Chapter 8 Initiative... The critical question becomes will We - TopicsExpress


Chapter 8 Initiative... The critical question becomes will We join together once again and honor the inspired contributions and sacrifices of our ancestors and choose to preserve The American Way and protect it from All Enemies waging war on America. All Enemies some of whom will be American must be defeated so The American Way remains true and worth fighting and dying for and worthy of passing on to future Americans. If you see the news headlines and think its a matter of choosing a Democrat or Republican to lead the way on The Economy, Health Care, Afghanistan and Iran... then I bade you to take a step back and take a deep breath because its finally time to see that The Whole World is on Fire and theres no turning back. No, we cant go back but we can begin again and we must because we are heading for a place we cant go and keep The Free American Soul intact. Our leaders use word science and choose words that work to stoke our emotional flames and divide one American from another... to separate US from our votes and our money. So they can have their power and fame. But this is the End Game and The Christian Right and have found themselves on new common ground... once told they were the players only to find out today that they have both been played. This is Americas moment of truth... because the ideas that gave way to The American Way have spread to The Middle East. Unlike others wars this battle isnt a battle over land... this is a battle over prevailing ideas. To put it another way, this is a battle for the heart and soul of humanity. Whats your sense of this American Time and Destiny... and are you ready to fight The Good Fight? By choosing a Side and a Role in this battle of ideas... You and I become new American Founders of a different sort and notable symbols of equality... in a world that desperately needs inspired warriors. Be Unafraid, Be Strong and Be True... step forward and join the ranks of the new Army of Angels and put your boots on the ground... so The American Way... remains true... for those who you love and for those who come next. If you do not think that you possess the “qualifications” necessary for accomplishing your inspiration, you are probably correct. The person you are today will need to make changes, grow personally and professionally and develop a state of mind that is probably quite different from what you currently possess. And while you might not have imagined yourself capable of these changes you are… as long as you begin to push yourself to do what you have not done before. Your development is a natural outcome of your directed action. Having a major idea that requires the channeling of your energies, time and concentration provides a cohesiveness that fuels personal growth. This learning is different than school or other traditional forms of education and the results are faster and more measurable. If money, expertise and other resources are not in your grasp, how then can you reasonably expect to complete your quest? The answer is quite simple and has four primary components: First, by taking action on an idea you begin to focus your attention on things that are related to your concept. Anyone who is thinking about buying a specific model of a car begins to notice that the roads are filled with them, where before they may have hardly noticed any. This principle will help you begin to see connections in places you hadn’t before. In fact, the more you focus, the more frequently you will recognize that relevant information is everywhere. Newspapers, talk shows, co-workers and friends will amazingly present information and resources that might range from a recent study that supports the need for your idea to a friend of a co-worker who knows someone who is interested in investing in ideas just like yours. In reality nothing amazing has taken place other than the fact that this information draws your attention and the attention of others where it wouldn’t have before. Your focus will also trigger changes in your behavior that will begin to reveal information and ideas that you were previously unaware of. Perhaps you have never read The Wall Street Journal before because you didn’t think it was interesting. Of course you would read it if a friend told you that the Journal had an article related to your purpose in that day’s edition. In that issue you also might find an array of other information that is relevant to your mission such as start-up investment ideas and business profiles of executives who might have knowledge relevant to your concerns. The key lesson here is that the Wall Street Journal has been around for a long time and through the years a great deal of information would have been quite valuable to you. But now that you have a definite purpose for that information you are willing to read it. Soon you may become a daily Wall Street Journal reader something you might not have ever previously thought was possible. This is only one small example of the new way in which you will process information and accumulate resources from your sense of purpose. Imagine what will happen when you begin to make significant changes in your behavior and take action based on research and planning. When you focus your thoughts and actions in areas that are directly related to your purpose you will expose yourself to ideas and opportunities that you could never see from where you are right now. They are there… but you will never see them unless you get close to them through your new behaviors. You may attend lectures, you might call a leading expert, and you might send an e-mail to someone in Australia working on a similar project. Who knows what you might do, but realize that whatever it is will be very different from what you currently are doing. These variables begin to set in motion change in your life. These changes are within your abilities and can positively effect everything around you. You cannot see them before you take action, but you will soon thereafter see and benefit from them. The second component is what some call an attraction principle, many others call it faith. Somehow if you begin along a path of absolute conviction, unwavering action and commitment your needs will become fulfilled. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be some adversity; in fact you should expect it. This doesn’t mean that it will happen in the time frame that you desire or that you won’t have to adjust your vision. And it certainly doesn’t mean that sitting back wishing and even praying without action will make it happen. It does mean however, that if you trust yourself enough to begin, continue when others use various forms of manipulation to convince you to stop and learn to look to yourself as the catalyst and as a beacon, you will have what you need. This doesn’t come naturally… believe me when I say it needs to be learned… but your mind and emotions can be controlled. Found only within this control is your Emotional Freedom. Its not important whether you believe in or understand faith at the beginning, but you will need to understand a related concept. You must maintain absolute conviction that you will successfully complete your mission. This commitment will bring the amount of perseverance that you will require to continue your efforts even in the face of adversity. This type of dedication always brings results. Component three recognizes that there are people all around the world who are engaged in the pursuit of meaningful ideas and objectives. These people seek out and open their doors to others who share the same purpose. They are skilled at recognizing truly inspired people and want to help them. Business leaders, doctors, lawyers, accountants and professors are among those who have an abundance of skills and knowledge that they will feel very good about sharing with you if you can exhibit courageous action towards a purpose that they share. Before they will lend their cooperation they will look for concrete evidence that you are worthy of their energy. They won’t expect perfection but they will expect to see your work. The key to establishing productive relationships with these people is to give something of value to them before asking them for something in return. Do this without attaching conditions and an implied quid pro quo as they will see right through it. Spend some time anticipating what their needs are ahead of time and it will be fairly easy to identify something that they will want. If you are sincere with your gift of time, effort or whatever…you will attract their assistance down the road. Most people seek the leadership of someone able to direct them towards success. It all begins with your ability to accomplish what you are capable of by eliminating all excuses for not moving forward. This will allow you to become that leader. Your personal changes, initiative and courage will demonstrate to the world that you deserve resources. In many cases it is the chance to be in on the ground floor of an opportunity that makes helping you very appealing. In other instances it is an opportunity to do something meaningful with their skills. They will watch what you do first to see if you deserve their attention and efforts. They may also wait until such time as the amount of risk is lowered to a threshold that is more suitable to them. So again, you must do all that you are capable of, the rest will come from others who see you as a committed leader. The desire of people to grab hold of their “champion” or someone they see as able to provide guidance is very strong. In fact, when people recognize a truly inspired person, they will do many things that wouldn’t be considered rational. They will perform tasks beneath and above their current standing. They may even work for free at times. These are the advantages of the champion not the conman. This type of cooperation is afforded to the person who gives what they can’t afford to and does more than people would expect of them. If your aspirations and actions are not true to the principles of honesty you will quickly lose these benefits and begin to suffer consequences including conflict, disloyalty and other negative situations. Along with technology… these new people in your life will bring forward your highest level of Intellectual Freedom… certainly higher than what you can imagine from where you are at this moment in time. Make your W.A.Y. towards these others. Finally, beyond your words and your actions an energy will emit from you when you are on purpose. You will radiate... and many will interpret this energy as enthusiasm and confidence and as a result you will unlock ideas and cooperation from those whom you interact. Remember, each time you perform a task within your means you demonstrate faith in your purpose and each time you avoid doing what you can... you demonstrate a lack of faith in your purpose. These are the simple decisions that determine the essence others will react to in you. With all the freedom to engage whatever they want... a new set of “rules” and “normal thinking” has weakened the wills and therefore the behavior of men and women. Unfortunately the result is a society of self-defeatists who are more likely to trust the status quo than to explore their abilities beyond it. So a whole series of catchy clichés and flawed social norms have become the rules that people use to develop the beliefs which shape their lives. And because these rules and clichés are faulty… so become their lives. You only live once! If this is our reality no matter whom we are or what we do, why then do people rarely use this understanding to often do little more than justify poor behavior or certain risks that logic cannot support. “Why not, you only live once” becomes the battle cry of those who over eat, drink, shop and indulge in life’s guilty pleasures. As though somehow living on the edge will provide satisfaction at the end. Instead the end is a life full of random experiences with no cohesiveness to connect the moments gone by. And for most the result is a life gone by without ever creating the type of progress or accomplishment which delivers lasting satisfaction or hope. For some reason people are unmotivated or simply unwilling to use this same philosophy for embracing actions that promote their own well-being. Knowing what to do is not the problem. Doing it is. It is personal sabotage nothing less that keeps us from what we know to be the right thing. Remember This: Your Purpose and Your Better Self need the other to thrive and survive. Failure to exercise our minds, bodies and good judgment may be personal decisions, but the tragic consequences are the burden of many. Bad decisions turn healthy relationships, unhealthy. They end and so do the hopes of another generation of children. Talents of men and women all over the world remain hidden and go to the grave with them as do the solutions to end suffering and other worldly problems. Fortunately, a small percentage of the population has recognized