Chapter 5 Responsibility... The Universe is governed by rules. - TopicsExpress


Chapter 5 Responsibility... The Universe is governed by rules. We call some of these rules Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Physics, The Law of Gravity and Einsteins Theory of Relativity. Lumped all together we call these rules... Math. The American Dream also has rules and over time I thought maybe, just like everything else in the universe... The American Dream may also be governed by math. Not simple math but higher math that we might find a way to understand someday. If true, then the magic formula must be an algorithm of a sort that makes all dreams... good and bad come true. If true, then the magic formula would look a lot like this... The Secret Dream Code: Rate of Freedom x Degree of Faith x Speed of Courage x Delay in Gratification = The Dream Here are the basics- How You See Your Self... is the magic code in the back of your mind and deep in your soul. If you dont like what you see when you look in the mirror or when you look at your career or when you pick up a newspaper, then the lost secret to The American Dream is what you seek. In order to survive in this modern world You MUST possess the right codes and NOT be possessed by the wrong ones. Each person, family, nation and race has a sacred obligation to acquire the right codes before it is too late. This race is The Human Race... and its a race that ALL can win. The starting place is unequal and it is true, there will be many losers... but NOT because they began the race in the wrong place. Who wins and who loses is determined only by the earned ability to be in the right place when this race finally comes to an end... and the new one begins. Remember... just as ALL can win this race- in this modern world, ALL can lose as well. Need proof? Take a look at The Modern Kennedy Family. Where to begin? Always begin with Purpose... AND... with the Idea that YOUR MONEY SERVES A PURPOSE TOO... AND... SELF-SACRIFICE for the BETTERMENT OF OTHERS is Deep Beautiful Magic. Why begin there? Because Inspiration comes as a thread and because You MUST Do the thing that you see needs to be done, first... EVEN IF IT HURTS... AND... EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY... AND... EVEN IF IT TAKES LONGER THAN YOU THINK IT SHOULD. And remember, intense, prolonged periods of stress can activate or turn on parts of the brain that give a person access to amazing inspired thought. Stress can be a very, very good thing if the cause of the stress is a cause or Purpose worth fighting for. Otherwise, Stress is a killer. The most beautiful code ever given to man is the idea that ALL men and women are created equal... but NOT all ideas... and the only way to respond to problems that rise out of darkness and hate is more light. Why? Because darkness is the absence of light. Whats the secret behind bringing more light into your life? Only You- can pay the price for more light and make the darkness melt into The Light. In this modern world, when The Idea of Equality spreads... great light and beauty manifests and spreads. As more and more people fancy themselves as modern-day Kings and Queens--- more and more people will sell their soul for power. When that happens, sooner or later and one way or another there will be hell to pay. Every thing is a mystery with a Sequence of Codes waiting to be discovered... with the price for darkness and light being the same... Trial and Error... resulting in different codes of course. And nothing is more important than where you draw the line. Why? Because... The Universe is self-balancing. So if you have a sticky situation of any kind, to fix it... think... Fractal Geometry. Every Thing of value has a price... and No Thing out of balance works as it should and in Order to get an Inspired thing right, you MUST get the price, timing and the order of things right AND choose for your Self the right side of More or Less. Why? Because technology has finally thinned the line between Success and Failure to the point where anyone who makes the right or wrong choices regarding how they spend their time and money can move along lines and circles that were not a part of their familys original fate. Need proof? Ask The GraigsList Killer Philip Markoff... and the singer Susan Boyle to tell you their stories. Within each and every one of us are two conflicting spirits... one that serves only The Light and one that serves only The Dark. The spirit that serves The Light is... The Better Self and the spirit that serves The Dark is... The Lesser Self. Most simply put, our life conditions and circumstances reflect which spirit is in charge of our life at any given moment in time. Our beliefs shape the nature of the battle within us... but it is our choices that prove the true nature of our beliefs and reveal which spirit is in charge... More or Less. The pursuit of purpose and the pursuit of The Better Self is a symbiotic relationship... one cannot exist without the other. Each time we choose we make a conscious choice to feed the ideas, attitudes, habits, thoughts and behaviors of one spirit or the other. The power of either spirit to attract more light or darkness into our lives, adjusts one way or another by degree based on what spirit is fed and what spirit is not. This is how The Law of Attraction works. The two spirits constantly fight and for some, neither spirit will gain the upper hand within their lifetime. For others, one spirit clearly dominates the other... and in rare circumstances pure Evil is created when The Dark Spirit kills off any sign of Light. For a relative few each spirit grows VERY strong at the same time. When this happens, each side does what it can to turn the battle... into a life or death struggle- where only one victor will survive. Thats how the destiny and fate of