Chapter 7 This is surreal. Only a few day ago I was working the - TopicsExpress



Chapter 7 This is surreal. Only a few day ago I was working the orchards with my brother, and I was safe. Maybe not happy with the situation, but safe. Now, looking around the training centre, the small piece of hope Id been nurturing is crushed. Im the smallest person. I may be smaller naturally, but after stealing food from the crops after my shift to keep my family alive, Id expected to at least look as strong as some of them. The volunteer kids from the wealthier districts, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment, are extremely intimidating. Whilst I turn, I see Katniss sizing up the others as well. Shes not much bigger than myself. I think wed make good allies in the arena, but what would she ever want with me? I can hide in the trees, and have knowledge of plants, but I dont think Id ever be able to kill someoneā€¦. Im watching Peeta and Katniss train with spears, when Peeta whispers into her ear, glancing my way. Katniss turns and we stare at each other for a while, before she moves back to the station. I continue to follow the pair around the training room at a safe distance throughout the day. My trainer seems enthused when Im able to hit the target every time with the slingshot, but after using it as a way to entertain myself back home, Im not surprised with my success. On the third day of training, they begin to call us out of lunch for our private sessions with the Gamemakers. I leave Peeta and Katniss alone in the dining room, and head to the training area, where the Gamemakers dont seem to be paying much attention. It seems as though most of them are drunk and bored after seeing so many presentations. However as I climb the support for the netting above my head, they begin to pay attention. I jump between the stations, twisting in the air as I do. The air rushes past my face, pulling my hair back, as I perform the acrobatics Ive learnt from the amount of time moving between trees back home. As Im told to leave, I feel slightly pleased with myself, having shown the Gamemakers that Im not someone to be overlooked.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:05:05 +0000

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