Chapter 3 - The Text & Chaotic Households Luke… I just got - TopicsExpress


Chapter 3 - The Text & Chaotic Households Luke… I just got a text from Luke. Oh golly, what does he want? I click on the message and read what he said. “Hey it’s Luke(:, you know, Alex’s friend. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and also wanted to know if you would like to come to me and Alex’s school basketball game tomorrow?(: oh and while I’m still typing, I wanna ask. Are you gonna play soccer in the spring? If so, what team? ‘Cause im gonnatry try to be playing on the Dakota Wolves team. Gtg hopefully I’ll see you there. and you are pretty cute btw(;” Wait… I reread the text from him. “and you are pretty cute btw(;” that part stuck out. But, why me? He just met me today. He.. He doesn’t even know me. I thought. I shake my head snapping out of my thoughts. He is probably a player and says that every girl he’s ever met, seen. I told myself that about a thousand times. I then heard someone yelling for me from downstairs. I replace my headphones down on my keyboard and resting the screen down. I turn on my phone, checking the time. 5:33pm. How long was I sitting there? I get up from my chair, taking my dirty blonde hair and placing it in a bun. A pretty messy bun, but I was only going to eat dinner. I’ll be back up later so it wouldn’t matter. I go down the stairs, but as I do I don’t see Jonathan’s toy dump truck sitting ¼ from the bottom of the staircase. My left foot lands inside the back and the truck slides from under me, making me fall down the stairs. I land at the bottom, rubbing my now bruised butt. I didn’t realize my foot twisted, but I feel pain coming from it. Jasmine comes running from the kitchen, along with my father, to my rescue. “Marie! Are you okay?” they ask in unison. “Yeah. I’m fine, my butt and foot hurts though.” My father looks down at my feet. “Oh sweety, your left foot is swollen.” “It may be broken or fractured or.. Or..” Jasmine butted in before she got cut off by the thumping of footsteps coming from the stairs above me. I see Jonathan grab his truck, come up beside me, and kiss my cheek. “I sowwy.” He said in a cute voice. “Aww… come here boy.” I say hugging him. “Its okay bubby, I’ll be fine. Just don’t leave your toys on the stairs next time.” I let go of him, but hold his shoulders. He nods, and I run my right hand through his hair. He giggles then runs to one of the rooms. Probably watching Spongebob in the living room with Ky. Just then, my left hand starts throbbing. I grab it with my right, and sigh. Sounding like Peter Griffin. “Woah Marie, what happened here?” I hear Jeff say from behind. My father says what happens as Jasmine helps me up to my feet. I start losing my balance but Jeff helps. “Hey. One of y’all grab the keys and lets go get me checked out. Okay?” I ask in a sort of smart remark while the whole place is going chaotic. “Well Miss Marie. It looks as if your ankle has a fracture in it while your wrist looks sprained. Both will be wrapped in new wrapping tape in a few. No casts or broken bones. You can go home after the new tape.” The doctor told me, smiled then left. She must have went to tell the nurse and everybody else while I lay on this uncomfortable hospital bed. Finally, Jeff comes smirking. “Well well well. I told you you were a klutz.” “Am not!” I yelled back. “Well, be careful next time. Anyways, hows you feeling?” he always says words weirdly don’t mind him. “Fine, just getting a headache.” I lied but also told the truth. I was getting a headache but I wasn’t fine. I was still a bit heartbroken. He knew it to I could see it on his face he knew something was up. “Still heartbroken aren’t ya?” he asked. I slowly nod, while slowly looking up at him. He hugs me, then after a minute he lets go. He wipes a tear from my cheek and under my eyes. ‘No sister of mine will cry in front of me. It just takes time, okay?” I nod again and a nurse comes in with the wrap. ‘We’ll finish this at home.” Jeff whispers. I hobbled in on my crutches then heading for the couch. Jonathan is watching TV and Ky is watching me. Alex is asleep on the couch holding Jonathan who is dosing off, and Luke is laying in the chair asleep. I easily lay myself on the couch as Jeff goes to the kitchen, getting me an Advil and a glass of water. Jasmine and my dad are going shopping since Christmas is coming up. Ky gets off her little beanbag chair and comes to my couch, her binkie in her mouth and her favorite blankie in her hands. I adjust myself against the back of the couch, leaving room on the edge for Ky. She gets on the edge and lays down. Jeff comes back with the Advil and water. I slightly sit up, take the pill and drink the water, setting the glass on the coffee table. I relax back down and rub Ky’s hair. She’s almost asleep at this point. I start to dose off myself. But, about ten minutes later before I’m out of it, I feel my fluffy blanket put on-top of me and Ky. I open one eye to see the lights dimmed, Jonathan and Alex on the couch, Hunter in the chair, and Jeff laying in a bed on the floor he made out of pillows and blankets. “Thanks Jeff. Good night.” I whisper, closing my eye back shut. “You’re welcome Marie. Good night.” He quietly says back. I wrap my arms around my sister and fall asleep. The sound of low volumed TV and snoring is the only thing I hear before dreamland hits me.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:39:12 +0000

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