their individual potential and to them we owe our magnificent societal and technological accomplishments. These relative handfuls of inventors and leaders who have distinguished themselves through their contributions have demonstrated the promise of the human race and at the same time revealed a tragic truth. They have shown us what can be achieved when a mere fraction of population work towards a definite purpose and at the same time have emphasized what the rest have wasted. For every one person who fulfills their potential, far too many more fall short. Contained in this group are the dissatisfied people who are sure that the lives they live are less than what they could be but are unsure of how to have made them better. They succumb to the consequences of their past experiences with little regard for the understanding of how to shape the opportunities of their future. The future is really no mystery. The future is what we make it... by our choices, by our actions and by how we spend our time and money. Our fate is a reflection of how we live our lives. But sadly, far too many people are ready to greet their future with a look of surprise. Be unafraid to live your best life. Find a W.A.Y to live without fear of anything... including your death. Dont be afraid of death. See the purpose for your life... see that through to the end and death will someday become the next step to a life well lived. For the vast majority of people the rapid expansion of information and technology has far exceeded their imagination and courage and amazingly with all that is wrong with the world... they cant conceive a reason to learn and apply this technology. So they dont. At your fingertips is the greatest collection of information and technology ever available to man. Power that what was once unimaginable even to societies select few is yours for the taking. And with your mastery of this Power will be the accumulation of magnificent financial and spiritual rewards... If... and only If you can first see and then create Value. So far all but a few Americans have decided to break the personal bonds of fear... the bonds of failed expectations... and the bonds of manipulation and distraction to set their best and most inspired ideas free. But this MUST change. Because awaiting you and your generation are the greatest opportunities ever known to be within the reach of mankind. And your Nation and Humanity will need your strength... as some of the most ominous threats that man has ever known are being handed off to you by previous generations: rampant worldwide Political Dysfunction and Corruption... Nuclear, Biological and Cyber terrorism... mass obesity... mass hunger... and perhaps most treacherous for you and your families to come... A Weakened America. This inspired era of Individual Contribution towards humanities uniting greater purposes will yield the lasting rewards and consequences for a world where all types of borders and boundaries have become obscure and meaningless to some... to the detriment of us ALL. Make no mistake... Our Fate is brilliantly intertwined... whether you like it or not. And because of this, you are now called upon and challenged to avail yourself of your full Intellectual and Emotional Power. Thrive together... or Suffer together. That is the choice before ALL of us. This faint sense of possibilities reveals itself on the faces of men and women trapped at home and at work. Whether unable or unwilling to do more it really doesn’t matter, as these people continuously endure the taunting images of ideas full of potential. The saddest flaw in any individual is their failure to recognize and embrace the ideas and thoughts that are the result of their own inspiration. Throughout our lives we are all touched by inspiration. Do not doubt this truth as it is the basis for what is possible for all men and women especially those who may be unsatisfied with their place in life. It isn’t a lack of magnificent ideas or possession of skills and resources that separate average people from the artists, inventors and leaders who have embraced their inspiration and made a life out of it. What divides the lives of “inspired” people from those who simply receive inspiration is a determination to turn their thoughts into reality. Just as you do, they had self-doubt and were consumed by skepticism and fear in the beginning. Their enthusiasm greeted with criticism from friends and family members and their path lined with obstacles just as yours is. In the beginning they didn’t possess the resources or the skills to see their mission through but they did possess a developing faith in the outcome of their efforts. Each step they took revealed new abilities and opportunities that were never present before. These changes provided the indications that success was within their grasp if they continued to pursue it. Progress naturally flowed from their actions and while there was adversity, faith in that one idea provided the context to overcome those difficulties. “Pay your dues”, “Stay in line”, “Follow the leader”, “Listen to the teacher”, “Climb the ladder”, “Be patient”… what if most of the “rules” we were taught were wrong? Or at the very least... were the wrong words for you to trust. What if following the so called “rules” hardly ever brings success and happiness? It may be normal to follow the “rules”... but most of the time “normal” directly opposes True Accomplishment. More likely than not following the rules does not bring happiness and success but instead indecision and apathy that always accompanies meaningless activities, jobs, thoughts and relationships. There is a specific reason that I emphasize so dramatically throughout this book your requirement to define and pursue a specific accomplishment that is purposeful to you. I do this because there are rules for creating significant achievements that are without shortcuts. In fact, these rules will be difficult to follow most of the time and very difficult to follow the rest of the time. A faint commitment to success which most people invest in their careers (even when “successful”) is not enough. To inspire the type of attention required to bring forth the discipline, willpower and mental capacity that is required for your transformation... you will need to pursue something that you hold dear. You probably find it difficult to stay motivated and focused at high levels for long periods of time (years, not days or months), yet great achievement requires that you do so. Anything that is not purposeful to