President William Jefferson Clinton collided with the destiny and fate of The White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The good news? You Become That Which You See Your Self Do... thats the idea that will change everything for good. Remember, every thing that you have seen your Self do matters... but what matters most is what you have seen your Self do... most recently. Meaning, you very much can teach an old dog new tricks... IF... you find a way to put the past in its place. The American Dream... is not just for Americans and its not a house with a white picket fence. Its not a nice car or boat. Its not going to college. Its an inspired dream about the way things ought to be and for those who do what it takes to make The World a Better Place... come the rewards that might come in the form of a nice house, car or boat. But if you pursue the rewards without the pursuit of The Dream, it wont take long to see you arent really free if you go to work each day for the purpose of making another persons dreams come true. For a time, too many people went straight to collecting the symbols of success only to find out over time, that the symbols of success without the journey and The Dream... are unsustainable. The Rate of Freedom... You arent free if you are a Slave to indebtedness of ANY kind. Freedom is Intellectual and Emotional and when it comes to feeling free to pursue The American Dream... both are equally important. So whats standing in the way of experiencing the Intellectual Growth that grows bank accounts and happiness? A lack of Emotional Freedom caused by blocking beliefs. Its these blocking beliefs that keep average people from learning the knowledge that technology is eager to teach... everyone. The Degree of Faith… Life and energy have a flow and those who “do all they can with what they have” always find that they have all the energy and cooperation they need to fulfill their inspired purposes. When you come to realize this, the golden key then becomes your own action and Not the permission of others. Building faith in your Self, Your Neighbor and in God (if you so choose) comes with a price… enough Trust to continuously take actions based only in that trust even in the face of harsh and predictable consequences or discomfort. The Speed of Courage… The fear of pain is often much more painful than the pain that comes from doing the right thing. And the secret to building courage is to feel the sting of the pain and still do the right thing again and again. Bold and Strong people gain their strength by overcoming Pain and all the rest of life’s obstacles that are unknown and unknowable to those who are overly concerned with finding “the path of least resistance”. Character... forged by courage has a speed and sometimes, just as the song says the waiting is the hardest part, but having the courage to show up on-time with an open mind to the far-reaching possibilities beyond your current abilities... Well lets just say, those are two of the most important ongoing factors in making your dreams come true. The Delay of Gratification... Absence of Money, Love, Success and Good Health can be a true godsend... IF... you can discover the purpose that makes it all good in the end. Money and Success feed the ego and shift the Selfs attention to the celebration and the pursuit of comfort and pleasure. Keep the celebration and excessive pleasure at bay and you will attract the rest of the ideas and cooperation that will make for a lasting celebration... some day soon when the Purpose and Better Self are complete. Delay Gratification long enough and a degree of Self-Sacrifice begins to set in and... the demons begin to step out. TENACITY, TENACITY, TENACITY is the key to unlocking the secrets to ANY Dream. It took a financial system meltdown and a mortgage and credit crisis for millions of Americans to see working for the purpose of monthly payments is a nightmare in the making. Its simple, if you arent free to pursue your own dreams then you arent free to dream The American Dream. Thats why there isnt a Roman Dream or a Hitler Dream or a Soviet Dream. With all this mounting Debt... its plain to see America is becoming less free one Credit Card purchase, one Big Bank Bailout and one lost American Dream at a time. As you venture out of various shades and layers of gray and perhaps even darkness into a new world... a world that is more light and filled with all the good things that come from the ideas and instincts of light, resist with all your heart the temptation to accept less for your Self... and then get prepared for the fight of your life. Or at the very least brace your Self for the pain that always comes from meaningful change. Why? Because nothing changes a person faster and more effectively than pain... for good or bad. The Science of Emotion advances every day... as researchers learn more and more about how our beliefs and thoughts can negatively or positively affect our state of health, prosperity and conscious awareness of ideas and opportunities. Many experts agree the next 25 years of mind research will reveal a convergence of science and philosophy which may very well force all of us to reconsider what is possible for mankind. Is The Secret Dream Code... THE EXACT... formula that will determine your place in the world? NO it is not. But it is a good start and a very good way to begin to understand just how very important our emotions have become in this modern world. Oh, one more thing... When you get to a point in your life when you think you have it All Under Control... think again. Because there is a great deal more to see... than what WE are ALL ready and able to see. In other words... HUMILITY... will go a VERY long way when lifes winners and Losers are finally able to see that sometimes the ONLY choice you may have is to lose and