Chapter 9 Coincidence: And then it hit me, I have seen - TopicsExpress


Chapter 9 Coincidence: And then it hit me, I have seen people like this before somewhere. But wait, what did gogo mean when he said kusatoshuba strong? hhayi this traditional doctor had a lot to say, and it seemed he didnt want to stop there. what else does he know? And then I heard my daddy speaking Daddy: I dont want to argue about this anymore but all I want and all Ill ever do is to protect that little girl in our room. I dont care how far I have to go, or what I have to do but the question is are you? you cant just ignore what gogo said, and dont pretend like you dont care I know my love it hurts and it hurts you even more but you have to be strong, you have to fight, you just have to! wait a minute, what is going on in there? what is my father insinuating? does it mean that my father now wants to embark on this Sangoma journey? Daddy: its not who we are, but can you atleast consider it then please my love. All this while my mother was quiet I guess she was considering it, whatever that is. after a while my mother came to the room and told me she has prepared water for me to bath. She helped me get up and she told me to try to walk Mum: Try my child please, I need to see you walk my love please try for mummy I didnt realize how much it pained my mother, she was hurting nyan and it looked like she didnt sleep last night. My daddy took a day off and he was busy making us breakfast. I tried to walk with the support of my mummy of cause, we got to the bathroom eventually and she carried me and placed me inside the water. but I have never seen something like this before, the water was purplish and it had like tiny crusts of wood, it was too fine like instant porridge. she washed me without a soup nor foam bath just that purplish water. she was mumbling something but out of it all I only heard - make her better. she placed a towel on her chest and picked me up covering me with the towel we headed to our bedroom, she placed me on the bed and took out something that was inside Vaseline container, it was all sorts of Brown in color with small particles that were lighter than the whole thing. she then nourished my body with it. she was doing this thing like she was a professional, or atleast its what I thought and how I saw it. she was done, she then dressed me and poured me imbita in a mug, she helped me drink it ow but that thing was bitter shame haaa I was reluctant at first she then told me it will make me feel better so I finished it, she even told me how to drink it. And it hit me again, it now added up, those assistants acted like the ladies that were at gogo Sophias house, they were always in that creepy room that was the hut so this concludes everything, the sounds that were familiar to me when we went to the Sangomas house, the behavior of the assistants, the decoration and everything that was familiar was actually, I saw it at Sophias house! she was a Sangoma too, tjo that conclusion sent my thoughts to a coma. my daddy came in the room with a tray, damn it looked so delicious, shisha boma English breakfast. oh God but mos I couldnt swallow solid food, but that right there looked divine! I had to put my hands in that tray. he came closer and placed the tray on the the side of the bed, they made me seat with the support of pillows, they sat next to me I was in the middle,the tray was in front of me I took beacon and ate it, then went to the eggs and drank the juice. I still couldnt eat the bread so I took a slice of cheese and ate it. my parents were happy to see me eat, they just glanced at me with a smile on their faces. They eventually ate too, it was nice having my family too. My mother had sent Oluhle to leave with my aunt Precious. she and my uncle were done with school now, my uncle was somewhere in the world doing military services and my aunt had found herself a stable, steady boyfriend and she lived with him. so my sister was to live with them. my aunt Happiness was now living with her aunt, and that house we lived in was sold. my grandpa Joseph was still living with gogo Sophia in her house, it was said my grandpa was building his own house somewhere in Pienaar. I loved my sister but her being here was not good for me. I miss her everyday but it was for the best. Days and weeks passed and I was still struggling to walk but I could do a few things like eat solid food, seat, toss and turn. I still struggled to walk but I could stand a few seconds and crawled secretly I wanted to be fit enough before anything else. My mother was a housewife, and my daddy took care of us. so one day my daddy was at work and my mother was doing the laundry outside. I was still at the Sangomas activities, the bathing, imbita drinking etc and I must say, I was getting better in a way that I scared my mother, she didnt know what to do or to say. I was alone in the house in my room, but hey my mother couldnt believe her eyes when she...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 13:58:47 +0000

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