Chapter 28 I picked up Harry’s bag. We both walked upstairs and - TopicsExpress


Chapter 28 I picked up Harry’s bag. We both walked upstairs and walked into the guest room. “Why am I sleeping in here?” Harry asked. “where else are you going to sleep” I said laughing. “With you” he said winking. “haha your so funny but you’re not sleeping in my bed” I said. He pouted. “pweaseee” he said. “noo showy” I said. I went up to him and put my arms around his waist. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed him. “better?” I said. He smiled. “yes!” he said. I laughed. “so what should we do” I said sitting on the bed. “how about we go out to the pier for our 3rd date” Harry said sitting next to me. “Alright sounds good I’m going to get ready.” I said getting up. I walked out the guest room and into my room. I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and shaved. As I got out, I put a towel on my head and put my bathrobe on, I walked out the door with my head down. I kept walking until I bumped into something. I looked up and saw a shirtless Harry. “woah” I said looking at his abs. “hey sorry where are the towels?” Harry said with a smirk on his face. “t-they over i-in the closet” I said stuttering still looking at his body. “Babe you okay” he said laughing. “psh yeah I’m fine” I said. “well alrght” he said turning around almost out the door he turned back and said. “I know you were looking at my body beautiful” he said winking. I blushed. He laughed and walked to the closet. I laughed and went into my closet. “hmmm what to wear” I said. - After 20 minutes of deciding what to wear I finally picked out this: polyvore/my_outfit/set?id=102580439 as I fixed my makeup I saw Harry standing at the door. I turned around to face him. “so how do I look” I said to Harry. “you look amazing” he said. I smiled. Harry was wearing black skinny jeans , a white t shirt with a plaid cardigan. “you look amazing yourself” I said to him. “shall we go” he said. “yes we shall” I said laughing. I grabbed my phone and we both went downstairs and walked out the door. I grabbed my keys from under the mat and tossed them over to Harry. We sat in my car and drove off to the pier. “(y/n)” Harry said. “yes” I said. “uhm I’m sorry I have to bring this up but….Marcel…..Likes you” Harry said. My heart stopped beating. “w-what” I said. “as I was getting ready, I got a text from Marcel. he asked where I was. And I said your house. Then we started talking and he said Harry don’t get mad at me but I still like her so sorry” and then I got mad but I didn’t want to show it and ruin our date and I wanted to wait and tell you but I just couldn’t hold it in. and He promised he wouldn’t like you” Harry said angrily. His grip tightend on the wheel. I can’t believe Marcel. I grabbed Harry’s hand and held it tight. “Harry…. No matter what I will never like Marcel. He can’t ruin our relationship I’ll never let that happen.” I said to Harry. “now loosen up, you’re with me now on our 3rd date” I said again. I kissed his cheek. He smiled. “I guess you’re right. We shouldn’t let Marcel ruin our relationship” Harry said. I smiled trying to hide the face that I was angry. Chapter 29 soon ~Mrs.Malik
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:37:16 +0000

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