Chapter 7. Rahul woke up terrified, gasping for air. The - TopicsExpress


Chapter 7. Rahul woke up terrified, gasping for air. The sudden turn of events had left him in a state of bewilderment. He lost his sleep and it was still quarter to 3. He groped in the dark for his laptop, turned it on and searched the internet for incidents concerning the Creatures of Night. Any legit information about them would be helpful, he thought. It was still only 4:30 and he still had found nothing useful. Just the usual stories about how a vampire looks and what to do to keep it bay. What to do to keep vampires off? Okay..This is insane..But theres nothing wrong in it.. he muttered and clicked on the link. ...The most efficient weapon against a vampire, is the Day. Vampires are the Creatures of Night and hence they are at their weakest during the day. Myth is that, A vampire when exposed to even a little amount of sunlight suffers from third degree burns, and an exposure for a few minutes would be enough to burn it to ashes.. Good. He thought. ..there are only two ways to actually kill a vampire, apart from burning it in the sunlight. The first method according to the lore is, to decapitate its head, bury it in the ground with garlic in its mouth. The second method is to drive a stake through its heart. Rahul was reading with rapt attention when he heard a loud howl, maybe of a dog because wolves were not so common in their area. He went to the window and looked through it. The roads were deserted and the street-lights were still glowing in the dark. Abhisheks home was a few blocks away and he looked at his window. A dim light was still on. Hes just sleeping, hell recover soon. Rahul spoke to himself as a picture of Abhishek-A newborn Vampire from his nightmare flashed in his head. He grinned as the description of Abhishek crossed his mind. Just then, something caught his eye. Someone came to the window. To Abhisheks window, and opened it, from the inside. It was Abhishek. And just then, A huge bat flew into his room. Abhisheks room. What. The. Hell.. gasped Rahul. He couldnt think anymore. He wasnt sure if this was really happening. But it was happening. He knew he had to do something. He had to act now, otherwise it would be too late. He had to save his best friend, and he would do everything in his power. He looked at the clock. It was 5:15 and sun would be up in about an hour. wont let this happen... he shook his head wildly. He got dressed in an instant, and ran to the kitchen. He pick up some garlic and ran to his parents room. Mom, Im going jogging..Ill be back before 7. He said, turned and ran to the door, without waiting for her reply. Adrenaline rushed through him, and his heart paced hard. He held the garlic in his hand tightly and ran across to Abhisheks place. He reached their lawn. Now what? He thought. Mrs. Panna wouldnt be up so soon. He couldnt knock the door as it would disturb the happening upstairs. He climbed the gate and sneaked in. They had a set of stairs out, and he went upstairs ever-so-quietly. He reached the third floor, Abhisheks room. He went across to the other side, to the window of Abhisheks bedroom, where he saw the bat going in. He walked slowly now. His heart was beating wildly. He glanced at the watch, and it was 5.25 AM. Slowly, he peeked inside the window. At first, he saw nothing. He heard feeble sucking sounds, and his head got fuzzy. Then he saw it. Abhishek was standing on the other side of the window, and the Creature...The bat...No...there was no bat there.. There was the handsome looking pale man from his dream sucking his best-friends blood. Rahul was stunned. The world seemed to have paused. For a minute, he heard nothing, felt nothing. It was like everything had gone silent, and he saw only the face of the pale man..The Vampire. He made a croaking sound while breathing and just at that instant, the Vampire looked at him. It snarled. Rahul didnt react, he was already stunned. The Vampire pulled away from Abhishek, and wiped its mouth which was smeared with blood. He lifted Abhishek on his shoulder as if he weighted nothing at all and tucked him in the bed. He smiled at Rahul and walked casually to the window. His senses came back to him as a warning of danger. His ears ringed. He had to act fast, or he would be the next victim. His grip on the garlic tightened. The Vampire stopped at the window, facing Rahul. Hello Rahul, dear. Its very unfortunate that you had to witness me, imbibing your best friends blood. It might be unpleasant for you, my dear. But, nature plays strange games, you know. Man, at the top of the food chain, and Me, above him... he smiled. His tone was so smooth, his voice so velvet. All the while Rahul looked in his eyes, and he felt relaxed. Dont look in his eyes, hed hypnotize you, and only make you an easy victim... shouted his conscience. Rahul broke the eye contact and closed his eyes, shook his head. What. Have. You. Done... to my friend spoke Rahul in a cold, bitter tone, gritting his teeth. I was preparing him for a better life, child... Just then, he looked at the sky and was alarmed. The sun would be up in a few minutes. I would have been very happy to chat with you for quite some time, dear Rahul. Youre lovely. But you see, Its time for me to part now. But of course, I will see you, very soon. That I promise. And regarding your friend... he smiled. Wh...What? Rahul stammered. He shall very soon be up and about. In fact, he would be better than hed ever been. he said smilingly, and turned away. A strange kind of dark fog seemed to surround him, and the next instant, The huge bat flew out of the window. Rahul was again, shocked. He was calm for a moment, analysing whatever just had happened. Abhi..he would be well soon.. he said, looked at Abhishek who seemed to be in deep sleep, and he felt relaxed. An orange glow emerged from the sky, and it was about time that sun would rise. He knew he should leave now, as Mrs.Panna would come to visit Abhishek soon. He spared Abhishek a glance, and felt warmth, after many days. The jogged his way home, and threw the garlic in the bushes. His parents were still asleep. He went to his room and slumped on the bed. Everything would be alright now.. he whispered, smiled, and shut his eyes. Sleep would come, and there would be no worries now. He thought.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:08:05 +0000

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