Chapter 8 The Guardians of Destiny: The sons and Daughters of - TopicsExpress


Chapter 8 The Guardians of Destiny: The sons and Daughters of Athos Once the guardians had been establish they dwelled in the mountains above in the new enchanted kingdom. Aoni called these the Enchanted Mountains for they talked to one another at night and they would sing the enchanted lullaby on the wind. Aoni now knew that this land Athos created this realm. He made Amras promise long ago to give Aoni to him as gift. Athos helped Amras to find Capri and to convince the maiden to fall in love with Amras. Athos wanted to create an Elvan beings superior than any other. They would be called the Enchantians. Aoni was a little angered and felt a little tricked. But she knew now after all this time, what her purpose was. She was charged to care for Athos new race of elves and to love each and every one. Still her love was never with Athos it still ached, even after these great many years for someone else. She loved this realm and Aoni gave it every magical protection, as she could think of; the young Aragoth transformed the top of the mystic mountain into a great golden kingdom, in honor of his mother, because her golden skin. Twelve of them would sit on silver thrones; they would watch all of Enchantia from high above. They would debate on each subject most of the time. Aoni would see more of Aragoth then the others. They were content to stay on the mountain. Aoni visited often, but maintained herself in her own kingdom. None of the guardians wanted any rule, which would only belong to the first Enchantian child, Ashley. They knew certainly about Cornella. They had to come to a point of understanding, that even though she was an enemy of the realm she was still kin to them. That made some decisions difficult. They knew of their mother’s guilt about leaving her, allowing her to grow up evil. But she was the oldest of them, and still they loved her. Ashley was appointed the warrior guardian and she would be charged with keeping the kingdom safe, and continues those duties in event of her mother’s passing, as she would then be queen. Their first act of Guardians of Destiny was to remove Prognomous from his throne, and stop the murdering of humans and elves alike. Aoni as the head of the guardians wanted to punish and remove Morianna and Predox from ruling the Redwoods. They sought out the strongest warrior elves they can gather. But they needed a powerful leader to lead them. Aoni sat on here throne when Aragoth appeared to her. He was handsome, long golden hair but it was tied back. He did not have his mothers golden skin, but rays of light reflected on him.” “Mother,” he spoke in calm voice… “We have gone through every imaginable creature. We cannot find someone to lead, and not even one in your army as the strength and cunning to lead…” As he spoke Ashley interrupted, Aragoth, did not look surprised to see his sister offer herself; he knew how powerful she was. “Aragoth,” Aoni order, “you may go now.” Aragoth looked to his mother and disappeared into a ball of light. When the light faded Ashley approached her mother and spoke, “I could be the warrior that you are looking for. I have trained for this my entire life.” But before she could continue Aoni disrupted her “I forbid it.” Aoni screeched and slammed her staff down. “But Mother Ashley insisted... Aoni repeated herself again” I forbid it.” “But why mother?” Ashley asked. “I don’t have to explain myself daughter,” Aoni screeched again. She was becoming more intolerable of the conversation. Ashley never saw her mother angry she was quite shocked. “May I speak now,” Ashley asked gently. Then she explained to her mother what happen in library some time ago. “It does not mean anything,” Aoni said. “I was called by the divine ones to be there warrior and it doesn’t mean anything,” Ashley pleaded. “Yes it does mean something; you are not ready Ashley in time maybe. You will stay for now my child,” Aoni retorted. “What are you afraid of Mother?” Ashley shot back Aoni sat back into her throne “your sister,” Ashley looked confused; Aoni seldom talk about any sister but Numia. “Numia.” she repeated to her mother. “No, Cornella.” Aoni retorted. Aoni explained to her again who Cornella was and how she came into being and the torture she had to endure from Prognomous. Ashley then wondered why Aoni did take her. But after Aoni explained. Ashley could not blame her. Aoni stared out the window. Then remembered the last day she saw Cornella. “I gave you an order Ashley return to your duties.” Aoni commanded. Ashley was not happy. Her mother was the absolute ruler of the Guardian’s and the Redwood tribe and Enchantia; such as it was and her word was final. But Ashley was not finished convincing her. “You will see mother that you need me, and I am born for this,” Ashley said as she left. Aoni knew her daughter was powerful, but like her father before her, she needed to protect the line of succession. She now understood why her father made the decision to keep her in her chambers, and now she wondered if she did obey instead of being rebels, would her father still be live. Would Cornella even exist, would Aoni’s people and the humans have been punished the way they were; the only thing good that came out from all that was Ashley and the others. Ashley faded into thin air had adhering to her mother’s will. Aoni sent the men back to the realm of Prognomous. Rothem had return to his love and lead the small armies, back to Prognomous’s kingdom. But there sneak attack was for not after all. Cornella had men stationed were her istar suspected where the entrance Aoni’s invisible realm was. Prognomous’s sent men all across the land to search for his wife soon after she disappeared. They searched for her in the woods for