Chapter 7 Happiness... Throughout W.A.Y. I make reference to a - TopicsExpress


Chapter 7 Happiness... Throughout W.A.Y. I make reference to a man who dedicated his life to documenting the fundamental principles for the creation of achievement. His lifetime of research proved that Great Accomplishment is within the grasp of ALL. This mans name was Napoleon Hill and although he died in 1970 his work became important teaching for well known motivational speakers and millions of others who made profound changes in their professional and personal lives after coming into contact with his work. There is a certain “magic” that emits from Hill’s work and it can be likened to a virus but instead of causing harm to those who are infected… it heals, it strengthens and clears the way for hope. In many ways, I consider W.A.Y. to be a modern day extension of his work and purpose. Hills life journey began at the behest of Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in the world at the time. Carnegie asked Hill to create a book of truth that could be shared with common men and women so they could learn how to create their own economic prosperity. Carnegie arranged dozens of interviews for Hill with that periods most prolific self-made men... Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell among them. Carnegie believed economic prosperity was within reach for everyone... IF... they came to know the secret principles of success. Hill believed... “What the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved”. I believe these words are a simple yet profound summary of the rules for creating the true accomplishment which is missing in most people’s lives. And this lack of true accomplishment not only prevents a person from having the financial and material success that is so appealing, but it also prevents the spiritual and emotional connection to a life full of meaning. The ability to conceive of an idea or a lifestyle or anything that doesn’t currently exist in your life in a meaningful way is the absolute first step in having “whatever” it is. It seems overly obvious, yet few people have the ability to truly conceive and because of this fail to begin the process for possessing what they cherish. It starts with the ability to conceive within your mind a special undertaking that when complete has made your life “significant” or meaningful. This need to achieve relevance within a lifetime is a part of the human condition and is a necessary central orientation for all of us. Tragically this belief is rarely embraced by more than a small fraction of society. About 13 years ago I received a copy of The Napoleon Hill Foundations copy of... The Magic Story. I didnt know it at the time but it was then when a great truth was revealed to me. It was also then when my Odyssey and my commitment really began. How so? The Magic Story is where I first learned about the idea that the human spirit has two sides... one that is positive and one that is negative. Once I learned that, from that moment on I decided to put the positive part of me in charge of my life. And thats how my Odyssey began and thats when I began thinking about how both ME and America have a Better Self and a Lesser Self. From there... Well, thats when things really started to fall into place. AND that is how I came to conceive the secret to organizing a 300 million American solution to Muslim Extremism... AND... to the Very UGLY problem of a government that NO LONGER WORKS. Or to put it another way... Its a mistake to believe that somehow Muslim Extremism sits by itself outside the governing laws of the universe. It doesnt. Nothing does. For 13 years Ive been developing a concept called Strategic Equality. Its an idea that draws The Battle Line on Equality. What makes this concept so exciting is that to be effective... The Fight for Strategic Equality... must be fought on ALL fronts. So instead of the oil rich, low ground in The Middle East being the ONLY battle ground and prize...The Fight for Strategic Equality must be fought and WON here in America first. TODAY... after all this time, it is finally Crystal Clear to me, that the secret Carnegie and Hill wanted to share with ALL OF US is the idea that The Universe is governed by rules... AND... if anyone doesnt like their place within The Universe that they live, all they have to do is... CHANGE THE VALUES that... The All-Seeing Eye responds to. THE GOOD LIFE... is an upper-middle class lifestyle. AND 100 years from now, EVERY man woman and child in EVERY nation state on Earth will be living it. AND that means everyone will live in a nice home, in a safe neighborhood and everyone will drive a nice car, send their kids to good schools and have great healthcare... AND... an old-age to look forward to. Thats the good news. The bad news is ... between now and then, it wont be easy... at least for some. Because standing in your way and in mine is going to be some pain. How much pain? Well, that all depends upon how long it takes for each of us to fully commit ourselves and OUR Nation State... to the end result of The Good Life for EVERYONE. David Axelrod is the one who introduced America to the idea of Barack Obama for president... and the tagline Yes We Can. But before he did... he did a trial run here in Massachusetts with Deval Patrick and the idea of Together We Can. For a while it all sounded pretty good. But we now know that the empty tagline really means Together We Can... Build 3 Casinos... Legalize Pot... Set state food stamp enrollment records... Decimate the state crime lab and hundreds of drug convictions... Export a fatal fungal meningitis outbreak... Pay Welfare to 1100 dead people.... Fuel a MASSIVE Heroin epidemic... AND create a MASSIVE and dysfunctional