Chapter 4 Manifest... In 2006... a book called The Secret made - TopicsExpress


Chapter 4 Manifest... In 2006... a book called The Secret made its way onto the world stage. With tremendous attention and fanfare the secret was revealed to be The Law of Attraction... a mysterious force, or system of belief that seemed to deny the role of God, destiny and fate. The authors claimed the power to manifest and create had been given to man... by The Universe, and that all man needed to do was believe. So naturally The Secret shortcuts and the promises of the good life were easy to sell... and sell the book and video did. Millions of people all around the world bought into what The Secret had to sell. Revenues grew and grew and grew and so did a new mystery. If its that easy... why doesnt someone just believe in world peace, or believe their way to the end of world hunger, poverty and disease. Lack of proof... Caused me and others to believe, maybe the authors should have delayed the release of the book for a few more years until they manifested the answers to the hard question of proof. But maybe its time, for those of us who believe in God, destiny and fate to consider for a moment that its possible the book came when it did, because it was a part of Gods Plan. So mankind would have the time and space we needed... to be able to think about The Law of Attraction as we head into these treacherous modern times. Who is right and who is wrong... only time will tell. Until then, as we look for answers and for those we can trust, maybe we should turn our attention and quest for the truth to the great, modern American Philosopher... Forrest Gump. For those who have seen the film Forrest Gump, you know the source when you hear the words Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get. But Tom Hanks who played Forrest Gump, also reasoned in talking about destiny and chance: I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe its both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. Before giving up on The Law of Attraction, maybe all of us should consider just how many things can happen at the same time and in the same space. Remember This: The lost secret to The Law of Attraction is in the mirror. The Law of Attraction is not unlike any THING that mankind has failed to understand... until the time came... that mankind had finally earned the knowledge to understand the THING. To better understand the idea of The Law of Attraction... its best to start with the idea that it isnt possible for the mind of a man or woman to completely understand it. OR control it. No, the best we can do... is to try our very best to look at the idea of The Law of Attraction through very humble eyes and try to understand how best to work within it. With that in mind, lets start here... The Russian invasion of The Ukraine. The Tea Party. Americas infatuation with William and Kate and Baby George. AND the rush to legalize Marijuana. Well, its all connected. In fact, EVERYTHING is connected... by a single MATH formula. This MATH formula... IS far too complex for the mind of any man or woman to fully understand... at least for now. But that doesnt mean that the whole of mankind cant avail itself of the magic that comes from knowing that every thing has a value... a value that is either a degree of good or bad. Now, the real Value of a thing is what it is... no matter whether your or I... or anyone else chooses to place a good or bad value on it. No, in this math formula The Value of a thing just... IS. For too long... some people tried to impose their values on others and that didnt turn out very well at all. Why? Because every action has a reaction... and far too often the imposed Value wasnt seen through humble enough eyes... to get the real Value of the thing right. AND large numbers of people reacted badly to the fact that the people who were trying the hardest to impose their values... hadnt done a very good job in living by them. Fortunately, over time, mankind began to get the real Values right. But just as mankind began to get the right Values right... along came 9.11. And what came after 9.11... Well, we still havent gotten right. The key essential element to making this MATH formula work for YOU... is to choose a purpose worth fighting for. In other words... a dream, that you hold so precious that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the Values right... IN ORDER to see your dream come true. And FIXING what is wrong in your life OR in the world... is ONLY a matter of getting the Values right. If only... You had more education… if only your parents had done a better job… if only people weren’t so critical… if only it were meant to be... if only you were stronger. Then you would show the world what you could really do. But instead, that different life that seems to call you remains beyond your reach. No matter what choices you and others close to you have made in your lifetime... where and who you are today can change in a moment. Deep down inside you know this, but somewhere along the way you lost touch with the freedom, faith and courage to change the direction of your current fate. The life that you seek is not out of reach... its just out of your current range. To bring it within range you must begin to believe that it is. This is a difficult concept for most people to understand because they have allowed the outward conditions of their life to become their only true basis for considering what is possible. Poor planning, bad advice and past mistakes make it easy to accept failure and mediocrity and once that happens the potential of the individual yields to the good or bad in the past. Never realizing the power of vision… most people only see a future in which the past indicates what comes next. Lost to those who are trapped in repeating thoughts and behaviors is a fundamental understanding about the fact that it is The Vision... of what the future holds, not what was done in the past… that will have the most impact on the course that your life will take. Common thinking may have to this point kept you from envisioning “more” for yourself, but together we can change that and we must. Because those who achieve greatness in life know that the conditions created by past missteps and mistakes are not indications of a place in life but instead lessons for moving beyond it. A simple shift of perspective placing a new emphasis on the future instead of the past will create a dynamic change in context that can alter your perception of the world and set forth a new set of beliefs to support the attainment of whatever you desire. With a strong sense of purpose nothing is beyond the reach of your imagination and the active cooperation of others who also share your sense of purpose. So the most important first step... is to clarify your vision or purpose. Technology has changed Everything... unfortunately, most people fail to see the connection between a declaration of liberty in 1776 and the need to be gainfully employed in 2013. Most of US still live in a Resume Driven Life accepting the same rules, the same interviews and the same opinions of under qualified onlookers, managers, parents and friends. In America we have many rights worth fighting for... So why is it that regaining self-determination at work is not yet one of them? Will you do the work and have faith in Your Self... Before someone with power and authority says you should? Sadly, for all too many of US... we allow year after year after year to pass by, without ever beginning to identify and chase The Dream that would give purpose and meaning to our time on earth. So the term Career Path means nothing more than a systematic series of tests to gain the favor of people with power. Or worse it becomes consensual physical and emotional servitude to people who have taken the time to define their interests in the hopes that you wont. When you move from the world of Youll have to pay me more to do that job to the world of I dont care what it costs... thats when youll know You have found your W.A.Y. too. I believe J.K. Rowling, brilliant author of the Harry Potter stories, knew from her very first thoughts regarding Harry, that she wasnt writing a book or a novel but instead a fluid explanation of courage and wisdom. What better way for people of all ages to understand the unbridled power of combining courage and real wisdom, but through the eyes of an unlikely hero... a frail adolescent, filled with self-doubt... burdened by rules, obstacles and family disadvantages... logically incapable... yet time after time remarkably capable. You too are the unlikely hero. The essence of freedom, faith and courage is within you and however unlikely it may seem right now, access to this life altering energy that allows you to step outside the logical progression of your life and into a better version of Self... is only a decision away. Are you ready to discover The Hero within? A chance to finally know your purpose and then spend the rest of your life fulfilling it is within your grasp... if you can conceive of the first step. And then the next. Sooner or later and over time, with enough steps and leaps of faith, then... one door closes, another door opens. -J.K. Rowling
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 13:49:02 +0000

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