many years. But she wasn’t to be found, until one of his own came back and told him about an invisible kingdom in the west. When one of his hunters spotted a company of elves walking through the woods and when they walked back of this big bush, they did not come out the other side. The hunter went to investigate and when he went behind this bush he to found himself in a different realm. He told Prognomous, that these grand mountains surrounded kingdom, it was also difficult to get to the castle, he said there to many guards blocking his way. But he sure as if he knew he was an elf, that Aoni was queen. He had finally managed to find his way out, but when he tried to return with more men, the entrance was gone. Since then Cornella and her father always had hunters and spies watch for creatures entering. But until this moment when Cornella’s trackers finally spotted a grand army just appearing out of nowhere, they knew the realm was there. Cornella took the best of her father’s cohorts, raggedy and smelly ogres and trolls, and some disheveled elves. They began to ride out, and they wanted to catch as many of them as they could. Prognomous wanted find his golden one; Cornella was more interested to know about this realm. She had no thought of her mother. She considered Morianna her only mother. Cornella never even asked what her name was until she got older. Aoni was a forbidden subject. Rothem spotted Cornella at first behind so tall branches and some brush. It was evening but still barely light out, they to sneak behind some brush and twigs and mounds. But they found out that Cornellas army out number their own. “ARE YOU THE ONE THEY CALL ROTHEM,” Cornella shouted. “Lay down your arms and no harm will come to you and your company,” she continued. With bows ready to attack, Rothem gave the order. Many arrows flew in the air on both sides. Some of his kin were shot down and killed, some Cornellas monstrous company as well. Rothem decided the best bet was to light the arrows with fire and not aim for the elves but for their enormous branches from the trees overhead. So they shot the fiery arrows and as was planed the trees were all on fire. Burnt embers and branches leaves and twigs fell upon all. “If we are going to die tonight we die for Aoni, and peace and together,” Rothem shouted as he charged the enemy. However Cornella’s army stood their ground. Rothem noticed the fair she-elf, indeed a twin of her mother. Even though she grew up in darkness her skin to emitted the moon rays from her skin. But her hair was long and black as night. When Cornella stood up out of the bush he noticed how very tall she was, much like Ashley. Rothem tried to reason with her, telling her he was a friend of Aoni’s her mother. But that angered her more. She ordered her cohorts to attack with swords revealing them now in the moon lit clearing. Back and forth as the night went along they fought. But no one was really succeeding. Sudden rumble shook the ground, Rothem and his men and Cornellas monsters stopped in their place. An enormous Minotaur appeared. He along with several others started to fight, throwing giant rocks at Rothem and his elven mates. Surely Rothem had no choice but to retreat. Amongst the Chaos Rothem escaped. Cornella killed the rest of his company, but maimed one and left the elf for dead, but before having a taste of his blood. When only one returned to Enchantia, Aoni was disappointed and grieved stricken she lost so many. She worried about Rothem, “where was he,” she wondered. Only a warrior named Tomax returned and he was badly deformed. His nose was cut off, he had only one eye. His hair was all but gone. His ears were bloody wholes in his head. He told the court including the Guardians as they all convene to hear his tale. “Oh Tomax,” Ashley muttered as she sat in the throne beside her mother, oh how she love him. After he told them what had occurred and Cornella message to her mother “Tell my mother she said, that aunty Morianna is the queen Priestess of the Redwood kingdom, and tell her my father send his regards. He is most looking forward to her return to her husband and her home.” He told them all of gruesome and savage battle. He told them Cornella would scorch the warriors alive with great fireballs, and some of them were captured and their heads were cut off. However he save the worst and the most horrific tale for last, Cornella and her followers drank of our blood. Aoni could not bear it anymore. Ashley heard all this and could not believe what they have done. Then Tomax told them, that he managed to escape, like a coward to bring them news of this. He told them that Cornella left him alive, but he should have went back to try to save the others. Tomax told them he waited to the morning, so they would not know where to enter. However Aoni had suspected that he was watched and now they know where the portal is. Tomax could not live, and thought that his life was over. He was deformed and shamed as he believed and he was not worthy of Ashley’s love no more. He took out his sword and ran himself through with the blade. He fell on the floor. Aoni raced down from her throne and grabbed his head before he died and looked into his mind. The versions were as Tomax said and she cried ever so much. Ashley was set to marry him upon his return. Screams echoing across that great hall, no one had ever seen such a thing. There realm was peaceful and murder was not a part of their world. All of the company that day scattered in screams echoing throughout the kingdom. Ashley stood in shock and shook of what she saw and felt like she was going to faint. Thankfully her sister Numia was there to catch her before she fell. Aoni had blood on her hands; her maidens ran to her side poured water to clean here and wiped her with a