to keep losing until the time comes when you have done all that you needed to do... to stop losing. Because, sometimes you can get everything right but the timing... and because the timing is wrong, your dream just cant come true no matter how hard you try... or how many different ways you try to get something right. Dont know what I mean? Then read Steve Jobs... the authorized autobiography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson. At the age of 56 Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder died from a treatable form of pancreatic cancer. Two and a half weeks later, his authorized autobiography hit the store shelves. Some people say its all too soon... I say its right on time. Steve Jobs proved the idea of The American Dream true. He also proved the value of trusting your intuition or Inspiration and credits his success to what he calls magical thinking and the ability to re-shape reality. Meaning he got things done that other people said couldnt be done. His intuition said do it anyway. His intuition said do it this way. Jobs was rewarded for not letting anyone or anything stand in the way of his vision. So one might wonder, did his intuition or Inspiration fail him when he refused early, possibly life saving treatment for pancreatic cancer? Maybe... but then again, maybe not. Today, We know... because of Isaacsons book, that Steve Jobs was adopted, had Syrian roots, came from humble beginnings, was a hippie, the worlds greatest capitalist... and perhaps, one of the most self-centered people of his generation. At a time when millions of Americans are out of work, The Arab world is on fire and The me Generation has just about run its course... and many modern-day hippies are Occupying Wall Street and the parks of so many US cities and some are demanding an end to Capitalism... and thousands of Syrians are literally dying in the streets of Syria for freedom and equality and the number one political issue of the day is jobs, jobs, jobs... well, maybe its time once again to re-shape reality. Because America is endless-war weakened and weary... and deeply divided. And Mr. Obama is without the moral authority or the mandate to unite US at a time when the world will need Americas strength the most. Whats all this really mean? Like it or not... and whether you like him or not, The President of these United States is going to need our help! In other words America... its time to Think Different... again. Pope Benedict resigning amidst scandal and disgrace, Super Storm Sandy... and The Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Mega Tornadoes and Floods in the heartland of America and other natural tragedies like the Japanese Quake and Tsunami compounded by all sots of man-made corruption and everyday we live with the very real threat of a wide spread economic collapse that makes us all hold our breath each and every time a new tragedy hits home or a new fire begins to rage. These are the times We live and like it or not this tidal wave of chaos and change is beyond our ultimate control. No... we cant control the fury, but we can make much, much better choices about how We channel the energy of The Next Storm. Today... The Middle East is on Fire and millions of Americans are Out of Work. America is in a slump and while we are no longer the underdog, its time for a late inning comeback and a good old fashioned American win... before its too late. The agents of division and hate have 13 years and momentum on their side, but they lack the ideas that make America great. Unfortunately, America has lost a step or two and maybe even her way because we lost sight of the original promise that brought prosperity and greatness our way. Belief in America begins and ends with belief in The American Dream and Americas fate is literally in our own hands when each of US finally chooses to see... The words Pursuit of Happiness were written for you and for me. The answers to Americas greatest problems will never be found in a speech... no matter how great the speaker and speechwriter may be. The eventual solution to any problem will be unearthed by men and women who are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. The Great Leadership Crisis that I see is as vast as it is deep and over time it has become crystal clear to me that it is virtually impossible to knock-off one problem at a time. No, what America needs to do is fix ALL the problems at the same time... and that means we are going to need the inspired effort and dreams of each and every American. Today, America needs lots and lots of new heroes and leaders. So go ahead and ask your Self... if not You... who? Right now, America is led by a whole host of uninspired men and women who have come to believe that it is often better for them to let a problem go unfixed. Simply put it is easier to blame someone else... than to accept the difficulties and the burden of the fix... and for a while they were right. But now almost everything needs to be fixed. Over the last 238 years it has been The American Better Self that brought great light and beauty into the world. Unfortunately, since September 11th... it is The American Lesser Self that has been making most of the news. The good news? If you watch the news closely, its easy to see a marvelous shift in the debate over prevailing ideas has taken place. No longer is it a question of if Freedom, Equality, Democracy and Capitalism are the right ideas. What the world wants to know now is if... The People of America still believe in those ideas and whether The American Better Self is still in control of America. Given the critical nature of the times we live, its finally time for the good people of America to choose, once and for all... what type of country We really want America to be... More or Less. Lost in all the bad news of the day is