Chapter 8: JEALOUSY We all know the story about golden fish and - TopicsExpress


Chapter 8: JEALOUSY We all know the story about golden fish and three wishes. But… do we really know what would we wish if we get the chance to caught her? Our wishes are changing with every new day. What would we wish that can make us happy and satisfied for the rest of our lives? What would we wish that could change our lives forever? Are we ready for so big changes? Are we brave enough? Kerem was recovering from everything. Yesim was always with him for those few days. Zumrut liked to watch them together like that. They looked like they were little. Haluk has change a little. But Zumrut know why is that so. After what Necip had told her she couldn`t stand him. She was avoiding him so the children don`t figure out what he did. He was closed to the children and she saw that they were happy because of that. Now she doesn`t know what to do… She can`t to end everything and leave… Ikbal saw that Necips behavior was changing every day. Sometimes he was happy, sometimes sad, sometimes worried. She was happy because she thought that Zumrut is torturing him. Ah, but she doesn`t realize how she was right! Not in the way she imagined but yes, Zumrut is making Necips life complicated. He was becoming tired. When he is alone with his thoughts he was always planning to tell her to make decision. But when he is with her he realize that he isn`t tired. He could go on like this with her forever. He could walk with her with no direction, with no final cause forever. Before her he had nothing. Now whit her he has everything. But… we always want more. Why he would be satisfied whit a little when he can have everything! He knows that she also have feelings for him. Why is so difficult for her to admit that? She knows my feelings from the beginning. She knows that I am serious! Why? He can see that she is enjoying with him. He can see how she glows every time she sees him. When she is looking at his eyes he can see, feel her love! Every time he has to leave her when the day is ate the end he feel pain, anger. She could stop all this! With just one her word they could be so happy… Zumruts company was almost ready for the opening. There were just a few things to be finished about the party but Yesim was doing them. At least Zumrut hopes that she is finishing them. She was in the clouds all the time and most of the work did Zumrut. With Necips help of course. She was avoiding to think about her relation with Necip. She didn`t wanted to make decision. She was thinking… No, she doesn`t know what is she thinking. She don`t want to think. She is pretending that everyone is happy so why destroying that. Deep inside her she knew that she can`t go on like this for too long. Some friends are already asking her why she spends so many times with him. She is just saying them that he is her partner and that she has to. She knows that he feels pain when he hears her saying that. But she always succeeds to return smile on his face. She feels bad because of that so she tries to forget on that from the moment it happens. Necip came into the office and he saw her standing with some papers. She was so beautiful. She had black dress with a green belt. Her hair was picked in a chignon so he could see her perfect neck. He was approaching to her slowly. He was closed enough so he can smell her perfume and she can fell his breath on her neck. She closed her eyes… and smile was appearing slowly on her face. She turned around slowly and her eyes were still closed. He touched her face so she opened her eyes. They are having THE LOOK again. He put his hands around her and he was touching her face with hers with his eyes closed. Here was nothing around them. Here were just two souls floating in the air dancing the most beautiful dance. Trying to reach the heaven… together, alone… Ne kissing, no nothing… Like they both thought that kiss could destroyed what they have. Like they will become jut two ordinary lovers. They will become persons jugged by society. Like they are both waiting the right moment for that. It has to be right. Right for everything and everyone. Necip wisperd: “I won`t be here whole day. I have some meetings…” Zumrut wispers also: “With some blondes…?” Necip smiled: “And one red haired… They looked to each other and she bound her head like a child who was complaining for something. He smiled and kissed her forehead. Zumrut: “But you will call me when you make the pauses, right?” Necip: “If the blondes let me… But I think that the red one will make the biggest problems…” Zumrut was trying not to smile. She tried to look mad but she couldn`t. She turned her head from him. He started to laugh and he kissed her cheek. She smiled and she started to play with a bottons on his shirt. Necip: “What?” Zumrut: “What?” Necip: “Every time you do that or you play with your fingers you want to ask something or to say. So what is it?” Zumrut: “Well… Haluk will come to the party tomorrow.” Necip didn`t say anything, “he will come with me…” like something hit him! He had angry look and he move his hands of her. Necip: “If he will come, fine! He is still your husband. If he don`t come people will talk, I know. But why with you?! You will walk in holding his hand?! Will you? Tell me!” Zumrut: “Please Necip… you have to understand me, I….” Necip: “To understand what?! What? That you are hypocrite! You have sad face when I say I won`t come whole day but you don`t mind to come back to him every day to holding his hand like nothing is happening!!!” Zumrut: “Stop it! Don`t talk like that! Necip: “Why not? Am I lying? What are we Zumrut? What?” Zumrut: “How you mean? We are friends…” Necip: “Friends?!... ok, we are friends… At least I know now what we are… I am late I have to go. See you tomorrow at the party.” Zumrut: “Necip… stop! Don`t act like a child!” He came to do door, he turned around to her, looked at