cleansing linen. Aoni’s dress was stained red everywhere, her maiden ripped the linens right off her and another came with blanket to cover her nakedness. The guards rushed to her side and escorted Aoni back to her throne. Aoni was in shock. She could not believe a child from here own flesh could be so evil. She felt ashamed and withdrew herself from the court. Ashley finally regained consciences, when one of her sisters spoke a spell in elfish. Aragoth and the other Guardians disappear without a word, each of them mourning the death of Tomax a valued solider and friend to all of them. They too were in disbelief. Then Ashley ordered the guard to remove the body and maidens to clean up the blood, and the court of all was dismissed. Ashley sat in her mother’s throne, it felt right to her. She put both arms on the throne and rested her heard on the back of the chair. There she rested in the quite with her thoughts. She closed her eyes hoping to see the golden rays, wishing to communicate with the divine ones. But she only had dark thoughts of war, which seemed never ending. At that moment Aragoth reappeared, but only by himself. “All alone with your thoughts sister,” Aragoth said. “You pry too much brother,” Ashley told him. “I am afraid our mother is quiet ill with guilt,” Aragoth spoke. Ashley ignored his comment and went on. “Yes brother I know,” Ashley responded. “I am afraid she is not thinking clearly,” Aragoth spoke in a concern manner. “You are the chosen one, the one to bring our people out of the darkness and into the light,” Aragoth continued. “Why do you speak against mothers wishes, do you not heed her. She wishes for me to be safe my brother. Do you wish ill will against me, do wish me dead,” Ashley responded. “No sister I do not wish ill of you, but I know what the divines have instructed, and they have higher power then our mother, the divines of chosen you to lead,” Aragoth argued “you must adhere; mother as gone mad with guilt,” Aragoth paused. “Tell me Aragoth what you know of our sister Cornella,” Ashley quarried. Aragoth withdrew his smile and darkness came upon his face. “Only what our mother as said, however she might just be as powerful as you I suspect.” Aragoth explained. “You the great guardian have not observed her, “Ashley said sarcastically. “We are not allowed to observe or make judgments of those of not of this realm, and frankly I have no desire to look upon such evil,” Aragoth answered. Ashley was still wet with tears in anguish of the loss of her love. Tomax was part of woodland elves. We would have had beautiful children yes,” Ashley muttered. “His brother had just born a son Jax. We were to be wed after he was born so his kin could travel here,” Ashley’s words drifted. “You know brother, I cannot read your mind. But I know what you think. Cornella, she cannot be just removed she must be destroyed. Help me Aragoth my brother my istar,” Ashley looked at him strait in the eye as she finished. “I can train you, but as far as assisting you. You know the law, I cannot,” Aragoth spoke. “But you have the power of the twelve you can end this with one sway of your hand,” Ashley pleaded “That is true. But the law protects both sides, we are judges we do not choose sides. Come with me and you find peace and the training you need to enforce our laws, and if I cannot do it peacefully in that realm, then you must be the judge and executor, there.” Aragoth rambled on. “Soon mother will retire to the whispering woods her very sprite as been broken; our people will be looking to our new queen,” Aragoth said as they walked to middle of the great hall together. “I cannot be queen I am not the oldest,” Ashley replied. “Cornella as forfeited being queen of the Redwoods, she as done aggrieves of acts toward our people. You are the first child of Enchantia. This kingdom is yours. Mother is just the regent overseeing it until you are ready, “Aragoth spoke. “It is time for you to capture the silver stag and proclaim glory. Will see if we can find you one you can hunt. I will consult with the guardian Simone our brother; he is the keeper of the woods and animals. He will be the one who could locate one for you,” he teased. “I know you will sister hunt and capture one, and then and only then will you be ready to lead your people to victory. Like Aoni did twice,” Aragoth had lost focus. “You talk brother like our mother is already gone,” Ashley spoke in quite voice. “I have the gift of foretelling and I know our mother will not be a round for much longer,” he spoke again. Aoni decided to put in place a greater barrier then her fathers. It was in the interest of protecting her people and her daughter Ashley…… “Morianna and Cornella now had cohorts watching the great barrier of light waiting,” Aragoth told Ashley. “What is a great barrier of light,” Ashley asked. “Then one I consulted mother on just little while before Tomax appeared. The guardians and I worry about easy entry,” Aragoth responded. “Cornella, I suspect will wait for someone to leave here or try to enter the barrier. She seems to be very patient. An elves greatest gift and greatest weapon,” Aragoth warned. “Then we must go and attack,” Ashley insisted. “No sister time here as no meaning, we can wait a thousand years here, but it only be minutes to them. You need to train. “I don’t think I need a thousand years of training,” Ashley said sarcastically. Aragoth laughed and said “Oh no not a thousand years to train, but to celebrate. Did I tell you I have the ability to freeze time?” Aragoth jest. Ashley jested back, “That would come handy in battle.” They both looked at each other and laughed as they disappeared, both into spheres of light.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:13:03 +0000

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