the truth that The American Better Self has never been stronger than it is today and that contained in The Great Leadership Crisis are the opportunities of a lifetime for anyone who is willing to share in the burden and share in the hard work of fixing what has gone so wrong. My hope is... that by sharing my observations and beliefs, that you might also come to see the answer to getting the most out of your life and the solution to fixing Americas leadership crisis have always been... one in the same. Regardless of diverse religious and political beliefs being an American means embracing the idea that Any person can transition their thoughts into reality... And that ONLY in death or uncertainty is the fate of an individual sealed. From this one shared belief our Nations optimism became endless and our faith in individual accomplishment limitless. With the ability to source instant knowledge comes a new bridge to the subconscious mind and the golden gateway to the Imagination and the means to consciously grasp the significance of each flash of Inspiration. For the first time, mankind has the technology to in time, answer the question What do my thoughts really mean? Dont know what I mean? The next time a thought seems to come out of nowhere... write it down, then Google it and see if Inspiration leads to your American Dream. The soft voice of Inspiration whispers to us ALL. The Real Secret to Life... is in how we chose to respond to Inspirations call and what promises we decide to keep, make and break... over time. But always remember, only a strong sense of purpose can bend the flow of Inspiration your way. There is a great equalizer for people who need it. For people who don’t seem to get the breaks and for people who know that there must be something more to life than what they have. A driving force within all people that is capable of fueling marvelous accomplishments and the rewards that follow... like money, happiness, love and good health. These rewards are the benefits that go hand in hand with the creation of significant value. The trouble for most people is that while they understand that these so called rewards do come as a result of success, they cannot envision for themselves creating the type of success that could bring such things. And because they lack a commitment to a specific vision for creating success, they feel as though they need to rely on luck or breaks from others or their ability to rationalize why it is OK to go without. Gaining access to this personal power that creates great accomplishments will not require that you have an Ivy League education, powerful friends, a track record of success or a mastery of valuable skills. But what is necessary is a vision of something very special to you. Something intensely meaningful. In short... A Purpose for Your Life. Your full commitment to relentlessly pursue a specific Purpose for your life will determine your sense of satisfaction throughout your life. With it you will embrace and develop the talents, ideas and experiences which serve you well while letting go those that do not. Having “more” in your life will require you to make changes and with a specific purpose for making those changes, you will. You may have set goals before. This is NOT about setting goals… although you will accomplish many. You may have tried to make changes before. This is not about “Trying” to make changes… although many will occur. There were a lot of days that led to... Today and the way that you feel about your tomorrow. In Order to change your future you must find a way to re-align the coming days. When you choose a cause of purpose in essence you are creating a new lens to understand the value of past experiences and the days ahead. When you learn to see the value of your best and worst days in a different way... you will be on your way to an exciting new day. To begin that journey, I would like to take you to a place in your memories that will make you smile and feel good about yourself. To touch parts of your Self that are special and known only to you. Do you remember the first time that someone helped you discover a talent that you didn’t know existed... A significant other who encouraged your strength and courage... Or when a manager gave you responsibilities beyond what you thought you could do and then you were successful... A parent’s look of surprise as you exceeded their expectations... Can you remember the time when your mother or father told you “ you could do it”... The first time someone told you were cute or gave you indications you were special. Do you know what all of these experiences have in common? They were the assurances, the indications, the “proof” and the support that you needed in order for you to begin exhibiting courage, to try new things… and gleam hope for the future. Do you remember how good it felt to be validated or encouraged? All of these experiences were driven by outside influences and as you continued to chase after the approval from others you moved further and further away from understanding the value of your own judgment. That feeling of hope that others have been able to expose within you is only temporary and with it comes a whole series of conditions. Nothing is free in life and you had to give something of value in return for what they gave you. Your submission, your time and your ability to pursue a life that was right for you was indeed a very high price for you to pay. Because sadly there is a down side to waiting for this encouragement from others… it may never come. Or if it does, it comes too late or takes you down a path that is wrong for you. When those words of encouragement weren’t there did you hesitate? Did you think that when others didn’t give you responsibility… that you weren’t capable? Or worst of all have you been waiting for others to have faith in