Chapter 34 2 weeks has gone by and I have had absolutely - TopicsExpress


Chapter 34 2 weeks has gone by and I have had absolutely nix,nada, ziltch from Siya. I still had his engagement ring on, hoping he would come around and apologised. I stay near my phone like a maniac so that I dont miss his calls but he didnt even bother. I had to think and think fast about the situation I was in and how to get myself out of it. I decided that I should get over him like any break-up because clearly he had broken up with me. I then decided to go to his house to hand him his ring back. I got to the door and I was lost for words. The whole way there I was planing my speech and I knew what to say but the minute I was on their staircase leading to the front door, I kind of lost my voice. I built up all the confidence I had in me and I rang the bell. Within seconds someone opened the door. It was none other then Andile. This guy seems to always be there. Well it was his house after all *my subconscious told me*. Andile my baby, I have missed you. Me Andile get out of my way. He was trying to go for a hug when I stopped him. Me Andile, Im not here to play games, is Siya home??? . Andile who cares about that idiot??? All I want is you. Out of no where pops up his mother. She was eavesdropping on this little commotion Andile and I were having. Me Good afternoon, Mrs Parker. Mrs Parker you only started calling me mum recently and now you have stopped, but why is that my dear daughter. I was about to answer when sudden Mrs Parker says to Andile Get out of my sight before I lose my temper, how can you hit on your brother wife-to-be??? You have no shame, this conversation is not disappear from my very eyes. You were saying dear. She said turning back to me. Me Mrs Parker, I dont know how to say this but Im not going to be your daughter-in-law anymore. Siya comes out of no where as well *these people know how to pop up and scare people neh*. Siya Damn right , you wont. I dont know what you even doing here. The fact that you had the audacity to set foot in this house again after what you did. Mrs Parker haibo Siyabonga, thats not how to talk to a lady. Siya mum, stay out of this. When I finally found my voice I let out I just came to give you your ring back not to fight as I figured you might want it back. I let out those words so softly that I thought he never heard me but he did. He stepped forward, took my hand aggressively and took the ring off my finger. I was so embarrassed that I ran out. On my way out, I bumped into Nomthandazo and she tried stopping me and asking what was wrong but then I just shook my way out of her arms. I heard her asking her brother so loudly and anger evident in her voice. I could hear him replying Let her run away from her problems, like they always do when they do things. I couldnt stop crying as I was soooo hurt. When I got home, I saw that we had visitors and I thought to myself Really, are you joking right now??? After the two weeks I had and the addition of today...we have to have my grandparents, aunt and strict uncle here???. I decided that after I park my car, I would escape through the garage, pass the back door and into the cottage but to my surprise. They were having lunch outside and I didnt realise until someone called out Mbalenhlehle and the only person who called me like that I was my grandmother. I turned around to see my whole family staring at me and I said under my breath shiz, its over!!!....technical problems diary but Im trying here
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:35:06 +0000

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