Chapter 21 “The Battle” After The morning prayer, Imam - TopicsExpress


Chapter 21 “The Battle” After The morning prayer, Imam Husayn, arranged his men in ranks. He put Zuhayr ibn Al-Qayn in charge of his right flank, And Habib ibn Muzahir was placed in charge of his left flank. His brother Abbas was the standard bearer for Husayn’s small but brave band. In order to withstand a rear attack, The Imam had a ditch dug in the land Behind the tents, and filled it with firewood and cane. Imam had 32 horsemen and 40 infantrymen, 72 fighting men and Imam Husayn. That morning, Umar bin Sa’d also arranged his men in ranks. He marched towards Husayn with Amr ibn Al-Hajjaj in charge of the right flank. Shimir ibn Dhi Al-Jawshan was in charge of the the left flank. Urw ibn Quays commanded the cavalry, And Shabath ibn Rib’i commanded the infantry. And his servant Durayd was the standard bearer. The odds couldn’t get any unfairer. Husayn’s group was outnumbered by nearly one hundred to one. This was the scene at Karballa on Asuhra morning in 681. When that large cavalry started to approach him, with uplifted hands Husayn did recite: “Oh Allah! I trust in You in every grief, and in each violent plight. “You are my stored wealth and provision. I trust in you for everything. “Whatever happens to me, I will continue to trust you, Oh Almighty King. “No matter how much my heart may seem to weaken my trust in You; “No matter what trickery may seem to diminish my trust in You; “No matter how many friends leave me because of my trust in You; “No matter how many enemies rejoice because I only trust You; “What ever happens comes upon me only through You. “So when I complain to You about my situation, “It is because of my desire to be in communication With You alone. “You’ve comforted me, and through You, the meaning (of this battle) is known. “You are The Lord of All Goodness and Grace; “The Ultimate Desire; The Eternal Place.” The enemy began to move towards the rear of the tents of Imam Husayn. But when they saw the ditch, and the burning firewood and cane, Shimir called out loudly, “Al-Husayn! Are you hurrying towards the fire before Resurrection Day?” Imam recognized Shimir’s voice, and retorted, “Oh son of a goat-herdess, you are more worthy to be burned on that way.” One of Husayn’s men wanted to shoot an arrow at him But Husayn refused to initiate hostilities against them. Then The Imam called for his horse, and pranced nearer So they could hear what he had to say a little bit clearer. He stopped and called out as loudly as he could yell. “Oh People of Iraq!” Most everyone stopped and listened, as if shocked under a spell. “Oh people, listen to me. Do not hurry to attack me, “So that I can remind you of your duties to me and my family. “My purpose in telling you this is to make myself free “From any and all blame. “If you give me justice you will become happier and avoid shame. “If you do not give me justice of your own free will “Let it not be in darkness. Let it be a premeditated, cold blooded kill. “Then carry it out without further reflection. “Surely my Guardian is Allah; He cares for the righteous; with Him is protection. Then he praised God and glorified him; And called for blessings on the Prophet, and then he lectured them On God’s rights. His eloquence was without peer One has to wonder how these men could hear Such a moving speech, and not realize that this man was a God send. Every tongue was silent. Every ear did lend Husayn one hundred percent attention. Yet, they remained in a state of hostile contention. He said: “Trace back my lineage and consider who I am. “Then look at yourselves and contemplate. Am I a sham? “Or am I not truly your Prophet’s only living grandson? “Is not my father, the Prophet’s cousin and his number one companion? “Was he not the first male to believe, “In God, and what His Messenger did angelically receive? “Was not Hamza, the lord of the Martyrs, my father’s father’s brother “By the very same mother? “Was not Ja’far, the one who flies in Heaven, my father’
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:56:12 +0000

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