Department of Children & Families. Now that we know what David Axelrods empty words really mean for America and for The State of Massachusetts... it doesnt sound very good anymore does it? The point is simple, if... Together We Cant... here in America, with ALL of our advantages... well, then there is NO chance the rest of the world will get it right, especially in these unsettled times. In my mind, if together we cant... then its only because together we never really tried and thats the shame of it all. In other words its time for All of US to take a good, hard, long look in the mirror and ask why we havent tried doing Better... yet! You cant fix what is wrong with America or for that matter anything, by only focusing your attention on what has gone wrong. You must also identify what went right and then devise a plan to do more of that. Over time and fight by fight, the good will eventually overcome the bad. Its just the way things work... and no idea has ever brought more Light and Beauty into the world than the idea of The American Dream. That would be a good thing for All of US to remember as America considers its next move in The Middle East or on the streets of Oakland or any place where the passions and emotions of The People are awakened to the desire to serve... The Greater Good. Be you Democrat or Republican what makes us American are the common values we choose to cherish. Our visions and paths at times may differ but The Purpose to protect The American Way should always be Shared. But now The Money Driven Ideology appears to be all that is shared among American Political Leadership. With this shift from doing what was right... just because it was right... to only doing what would poll well in order to serve the desires and interests of The Special Interests... Americas Political Leadership has taken US for a dramatic multifaceted turn for the worse and now we are all in trouble. When it comes to The Law of Attraction, what you believe to be the truth about your Self is what matters most. There is no Secret shortcut to true belief and no way to manifest a parking space in front of a store. However, being the right person at the right time and in the right place is not only possible... its The Secret to The Law of Attraction, A Purpose Driven Life, The Pursuit of Happiness and The American Dream. All any person needs is a healthy dose of trial and error and an acquired taste for Humble Pie to earn the right the formula. So consider the true nature of these forces as you begin to write the story of your journey through Time and Space: Your Purpose… Your Inspiration… Your Hope… Your Freedom… Your Faith... Your Courage… Your Choices… Your Action… Your Karma and the Truth about The Law of Attraction. You might watch a movie, hear a song or read a book and think it has “inspired you”… but it hasn’t. There are certain messages that can be found in lyrics to songs, or passages within novels, self-help books and poems. These messages hold appeal and seem to draw your attention. And while the words are all very different and the messages seemingly unrelated… they are not. So called inspirational messages all serve to open a channel of thought within you that allows hope to become routed in your consciousness. This opening reveals the source of your individual power. And while others may espouse the words that trigger this reaction… their words do not contain your Inspiration… but instead only your temporary access to the recognition that it does indeed exist. To become more powerful… you must recognize and react to your own Inspiration and make it a guiding force in your life. The thought impulses that flow to you after connecting with ideas that you perceive as inspirational will provide your access to a meaningful life... if you take the time to see all that Inspiration is willing to show to you. Expect inspirational thoughts to come as you open your mind and realize your freedom to make decisions that serve your interests. With this freedom will come the ability to develop new faith that will ensure your direction and soon the necessary courage for great accomplishment will be yours. It is right for you to have hope. And your life should reflect the power of that hope by bringing to you those things that are meaningful to you. With a simple recognition of what your soul desires and a commitment to pursue it… you will be on your way. Does your life have in it what you cherish? If it doesn’t, then will you continue to pretend that someday it will? Most people hold out some wishes… some dreams… and some fantasies that when someday comes… so will whatever they cherish. But when it doesn’t will you really be surprised? More than likely you won’t be surprised because deep down inside you know that it takes more than you have or more than you have done to really expect that your life will be more than it currently is. And while this is the sad reality for most of society… it doesn’t need to be. Your life is a project that requires planning and attention. If you haven’t looked at it this way then you have gone with the flow and you probably now realize that you are heading for or will end up someplace you wish you weren’t. Fortunately there is good news for you if you are ready to open your mind and are willing to work hard for the right reasons. There comes a time for far too many people when the dreams of childhood are lost to the “realities of life”. Gone are the expectations of a house on the water when paying the water bill is such a difficult task. No longer is true love an option when the betrayed believe that “love isn’t enough” anyway. Forget happiness and satisfaction when you have no money… no luck… and no purpose. So dreamers dream… the faithful pray… and