you will not provide the energy required to fuel magnificent achievements. With a clear sense of purpose you are free to embrace The Rules of Accomplishment: You will need to work harder than you have ever worked before…You will need to replace habits and behaviors that provided you with a sense of comfort with new habits and behaviors which bring discomfort...You will need to become an expert in areas that you have little to no experience in…You will need to give of yourself when it seems like you should be asking for things…You will need to act courageously even when you don’t feel courageous…You will need to trust yourself over others who are seemingly better qualified than you are…You will need to have faith in yourself when others don’t… You will need to do what has never been done before…You will need to overcome obstacles and adversity…You will need to lead others…You will need to ignore “the rules” and decide to embrace your “truths”…You will need to do more than what others say you can…You will need to do what others are unwilling to do…You will need to take significant risks…You will need to invest significant time and money…You will need to persist…And finally… You will need to create value. The Founders of The United States of America recognized that Freedom was the essential “unalienable right” of mankind that would unlock the vast potential of individuals and therefore a Nation. Intimately aware of the destructive forces of a tyrannical government, our Constitution was drafted to ensure the enduring principles of Freedom. Today only few men and women are truly free and the rest are bound by limited thinking and limited courage. In theory, lack of governmental intervention should allow for self-determination… but instead the limitless potential of the masses is still bound. Not by the government but by fragile wills of men and women who have become afraid to trust themselves and instead have fallen prey to the manipulation of others. Perhaps even worse than a government that oppresses…is a mind that allows its power to be diminished without testing its limits. The ultimate insult to those who have given so much for our freedom is not dissension… but instead apprehension. It is the fear of the “unknown” that emphasizes the accumulation of comfort for those willing to continue with the known. Even if the known is “less” than what one hopes and dreams of. Having rejected the encompassing power that comes from freedom, instead they embrace the relative stagnation that comes from traveling the same roads… over and over again. Repetition of the unimpressive, the status quo and failed habits and behaviors leads to a life that is “less”. There may be relative triumphs and mitigated joy… but in the end they are merely false substitutes preparing you for “less”. Intellectual and Emotional Freedom provides unyielding access to that part of ourselves which is ready to engage whatever Inspiration leads us to. Yet access does not ensure a journey for most people. In fact, quite the contrary as legions of men and women prefer to connect with negative thinking and an array of excuses. And because of this, endless decisions become a precursor to their self-fulfilled prophecy. Unaware of their fundamental orientation, the outward experiences of their life do little more than reflect the random nature of their beliefs and actions. It is in the inner desire to engage progress which causes dissatisfaction for those who do not apply their energy to whatever calls them. It is instinctual to improve and failure to do so creates an internal upheaval that feeds poor behavior and poor thinking. Confused are those who believe that their dissatisfaction is the result of what they do not have… it is not. Their dissatisfaction instead comes from their failure to experience Intellectual and Emotional Freedom within their lifetime. Unfortunately because of this, for most, any thoughts of a significant contribution to society are met with internal and external doubts. The Emotions of Freedom…Faith and Courage will provide your access to the type of achievement which is significant. Yet… the power that is released when these three emotions are actively and consistently deployed within a lifetime is mostly unrealized because Freedom… Faith and Courage are more often than not ignored in favor of their adversaries. Freedom has an adversary, and it is… Manipulation. Regardless of the form, manipulation attempts to close the mind that freedom has opened. Dictatorial governments, demagogues and other tyrants of the human spirit are the counter balance to the good that comes from freedom. Faith… it is what connects men and women to what they cherish both in their minds and in their lives. It is the creation of the heart and mind working in harmony. It grows when self-discipline is chosen over self-defeat. Faith has an adversary, and it is… Fear. Those who fear have failed to allow faith to strengthen and the result is a weakening of their spirit and actions. Courage… is Your Power. This is an encompassing strength that channels the energy which Freedom and Faith have combined to generate into action, progress and hope. Courage has an adversary, and it is… Inaction. Man has always been aware of the counter forces that oppose self-determination and self-trust. These epic battles have forever raged within humanity and have been documented within the manuscripts of the history of man and religion. Good vs. Evil… God vs. the Devil. Expect that you are no different than your ancestors and that as you begin to think freely and pursue that which you cherish… that you too will be opposed. What you decide to call the opposition forces; self-defeat, lack of discipline, good vs. evil, substance abuse, the “ devil within” is of little importance to me. What is important to me is that you employ strategies based in self-love to overcome these very real traps. You will be tempted to give in to manipulation, fear and inaction from time to time. Do not think that if you temporarily give way to this trio of defeat that you have in any way proven that your purpose doesn’t exist. Quite the contrary… these agents appear only when they need to prevent good from taking hold. You can swiftly regain control by choosing time and again to be guided by Freedom, Faith and Courage. When Freedom, Faith and Courage are applied to Definiteness of Purpose… the result is Achievement!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 19:18:31 +0000

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