existence of the other. This will lead to a life that has purpose and the knowledge that only happiness waits for us after death. The following chapters contain the answers to various questions that can be revealed by the beliefs held by the Panostic Church.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:17:21 +0000

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