life goes on. It all seems hopeless for most as they posses no basic starting point for moving beyond what they have, have done or have been told they can do. They are simply “un”able to conceive of what seems out of reach and because they lack a logical beginning... it is never logical to begin. So they don’t. Because of this failure to envision “ more”, they will never begin to make the changes required to acquire more, no matter what it is. Without this ability to explore a possibility that doesn’t exist… there is no genuine hope for the “more” that the future could bring. These “un” people grow accustomed to less and it shows in most of what they experience. Because they can’t envision the path from where they stand to what they consider “more” they never take the required steps. They may take a step here or a step there but give up. Because without a clear vision how can they ever find their way? And how can they ever convince themselves that the energy and talent necessary for the journey is within them or worth expelling when so much is missing? So most simply opt to stay on the same path and pretend that it will take them to a place they have not been before... but it won’t. Deep down they know this and too easily accept that they are un-able when in reality they are simply un-willing. It begins with being unwilling to identify what is precious to them, and therefore unwilling to create their plan for accumulating it. This first step… the determination of a major purpose for their life is avoided and delayed as if it were bad for them. So life comes to reflect the sad unending truth about life: Truth will be Revealed... when you no longer choose what not your truth is! The first over arching concept within “W.A.Y.” will be the examination of the reasons why so many people have such a difficult time connecting to inspiration. By dispelling and breaking through your binding and flawed beliefs... most of which are based in ignorance and manipulation, you will have an opportunity to discover for yourself the importance of personal choice and self-determination. W.A.Y. teaches the reader to appreciate the value of their own thoughts. This is the first critical step in learning to conceive. However the next step…believing…does not come as an automatic response to the conception of a magnificent idea. In fact, true belief will come after the initial vision. This delay between conceiving and believing is where self-doubt, inaction and self-induced sabotage prevent your progress, your personal satisfaction and your optimism for achievement. Most people maintain an “I’ll believe it when I see it” orientation and because of this all they see are huge gaps between what they cherish in life and what they actually have. If you are one of these people, this distance between what your heart and soul desire and where you currently are is widened by self-doubt and can only be shortened by self-trust The untrained mind tells you that too much is missing and therefore you can’t. But we will work together to train your mind to recognize the importance of pursuing that which you cherish regardless of your initial doubts. Doing this will provide you with a new orientation for your thoughts and actions and your life will soon benefit from planning and cohesiveness, instead of the resulting chaos, missed opportunities and disappointments caused by random and reactive experiences. Yes there will be “stuff” that you don’t have and it will be needed, but with this new orientation you will see more clearly the abilities that you do posses… Even if you have never displayed them before. Plans for accumulating the rest will come to you as you determine what else you will need and as you chose those who will help you. Learning to Believe… it is the second part of the journey and can only be accomplished with your ability to disconnect from the beliefs, rules and influences that have failed you while connecting to the ideas and principles that serve your well defined interests. “True Belief” is necessary for accomplishment because only with a firm commitment in thought and action can the creation process successfully occur. Without this true belief and trust in your thoughts and actions your behaviors will be weak and inconsistent and will not support the effort required for spectacular results. And while you might doubt yourself because progress is slow… you will soon learn that it is your lack of true belief that is slowing your progress. If you are one of these “I’ll believe it when I see it” people then you have a problem because you will never see the results before you engage in the thinking and behaviors to create them first. It is a philosophical quandary that when you solve it… will reveal your personal truth. You will need to bridge the space between where you are right now and where you desire to be. It won’t happen by following the “rules” of others. It won’t happen by disregarding the choices that are in your best interest. It won’t happen by constantly seeking comfort. It happens because of faith. The faith that I will continuously refer to is not based in religion and its power does not avail itself to you when others “ have faith in you”. But instead your bridge over the gaps that exist in your life will come from the faith that you must have in yourself. A sort of self-trust that develops when you finally understand the value of your ideas and it provides the mental assurances that your actions based in those ideas are not in vain. Your faith will allow you to move forward even when the reasons for doing so aren’t obvious to others. Do not be concerned if you do not currently posses this faith in your Self… it will develop! W.A.Y. was written for you if you are reluctant