Chapter 39 “Meeting the Chirokusai Heinako Branch” In the - TopicsExpress


Chapter 39 “Meeting the Chirokusai Heinako Branch” In the last chapter Kasuyo had started on a journey to see if he could find some answers to his past. He wasn’t sure about what he was looking for exactly but what he did know was that he wanted to find answers to who he is and what he was brought on the earth for. During his journey he met a lot of different people and some of them even treated him like a normal person. Then he got to a place called Heinako City. He felt like he knew the place. He felt like he had lived there once before. Then suddenly outta the blue he was held hostage by a criminal and then he was shot in the chest. The officers then picked him up and then carried him to their office. He then wakes up in a building lying on a couch with a blanket over him. He tries to move when a voice said “You know you shouldn’t get up or move around for a while.” He looked around and said “Who said that?” He then saw a woman standing right in front of him which scared him quite a bit. He then started to feel the pain from the wound that he received. The woman then said “You see, that’s why I told you not to move.” He asked “Who are you?” The woman said “Right now our main objective is to take care of you. Chesuai, is the medicine ready?” “Almost. Just a few more minutes.” “Alright.” The woman stood up and she asked him “So what’s your name Hun?” He started to blush and then he said “My name is Kasuyo Rioma.” The woman said “Kasuyo huh.” The other woman came into the room and said “Okay the medicine is done.” The first woman said “Good. Alright let’s put the medicine on your wounds.” He said nervously “Uh, okay...” While they were putting the medicine on his wounds he asked them “So who are you people?” The second woman said “Oh, how rude of us we should introduce ourselves.” The first one said “Yeah we should.” The two women got up from their chairs and they said “Alright Kasuyo my name is Hinako Miyumo and the one next to me is Chesuai Yamamoto.” Chesuai said “Hey Hinako don’t you think that Cori and Yuko should be here by now?” Hinako said “Yeah you’re right. I wonder where they are.” She took out a special phone and said “This is Hinako calling either Corina or Yuko can either of you hear me?” One voice said “Yea, we’re almost here.” She said “Alright, well when you get here there’s someone that I want you two to meet.” The other voice said “Take a chill pill we’ll be here soon.” Hinako said “Alright, I’m counting on you guys.” Then she hung up. She went over to them and said “They should be here soon.” Chesuai said “I hope they didn’t get into a fight while on their mission.” Kasuyo thought to himself “Mission? I wonder what they mean.” Then a few minutes later the door opened and a man said “Welcome back girls.” They said “Thanks a lot manager.” Kasuyo didn’t notice that there was another person here besides him and the four women. He asked “Um excuse me but… who is this man?” Cori said “What? You don’t know who he is? Who are you kid?” Hinako said “Take it easy Cori. This kid isn’t from around here.” Cori said “Ha, that’s a lame excuse. So then if he’s not from here then what’s he doing here?” Chesuai said “We were just going to ask him those same questions.” Kasuyo looked like he was going to say something but then he started to get really blurry vision and then he passed out. The girls saw him unconscious and Chesuai started to panic. She said “Oh, what’s the matter? Are you alright? Should we call an ambulance or something? Ah, what should we do?” Hinako grabbed her shoulders and she said “Calm down Chesuai. He’s probably just tired from the medicine kicking in.” Yuko went to him and she felt his forehead. Then a few seconds later she said “Yeah, and not only that it looks like he’s developed a really bad fever as well.” Hinako said “Oh really.” Then there was a slight pause and then she said “Maybe the wound he received from the gun shot was more serious than we first thought.” The manager said “So what should we do?” Hinako said “We’ll let him rest for right now.” She then looked at them and said “Alright everyone, now let’s get back to work.” They all said “Right.” Then they went back to what they were doing. While they were working Hinako went into the kitchen, grabbed a wet wash cloth and then she was going to give it to Kasuyo but then Cori walked in and said “Hey.” She turned to her and then Cori said “You want me to give it to him?” Hinako said “Well…” Then Cori interrupted her and said “I can do it. Besides you have some work to do yourself.” She then gave it to her and said “Alright but after you give him the ice pack be sure to get back to work.” Cori said “Don’t worry I will.” She then said “I’m counting on you.” Then she walked back to her desk. Cori went up to him and she saw that he looked really weak and frail. She said to herself “Man this kid doesn’t look so good.” She put the wet wash cloth right on his forehead. After she did that she went to her desk and then she started doing the work that Hinako assigned for her. Hinako is the leader of the group called Chirokusai Heinako Branch of Heinako City. Their jobs are to hunt down criminals and bring them to the police and then they get money for every criminal that they capture and bring into justice. Hinako looked at the files of all the wanted criminals that were still on the loose and she knew that they all couldn’t handle them all by themselves and she also knew that a group of four girls wouldn’t be enough to take down all the wanted criminals that were out there. So she talked to the girls and she asked them if they wanted to hire on a new member to the team. Cori was against the idea at first but then Yuko explained to her that if they had more help they could get criminals a lot faster and they could also be rich from the money that they would make. When she heard that she was totally for the idea. Hinako said “Alright it’s settled.” Chesuai said “Uh excuse me Hinako? But who did you have in mind to join our group?” Then she pointed to Kasuyo and then they all agreed. So they all agreed that when Kasuyo recovered from his fever then they would ask him to be a member of the Chirokusai Heinako Branch of Heinako City. Then they all cheered.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:11:52 +0000

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