her and…he just bounded his head and got out… Haluk was losing job bye job. He was devastated. Voice of unknown man was in his mind for days. Some onknown man is having his life in his hands. And Zumruts company? He thought that she was playing a little and that she will give up because she don`t have money. But that stupid man is helping her! First he was angry but then he figure out that he can have purpose of her company. He can use its money for his companies! Then he got one step up… he will start business with that man! If he helped Zumrut he will probably help him. Zumrut will convince him to do that. He will talk with her about that. Yesim was enjoying with every moment with Kader but he started to get bored with her. He decided to start avoiding her for some while maybe she will forget on him. She called him to that party but he has no intention to go. Poor out little butterfly… Zumrut was watching her phone all the time. He doesn`t call me. Whole day! She couldn`t think about anything accept about him. Necip was sitting in his office and thinking – so everything is over?! Just like that?! No! He won`t give up! He will do everything to force her to say what she feels! Everything! He told to the secretary to post pone all his meetings for today and he went out. Zumrut couldn`t take anymore so she left to his office. But he was already gone… they told her that he left with some woman. She was so angry at herself! And at him too! Why is he acting like that? She went to the park where they always go. She set on their bench and she started to cry… Her phone! Necip! Zumrut: “Necip!” Necip: “I send driver for you. Where are you? She didn`t wanted to tell him that she was so weak that she went to their place so made something up. Driver took her to some house and left. It was nice house. It wasn`t so big like jail but it was nice. She liked it. Necip came from the back of the house. Necip: “Do you like it?” Zumrut: “It is nice. Yes, I do. Why we are here?” Necip: “I want you to decorate this house.” Zumrut: “Ok.. Whose house is this?” they went inside and Zumrut started to look around.. Necip: “Now mine.” Zumrut looked at him. She didn`t understand what he is saying: “Yours?!” Necip: “I want you to decorate it like it is yours, ok? Everything.” Zumrut: “you want me to decorate this house for some blonde?” They were both looking around the house but avoiding each other, not looking each other. They were walking around the house and talking like they were talking with some third person. Necip: “Or some red haired, or black…” he took her hand and pulled her to his arms: “Or maybe some brunette…” He was holding her so strong! She couldn`t move. Their faces were so close. Zumrut: “You are planning to leave your family?” Necip: “No, I just won`t live with them anymore…” he was again touching her face with his. She wanted him to stop! She can`t think when he does that! Zumrut whispered: “Stop it…” Necip: “You want me to leave you?” Zumrut: “Yes.” He pulled of his hands so fast that she almost lost her balance. She saw that he is angry again. She wanted to say something to fix things between them but she couldn`t. She just… she… she run out the house in tears. Necip went out for her. Necip: “Stop! Zumrut stop! Were are you going like that? Are you planning to walk to the town?!” Necip managed to caught her. He hugged her so strong. Necip: “I am sorry. I am a fool. Please don`t cry. I am sorry… I am sorry…” She was so small in his arms, so weak, she was like a small child who wanted his mom. She liked when he hugs her. She just liked. She couldn`t live without his hug. Zumrut: “I can`t live without your hug… I can`t… I can`t live without you…” Necip took her face with his hands and he smiled. She didn`t said I love you but it was closed enough. He kissed her forehead and led her to the house. But the devil is never bored he is always awake. One person was looking at them all the time. Who?... of course Ikbal… While she was sitting in the car she called Haluk: “Do you know that your wife is planning to leave you?...” At first he didn`t care because he tough that he can control Zumrut with his money. But now…she has her own company, that man is rich… he is risking to lose her! His gold mine… he need to talk to that man as son as possible. They went to the house and Necip brought her glass of water. Zumrut: “Who was she?” Necip: “Who?” Zumrut: “They told me you went with some woman… Who is she?” Necip started to laugh. He put her in his lap and he started to touch her hands. Necip: “That was my secretary. She was going to take some paper to some man and she went with me from the office… is that someone little jealous?” Zumrut: “No!” Necip: “Yes.” Zumrut: “No.” Necip: “Yes.” Zumrut: “I said no!” Necip: “And who is acting like child now?!” he started to laugh at her because she made a face like a angry child. He kissed her hand. Necip: “How much time do you need to decorate the house?” Zumrut: “You are really planning to live here? Well, couple days… I don`t know…” Necip: “Ok.. You will have a week. I am leaving tomorrow at some business trip and I will stay a week, not longer.” Zumrut: “What???” Necip: “I am sorry. I found out at the office. I have to go.” Zumruts face was devastated. He tried to cheer her up but he couldn`t. He drive her to the jail and he hated because he will have to leave her in that condition. Haluk came out from jail and he wanted to talk with Necip. Zumrut was confused but Necip gave her sign to leave them. She left but she was scared that Necip will do something stupid if Haluk say something. Ikbal was furious! That man sad that nothing will be between them and look now! They are together all the time! Is that house for them? That man said that she is probably decorating that house for someone but she is scared that that someone is Necip! She will ask Kader did Necip told him something. Ah, Necip. You forgot that I am holding