to connect with your own magnificent ideas and have failed to make them legitimate and worthy of pursuing. False obstacles that appear to stand in your way make you unable to see what could and should be done with your life. And instead of great accomplishment… your vision is consumed with challenges, potential risks and lack of obvious advantages. In all likelihood you have been needlessly deterred from recognizing or pursuing what your heart calls you to do. Feeling that “something is missing” or that life is short changing you is the result and this leads to bad behaviors as you seek to manufacture excitement or attempt to constantly consume comfort to ease the discomfort. Your difficulty in creating a mental image of what your life could be, may have led you to assume your life was “meant to be” the way it is… it is not! Make the decision with me right now to determine what your life will have in it. Once you make a simple decision to pursue what you cherish … you can’t, better yet… won’t want to stop thinking about it. And this constant generation of thoughts all focused on attaining whatever you desire will generate the energy for you to become smarter, stronger, more appealing and more giving than ever before. These are only a few of the fundamental changes in your essence that will occur and they will become newly available tools for creating your accomplishment. People who have opened their minds and hearts and have begun to recognize the value their own inspiration and have given it the attention it deserves… even when it defies common logic or “ common sense” are changed. If you are not the person you know or hope you can be… expect this change to occur within you. It begins with a thought impulse that triggers an idea. It is a sense that you will have… but it is far from common. That idea at first will be incomplete and difficult to comprehend but it will open something that had been previously closed. Whatever had been closed, when it is opened will reveal something magnificent… The Power of Your Inspiration! Inspiration holds all that is missing and replaces all that is wrong for you. When recognized it provides the common thread that links your life’s experiences in a way that make sense. Even the most difficult times will reveal valuable lessons, and as illogical as it may seem you will soon be thankful for them. Adversity in life… no matter what it is… will become a reference point and no longer your focal point. This transformation of the central theme of your life from one of mediocrity or even despair to one of hope is all powerful and capable of bringing to you whatever seems to be missing in your life. This new central orientation for your life must be meaningful to you. It may suit the needs of others, but serves only you. If others share your enthusiasm… terrific, but if they do not, still keep your passion for it. If it is purposeful to you, then it is capable of shifting your center of focus towards it and away from the difficulties and distractions in your life. This is critical. Because if it is not meaningful to you (even if it is well intentioned, financially substantial or generally appreciated) it will serve as another false choice for you and bring little compared to your true potential. When a pursuit is purposeful it generates an energy which is required for overcoming obstacles, adversity, self-doubt and fear. Without this purposeful connection the courage and persistence required for any significant accomplishment is usually not “worth” demonstrating. But if you pursue something that is magnificent to you… courage abounds. Perhaps as important this energy will fuel your personal growth giving you access to hidden mental attributes that will allow you to use your mind in a way that makes you smarter, more confident and more creative. These are the traits of all people who accomplish significance and while they may not be a consistent part of your life… they soon will be. The stage has been set... Fortunately for America and the World... You have arrived! And arrived right on time I might add. Just as the Worlds circumstances are revealed to be more complex than our Candidates would let on... You step up with an instinctual desire to taste all that the world has to offer. The World is a big place and it may seem beyond your control... But it isnt. Your only requirement for Worldly impact and success is to Become Bold and Strong... Physically and most importantly... Mentally. You may choose to forge new limits of boldness by taking the cinnamon challenge or you may choose to push the limits of your intellectual courage and find boldness that way. I can assure you that you will like this new state of boldness regardless of the path taken towards it... but understand that one choice leads to self-expansion and the other to self-defeat. Dont... As so many before you have... believe for a moment that the course to boldness in any regard doesnt matter... because in fact, nothing matters more. Accomplishment, money, recognition, self-satisfaction, confidence, boldness, mental and physical strength and prosperity are all the result of consistent and purposeful self-expansion. Yet there are countless temptations based in comfort, ease and reliance... and while they may provide senses similar to those of self-expansion... they are the false choices leading to self-defeat. Each person is born with a marvelous gift of self-expansion and an inclination towards self-defeat. Whichever your choices favor... expansion or defeat... will determine your life abilities, opportunities, contributions, rewards and consequences. Each day beyond today... many forces will attempt to chip away at your imagination, your courage and your intellectual and