you… so you could have faith in yourself? Inspired people arent just hit by one inspired thought... No. Inspiration comes first in the form of lots and lots of small thoughts of inspiration or Hmmm Moments. Remember, Inspiration has an order and a flow. So only after the small leaps of faith are taken... can a person expect to attract the Wow Moment that knocks them off their feet. For most of your life you might have believed that others would facilitate your development or provide your access to a better life and the gradual improvements that you experienced might lead you to believe that your trust was well placed… but it wasn’t. Those with the “power” to develop your talents will do so if they can enjoy the benefits from your growth. As your new skills under development are tested they are done so within a context where you will only receive a fraction of the benefit, the rest of course going to your benefactor. And while you are improving, there is no reason to celebrate because the rate of your improvement is determined by others who have their own limits and are intent on harnessing your energies for as long as you allow them. They not you will determine when you are ready for more and the result is your submission to their will... Not the development of your own. These are the trade-offs that most believe are fair. For how else can you get to the places where you want to be without the guidance of others? That answer will become evident to you as you learn that access to your “hope” is never found through others… but instead through yourself. Remember This: The fraction that others give you in return for your efforts is yours…but so is the rest that they keep from you. In most instances the trade-off is above board and honest and done so with your complete consent… but it is manipulation none the less. This submission was and remains unnecessary and mostly ineffective because what you receive in return is only a mere trace of your personal power. Your growth was hindered not facilitated when your direction was given to you by others… no matter who they are and what their intentions for doing so were. In the coming pages we will discover together the strength that is available to you when you make the determination to choose what your life will have in it. History proves a lack of faith in equality of some, causes the beliefs, rules and laws that prevent individuals from pursuing the thoughts and actions that will eventually prove that they are. All Equals are inevitably brought about with sacrifice, persistence and at times heartbreak and we should expect worthy change and accomplishment to cause sometimes immense discomfort. When others guard the gate and prevent access to your hope… you are being manipulated. It isn’t always sinister but too frequently it is. At various times in our lives we are all vulnerable and become susceptible to the undue influences of others. Few people are self-determined but for those who are the forces of corruption hold no power over them. Find pain, heartache and despair, and there is someone ready to reap profit or gain advantage. The promise of hope has been the product of thieves, con-men and so called visionaries for centuries. They tell you that they possess the ability to give you hope. In exchange they ask for your money, your time and worst of all your individual accountability. When they fall short of delivering on their promises (and they always do) you are poorer and more skeptical, and begin to accept that maybe this is all there is for you. Ignore their rhetoric, as hope is not theirs to give. Not for any price. It resides in you, awaiting your embrace. Hope exists! Yes it does, but it is free and available to you when you choose it. It is not for someone to give to you or sell to you. Hope is about decisions and choices to be made by you in the now moment and in the future. It is the ability to cast aside memories of the past that weaken you, while bringing forward the lessons of those experiences to assist future decisions. Hope is the promise of the next moment. As the next moment needs to be seized and not blindly defaulted to. Hope requires your plans, organization and action, using the energy of your purpose to provide the fuel. Your heart, if you trust it, will provide the course. Do not allow others to diminish your hope… Ever! Hope allows us to overcome discomfort and is directly related to the faith we have in ourselves and in our neighbors. As we open our minds, hearts and souls to inspiration, The Power of Inspiration will be revealed only when the work gets done and results become tangible. Those without hope cant make sense of the discomfort that always comes from doing the work... so they never begin. Without hope, they dont have faith their efforts will ever payout so their attention shifts from self-expansion to other thoughts and activities that dont require any Hope. This modern life is unlike anything mankind has ever seen before and to get it right... in this modern world... its time to realize that we are all living by a different set of rules. How so? Not long ago, news surfaced about an incident on a plane where it is alleged that a racist, drunk, old white man... slapped a beautiful 18 month African-American child. And that story spread and spread and spread. To some this news is proof that racism is rampant... to me its proof that The Racists among US are a dying breed and that in a nation of more than 311 million people... the truth... about anything can be found in the idea that what we choose to focus our attention on... spreads faster and deeper than ever before. In other words... Its up to you to choose what truth you will accept and expand in your lifetime.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:55:09 +0000

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