Chapter 8 Me: Can I have some water? Joshua got up wawathatha - TopicsExpress


Chapter 8 Me: Can I have some water? Joshua got up wawathatha wangiphuzisa. Joshua: You can stop. Me: Please. I want to tell you Joshua: Okay Me: So one day I come ngifice indlu i-empty kusele izingubo zami zifakw ku-plastic omnyama. She was dead. All this time she was forcing me to work and study she knew she was dying but she didnt tell me. She left me a letter explaining that she didnt tell me she had cancer because she knew I had to much to deal with. Once again I was homeless. Joshua: Pho wahlalaph? Me: Kwadingeka ukuth ngithole umqasho. Atleast I had a job so ngangingalali ngingadlile. Angazi ukuth ubani owathatha izimpahla zakhe, ngathi ngiya ngelinye ilanga ngafica sekuhlala abany bathi they bought the house bangafuna ukush ukth ubani obadayisele. I was broken Joshua. Ngangimthanda. She was like a mother but wahamba wangishiya. I wish she had told me atleast ngivalelise. Joshua: Eskoleni? Me: Ngaqhubeka ngafunda. The student funding scheme helped me a lot. Ngafunda ngaze ngaqeda. I didnt have a graduation part. Ngosuku engagqoka ngalo ijazi was the saddest day of my life. I had no one to celebrate with. It was just me. All along bengisebenzela ukuba nemali. To have everything that I want but It cant buy me happiness. Im lonely. Sometimes I end up drinking ngoba Im trying to forget Joshua: Why didnt you date someone? Ngiyazi ukth uyashelwa. Me: Im afraid. Ngivele ngibone engathi ngizohlukumezeka Joshua: What about Sbusiso. Anijoli? Me: I was drunk. Joshua: You should rest. Lala uzovuka ngikhona Me: Izinhlungu sezithe ukuthula. Joshua: Awulambile? Me: No Joshua: Ill get that nurse to give you something for the pain. Me: Thank you he got up waphuma. For the first time in my life I felt lighter. Wawungath ngenze into enkulu ngokutshela uJoshua. I wasnt ready to forgive my family just yet. Joshua walked in again. Ephethe ukudla. Joshua: Before you shoot me. You need to eat before you take pills. So open up Me: Ngafika nini lana? Joshua: Kuthangi. Me: And you been here since than? Joshua: I couldidnt leave Me: What about your family? Joshua: My parents died in car accident. Thats why that night I didnt want you to drive drunk. The driver was drunk Me: Im sorry Joshua: Thanks. Now eat. I ate few spoons wafika unesi ngaphuza amaphilisi. Joshua: You rest now Me: Nawe uhambe uyophumula Joshua: I will, but ngohamba usuzumekile Me: Thank you Joshua: What for? Me: For being here for me. For listening. Joshua: You welcome We talked some more ngaze ngazumeka. Ngaphamama later. My friends were there. I was glad to see them. Lindiwe: Yazi unesi obe lana uthe kunendoda engapheli nje lana. Ine-dread, yazi uma eyichaza ngath uJoshuwa she rolled her eyes. Bongeka: Aybo uJoshuwa akasapheli lana? Gloria oe is there something we should know? Me: Kodwa yini nize nimbize ngoJoshuwa engath izalukazi Neliswa: Simbiza ngesizulu nje. Dont change the subject. Me: Cishe ngafa kodw nina nijahe ezoJoshua. Aycha nikhona bo. I pretended to be angry. Lindiwe: Dont guilt trip us. Wena uyamthanda uJoshua. Sbu is fine too but uJoshua is perfect for you Me: You seeing things we all laughed. Sathuliswa ukuvuleka kwescabha kwangena uSbusiso. Sbu: Sanibona. Me: Yebo he kissed my lips. Sbu: Nangavuma nje bosisi yini? Bongeka: Ncese. Ukth usuke wangena sisahleka. Sbu: Ay ngiyezwa. Anyway usunjani kodwa mtakwethu? uLindiwe wavele wazikhwehlelisa kakhulu. UNeliswa noBongeka baphela ihlaya. I gave them an evil look bathula same time. Me: Im better thanks Sbu: Kuhle uma usuncono. As much as I appreciated being visited by Sbu but the truth was I realised that I liked Joshua more than Sbu. Joshua had a chance but didnt take an advantage while Sbu introduced me to dagga and then slept with me while I was totally out of it. The fact that yena wayekhumbula kusho khona ukth into ayenza ngenhloso. UJoshua saw the accident, wahlala nami esbhedlela walinda ukth ngiphaphame kodwa uSbu wafika sengiphapheme. Sbu: Ucabanga ini? Me: Work I lied. I needed to tell him to leave me alone but ngangingafuni ukumphoxa phambi kwabangani bami. The door opened again kwangena uJoshua with a bunch of flowers. Joshua: I didnt know you had visitors Me: You are suppose to be resting Joshua: And I did. Me: Thank you for the flowers Sbu: Besingekho isdingo sazo kodwa. Joshua ignored him wazibeka duze kombhede. Neliswa: Engathi sesiyahamba Gloria Me: Aw kahleni bo. Akenihlale kancane ngangingafuni kusale uSbu noJoshua bodwa. Bongeka: Sobuya kusasa Joshua: Ill walk with you. Ube-right Gloria he walked out. My friends said goodbye aswel bahamba ngasala noSbu. Sbu: Kwenzekani phakath kwakho noJoshua? Me: Nothing. Sbu: Unamanga. Niyajola Me: It wouldidnt be such a bad thing if sijola Sbu: What about us? Me: Theres no us Sbu. That night was a mistake. I was drunk I dont even remember what happened I explained.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:51:12 +0000

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