emotional freedom and they will succeed if you allow them to. Just as those forces chipped away at the boldness and courage of countless other young people before you, who also lived by the battle cries... You only live once, Ill never settle, Ill try anything once... and when thwarted responded with another belief that everything happens for a reason... as a way to dismiss their role and accountability while constructing more self-defeat. Flawed Beliefs lead to flawed lives... that much is certain. Do you have uneasiness caused by the people who say you can do anything you set your mind to yet they still live unimpressive, destructive and regretful lives... You should. But dont worry we will work together to teach you how to set your mind... because in the end the advice they give is right... even as they fail to live by it themselves. It isnt difficult to see through the myriad instances of divorce, bankruptcy, addiction, unwanted pregnancy and the rest of lifes burdens... just why self-help everything has become such big business. Every day tens of millions of Americans look for a new way of thinking to help them clean up the sometimes tragic circumstances of their lives. And while you may think or at least hope that your life is immune... It might not be, if you like they did... choose self-defeat over self-expansion. As a predictable result, they end up somewhere they wish they werent. But you dont have to live that way. But remember, Just as you believe there is plenty of time to decide what to do with your life... So did They. When you are inseparably attached to a purposeful outcome, the thought of not seeing it through is a much worse experience than the fear of overcoming anything standing in your way. Don’t know what it is that you would rather be doing with your life? I’ll bet you would very quickly if you just stopped engaging in thoughts and activities which fail you. Most opt for distractions to relieve the pressure of needing to deal with this lack of awareness. Do you think that suppressing your conscious awareness of what you desire relieves your accountability for not possessing it? The subconscious mind is not so generous. In fact it is more likely that the subconscious mind will use this knowledge as a basis for torment over your life. I will be so bold as to state emphatically that each person must pursue what they deem to be precious. If they do… they will posses it. If they do not… they will be tormented by it. Ask anyone what it is that they wish they had in their life and typical answers flow. Money, happiness, love, more money, things money can buy… in most cases money, love and comfort will sum it up. And within these answers can be found the flaw in human belief systems that prevents the accumulation of money, love and comfort… your focus cannot be on money or comfort… instead it must be on the achievement that will bring these rewards. Now you are ready for...The Magic Question: What would I do... if I could do anything? To find your personal truth in this question you must realize that your answer will not depend upon how much money you have (or don’t have) your job experience and your current life circumstances and in many cases will be exactly opposed to all this. In all likelihood the thought impulse that comes to you will be very different than where you are in life and the internal conflict in your life is symptomatic of this divergence. This is where the concept of “conceiving” breaks down for most people. This happens not because a person hasn’t been visited by Inspiration or lacks the vision and ability to connect with a magnificent idea, but because lack of trust in one’s self and ideas prevents any action on it. Most choose to ignore the “response” to this question because they fail to see how they can accomplish it. But believe me… it is the right answer. The fact that your life doesn’t support your pursuit of this answer only proves that your life is wrong… not your answer. Your current life reflects the decisions you have made and most of them were not made with any consideration of the “answer”. So it is only logical that your current circumstances will not support this purpose for your life. New decisions will need to be made based on new beliefs creating new thoughts and new actions that will support this answer being right for you. At this point you might be thinking to yourself… I just don’t know what “it” is. If not already, then within the next few days ideas will pop into your head that seem random. If you stop whatever you are doing and give them full attention... then it might just be that you have found “it”. In all likelihood, it won’t be a new idea to you… instead it will be quite familiar. But with your full attention now and without instant dismissal you will allow it to grow and mature into a full-blown concept worthy of action. Too often people wait for what is commonly called a “Wow Moment”. That one thought that knocks someone over. I don’t believe inspiration initially comes in the form of a “Wow Moment”… but instead a “Hmmm Moment”. Only after lots of “Hmmmm Moments” are given attention can the Wow Moment take its hold. Think of it this way: The best ideas are given to those who have proven they will see them through. Without action the progress that follows the first step is never realized and the assurances that you will look for to convince you that you have found something special will never surface. Unfortunately most people automatically begin to start to think of the reasons that something can’t be done instead of focusing on the reasons it needs to be done. And just a quick as a great idea is recognized it is dismissed. If you have not created such value before don’t assume you aren’t capable of