you in my hands. You forgot about our secret… Zumrut was standing at the window and watching them. What he wants from Necip? Necip is leaving… Nothing happened… She saw that Haluk was satisfied when he came into the jail. What were they talking about? She will call Necip. Yesim was calling Kader whole the day and he is not answering. What is going on? Maybe he is busy, maybe he forgot phone somewhere. Ah, everything will be ok. She went to choose dress fro tomorrow evening. She was going to call Zumrut to come with her but she remembered that Zumrut already bought dress. Necip told to Zumrut that Haluk just offered his help about Zumruts company and that he asjed him to become partners in some new job he will get and Necip accepted. Zumrut was angry at him because he accepted. Why he have to business with him? There are so many people, why with him? She was already messed up because she won`t see Necip for a week and now this! She knew that Haluk is planning something! Necip must also knew that so why he accepted? Yes, Necip knew. Necip knew with what kind of man he deal with but Haluk didn`t. haluk is about to see what is Necip capable to do for the honor of his moonlight. He didn`t told her how Haluk tried to represent Zumrut to him. And he will pay for that! He wanted that Necip think that she is stupid, cold, that she doesn`t care about anything except to money… He will make Haluk to apologize to Zumrut in front of a lot of people. That is why he said to Haluk to bring those documents tomorrow to his office to sign. Necip is following for a long time Haluks financial situation. Necip knows that this contract is his only way out… But one thing he couldn`t realize… how he know that he and Zumrut were t that house? How? Ikbal didn`t found out anything from Kader. When Necip came home she started to fight. Ikbal: “Do you have something to tell me Necip?” Necip: “About what?” Ikbal: “You tell me… What is going on with you in last few weeks?” Necip: “Honestly… I fall in love!” She couldn`t believe that he said that to her! Ikbal: “Really… tell me, are you maybe trying to leave? To go to some other house?” Oh, so that was you Ikbal… You saw us. Wait… she is dealing with that scam bag? God…I can`t believe… Necip just smiled. Ikbal: “If you try to do that I will tell Kader whole the truth!” Necip: “Fine… Is he here? Let tell him right now! Kader?” Ikbal: “No, shut up! He is not here! Are you gone mad??? You want to lose your son because of that woman???” Necip just came out from there and went to his room. New day came and everyone was in a good mood except one person – Ikbal… Everything was ready for the party, contract is sign, Yesim spoke with Kader and one white rose came to jail for Zumrut… When Necip came with ikbal to the party he saw Zumrut talking to the journalists. She was just perfect! She had long green dress and black jewelry. Her eyes were just glowing like two black pearls. He was late in purpose because he didn`t want to see her coming with Haluk. Ikbal was looking at her and she wished that she died! Ikbals clouts – no words to explain… While she was talking she saw him… He was so hansom. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. They didn`t talk too much at the party. Necip didn`t want to give people a reason to talk. He approached to her just once to tell her how beautiful she is and that he wants to take her from there. Necip called Haluk to talk with him. Zumrut saw that and she was scared again. Necip told Haluk that he will ripped the contract if he don`t apologize to Zumrut in front of everyone! Haluk started to laugh but he saw that Necip was serious. Necip took papers from his pocket and he wanted to rip them. Zumrut saw how Haluk went to the music and stop them and took microphone. She was scared to death. She looked at Necip and he was just standing there and smiling. He was holding some papers… When Haluk finished she didn`t know how to act. She never heard so many beautiful words from him for all these years of marriage. She knew that only Necip could have something with that… Party was over. Ikbal went long time ago before the end. And some men took Haluk to the home after the speech because he was so drunk that he couldn`t stand on his feet. Zumrut thought that Necip left and he didn`t say goodbye…he probably couldn`t say goodbye to her so he just left. She was so sad because she won`t see him for a week… She went on the balcony and she looked up to the Moon. Moonlight…. She forgot to ask him why he calls her like that… Necip: “You still owe me a dance…” She turned around and she couldn`t believe! He didn`t left! She smiled and run to his arms. She hugged him so strong. She didn`t want to let him go! Zumrut: “I thought you were gone.” Necip: “Without dance? No way…” She smiled at him: “But we don`t have music.” Necip: “What? You don`t hear it?!” She smiled again: “Yes I do… but I thought that I am crazy…” Necip: “Oh, no… That just our hearts are making party…” Now both of them laugh! Necip: “Shall we?” And… they started to dance… dance without music… music that only two of them can hear… music which is sent by the Moon… Zumrut: “You will call me every day…?” Necip: “Of course…” Zumrut: “At least twice…” Necip: “What? Are you unfaithful to me? I thought to call at least five times a day!” She started to laugh. Sometimes he is so crazy. She knows that he just want to cheer her up before he leaves. She was looking into his eyes. Zumrut: “Why moonlight?” Necip: “Because you are my moonlight…” She smiled: “That`s not the answer…” He kissed her forehead, she put her head on his chest and they go on with dancing in silence… silence which only we hear… Necip: “Think about everything while I am gone, ok?” Zumrut: “Ok…” Moon was shining and enjoying with them... and… preparing something…
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:23:29 +0000

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