Chapter 201 Yeeeey ngingasatsi ngiyacuca, yati nje kwenta intfo - TopicsExpress


Chapter 201 Yeeeey ngingasatsi ngiyacuca, yati nje kwenta intfo longakayijwayele. T besekavele awuvulile umnyango so ngangena, ngavala. T- Ey babes, i was not expecting u Me- yeah i know, but i had to see u T- is everything ok Me- I should be asking u that T- eish come here He hugged me, and wangibamba so tight for a very long time and we were both silent. After some time wangiyekela and kissed me on the forehead. T- go back before u get in trouble. Ok manini bakwethu a very long hug, a kiss on the forehead and thats it. Phela mine i was expecting a lil drama. Me- Thank u T- are u still coming at the club tomorrow Me- I wont miss it for anything in the world T- Do u want VIPs Me- Uhmmm no love T- Ok see you then I called Titi and the cost was clear. So i kissed T on the cheek then went out. I took a deep breath then when in. Titi- hau Kay umkhandzile yini Tumelo yati nami i want her. Me- Want her, yooh that sounds wrong, akekho. Mk- Come here phovela Ngaphuma n joined them eBalcony. Me- Yebo lov Mk- ubuyaphi? Ngeva luvalo kwatsi angiwe Me- Oh bengiye kuTumelo Mk- Manje awukasho ngani Lissa- haaa mihlolo kani soyabika lomngani Mk- Maye uyaphapha Lissa Lissa- kepha Nathie ungitsandza nginjalo, angitsi baby yoooh saved by Lissa, phela bengimgati kutsi ngitomphendvula ngitsini.Sabukana kancane nje naLissa umngan wami. Nathie- uyati baby ngiyatifela ngawe, Manje Kaydee awusho senikhulumile kutsi nitohlala njani. Me- Yeah we will stay together sonkhe. Nathie- so babes ushoda ngani wena lekumele sikutsenge lapha. Lissa- toiletry, few closes, umbhedze Mk- ay ngatsi vele mele uyotsatsa iloan boy Nathie- mbamba mntwana, mara ke ngumfati wami, mother of my son, ngingatsi ngimuyekelela bani/ Me- Kute vele, tinakele Yati it was so grown up and responsible of Nathie to take full responsible of Lissa especially after her dad kicked her out when she was pregnant. Phela Nathie being Nathie nje bekangasuke adlale letitayela tebafana,. Nathie- manje kayee where can we get the bed here? Me- Uhmm nabe ngisengabona yini where i bought mine coz lapho its cheap and the deliver likuhle ngabo. Lissa- so love, dont worry for now, utongishiyela lemali then Kaydee will help me? Nathie- Nini coz monday classes ayacala. Me- Monday after class, neh Selus parents are coming as well so ja we will do everything lapho. Nathie- ok then, kepha mine mele ngibuye futsi to bring ur clothes Kwavele nje kwavuma ngenhloko kwaLissa. Me- Nibuya nonkhe nje BoJr naTiti ngatsi nje bebangasiva nekutsi sitsini, they were in a middle of a serious conversation. Sacubeka natsi sahlala at the balcony saze seva indlala. Lissa- Awww nani ngilambile mine manje, kani akudliwa yini lakhaya Nick- cha nami besengimane nje ngithulisile, angisakhona, sizeme boKaydee Mk- Udlala kabi kemanje boy, uzamywe ngubani? wam lomfati and mine ungentele kudla. Me- Cela nje ubatjela love, lute longaboni ekishini. Nick- Baby ngizame bo Lissa- Mine ngikhanuka inyama yekosiy cela sambeni siyosa shem. me- uta neplan kewena my friend, asambeni. Jr, Titi ncesini shem asambeni. Titi- ay mine guys ngitosala Nick- aybo mihlolo yemaSwati, ayikho leyo lets go usabani Titi- ay guys hambani Jr- Babes kute lotokutsintsa ngikhona, where are ur shoes, asambe. Ngaphuma kucala and I saw Kgosi naT outside eParking. Futsi nje bebamile with no sign kutsi batohamba. hehehehehe asha emazambane. I went back inside, Jr was standing next to titi. Me- Titi are u sure, He is outside I could see in her eyes kutsi she was scared. Jr- Babes i told u i will protect u Titi- ok. BoLissa already besebaphumile. Me- Hamba Jr sitolandzela wena. For some reason I was shaking as well. I was just hoping T sticks by our rules.We locked up naTiti then sehla. Me- U good? Titi- sure Bonkhe laba labanye were few steps ahead of us. Yey ngabona T naMk babukana ngalamanye emaGreen. Kgosi saw us, wayekela what ever they where talking about na T and came to us. T wama nje. Kgosi- Titi where have u been Titi- Am fine, how are u Kgosi Kgosi- ay answr me He was raising his voice, mine lapho sengithulile. Titi- I told u my parents are around. Kgosi- Dont lie to me, They saw u with a boy Titi- who is they? Jr came to us. Jr- ladies skhiphani Me- ay angati isuka ngani Kgosi- yol both stay out of this, am talking to my gf. T came closer. T- Kgosi, lets go boy. Kgosi- Tshepo!!!!! Hehehehe T vele was ready. T- ehhh fine T walked away and went to his flat, hau just like that he left his crazy friend. Jr- Titi, Kayde go to the car Yashintja iTone yaJr. We took a step Kgosi, wabamba Titi. Jr- Let go of her Kgosi- Or what Nick- Ay bo skhiphan lapho, wabanjwa kabuhlungu loTiti. Cha ngiyabona wababatse uyabika Kgosi, he didnt stand a chance, bebatocedza nje ngaye kube uke watihlanyisa. Wamyekela vele. Jr- Good boy. Sahamba naTiti wasilandzela Kgosi. Sangena emotweni and samushiya emile asibuka. Am sure bekutsi akafe mosi, cha mine nje i was just glad kutsi T didnt say anything. Titi was quiet saze safika lapho besiya khona. W e wlft then naJr emotweni. Cha shem from where i was standing Jr had a thing for Titi, kepha vele batsi ingwadla iyatsandzeka.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 14:20:10 +0000

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