creating it now. You are and we will work together to take those most difficult first steps that will begin to prove your abilities. Doing this will demonstrate to you and to others the progress that creates the clues or the hints that “ you might be on to something” or put another way… it reveals hope for accomplishment. The first step towards accomplishment of anything is the ability to conceive, recognize or define an idea or objective. It is within this process that thought impulses are translated into mental images. These mental images are the foundation for all that you see about you. All men and women, who have created something of value, learned of these ideas through these same impulses that visit you when you allow them to. I mean “when you allow them to” in the most literal sense. You see these thought impulses are a part of the human condition and regardless of your religious, spiritual or intellectual beliefs they are the starting point for creating what doesn’t currently exist. What I am referring to is Inspiration. Some will choose to believe that Inspiration comes from God, and others believe that the constant flow of energy within the universe has delivered it to them. And many others will assume that education or their increased or focused “brainpower” was the source of all of their ideas and impulses. I have no need to convince you that one answer is right and the others are wrong. The only thing that really matters is what you believe. As you read this book you will be visited by Inspiration. Your task will be to decipher the codes that unlock your access to the great thoughts that swirl in your imagination. You and you alone must recognize your inspiration… You must value it… You must trust it… You must attach yourself to it… You must orientate your life around it. You must not ignore it… You must not choose distractions over it… You must not forget it… You must not work harder to prove it wrong than you work to prove it right. If you follow this advice by choosing the “musts” instead of the “must not(s)” you will allow the faint sense of potential achievement to grow stronger. It is your willingness to consider the possibility that your ideas hold value that will attract the additional thoughts that will prove that they do. Without your hope, trust and a personal promise to use the rest of the ideas that will follow… the rest of the ideas just won’t come to you. Look around… you will not be able to find a product, a system, or anything else that didn’t first begin as an inspired thought impulse. At some point a person, just like you transformed their mental images into tangible results. This transformation creates the value that is rewarded over time. Maybe you can’t yet conceive of a personal undertaking that will significantly affect the human condition… but I can. You see the power of humanity comes from individual contributions and it is the sum of those activities which reveals the awesome potential of the human race. A whole lot of “would have, could have and should haves” make up our existence. So much has been accomplished but tragically more has been lost. Whatever you decide on as a meaningful use of your life is very valuable. It is one important improvement that will trigger a series of other changes in your life and the lives of others. Only then will the larger solution be revealed as each person makes their personal contribution. And I can assure you this is magnificent. Within your original thoughts will reside what is best for you... Period. Your ability to recognize your thoughts and behaviors that serve you well and then to consistently take action on them… is your only requirement for success. Do not underestimate the simplicity and power of this truth. There is no reason to allow whatever has held you back to continue preventing more from becoming a significant part of your life. But more will remain illusive until you begin to decipher the codes that give way to your inspired thoughts and then learn to separate the inspired thoughts from the ideas and influences that are manipulative and faulty. When you do, You will be able to connect with that part of yourself where hidden strength and intellect reside. It is essential for you to know this part of you. It is the more that you know exists but because you have ignored it, causes the manifestation of the lesser part of you that consumes your thoughts and energies. Previous barriers to accomplishment of the masses were sometimes physical, discriminated against by race, gender or economic circumstance... but today they are almost all mental. Those who claim to be unable... today are instead revealed to be unwilling, possessing minds exceedingly limited by individual imagination and fortitude. Advancements in education and technology require less and less of the human mind and because of this we have learned that... When a mind is not challenged it does not strengthen. When character is not tested it will weaken. When minds are not focused they will be easily distracted. When people do not persist they will fail. When risk is not taken obstacles remain. When minds are not counted upon they will not be dependable. Resistance still exists for all men and women who endeavor to advance their plan... of course it does. But now every state can be overcome with a specific purpose for doing so. With key strokes and mouse clicks every mind is provided an opportunity to evolve and innovate. Secrets of systems, personal advancement and creative knowledge once available only to the privileged and educated now dispersed to the masses for whatever purpose they may envision.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:54:42 +0000

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