Chapter 9: The Compromise (After realizing she could find no - TopicsExpress


Chapter 9: The Compromise (After realizing she could find no allies in the dwarfs or any other creature. Ambrosia yields to the idea of the competition, however she knows that Gallian would not either. Gallian pays another visit to Ambrosia, agreeing to the challenge. But Ambrosia knows he cannot be trusted and would never adhere to be subject to her, as she would not do the same. ) But then I awoke in the night and I fell back to sleep confident the king of dwarfs took me seriously enough to consider what I had to purpose. Like Andromedia I felt he would send someone to the castle real soon. Then I heard a clap and then there was a light that flashed before me. I sat up instantly and I saw him standing at the end of my bed. I drew my sword and pointed at him. I was shaking the whole time. Then he spoke, with a lighting flame upon his hand. Is that how you hail a distant ancestor, and beloved Vox, Ambrosia,” He asked. He was so calm it was annoying to me. Strutting around by bed chamber as if it was his own. How could I have been fooled to allow such evil in my bed? I guess I did not want to see him for what he really was. I just really needed to be loved. A mistake I will not make again. I was completely off guard. “Do you think this enchantment can keep me out? My mother invented it,” Gallian chortled. Then I answered him just in the same sinisterly tone, “No Gallian, it is only you who could breech this enchantment, and you alone are not a threat to me. “I commend you on your bravery my love, and cunning, you’re so right. It is true my followers cannot breech your spell of enchantment. But I am not in danger even by myself. I do not need soldiers to kill my father or hunt for my siblings, but that’s an ancient story from long ago,” Gallian spoke calmly. Gallian walk closer and I pointed the sword to him as he circled my bed. “You’re not my love you are my enemy, a true adversary” I spoke. “The only enemy you have my dear is your own self. Your emotions will be your undoing. Why do you think our race is superior, Ambrosia? Do you not know what really separates us from the humans or even ordinary elves?” He asked me. I looked at him and I thought for minute. But before I could answer him he answered his own question. “What separates us or me from the humans is we do not let emotions or love control us,” He answered. I certainly would have to argue with that. So I debated back, “Our people are peaceful people and we do love all creatures, not just the magical kind. Your mother was one of those who loved all creatures.” “No, you are wrong about that. Ashley only loved one thing herself and power. It was Aoni my grandmother who love the nature of things. You really need to read your history. Humans are guided by their emotions, elves are magical or not, are not lead so easily astray,” Sarandon finished. Then he spoke on another subject to me, “Do you really believe the dwarfs will help you, you have nothing to offer them?” Gallian said briskly. I thought for a moment I was going to really tell him what I offered, but I decided not to. I did not even want him to know that I still had ambrosia far beneath castle stored. But I wanted to really know was how he knew I was there. “I dont know what you are talking about, what king; I have never laid eyes on a dwarf,” I lied. “You don’t make for a good liar Ambrosia. I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR MEETING,” Gallian insisted. The evil enemy started to get mean. I was laughing on the inside. Thinking he is almost as dramatic has a human. “How,” I demanded to know. “Let us just say a birdy told me,” Gallian argued. Changing the subject I wanted to know why he was here, I tried to hide how frighten I was. I sat stoic and let him believe I was not. “Why are you here Gallian?” I wanted answer. “I had a visit from Predox two days ago, he wanted me to compromise,” He said. He continued to ramble, “Predox said he made the same offer to you, but you laughed at him and refused.” “What is your point?” I asked. Well I told him I would think about it, “Gallian answered. That caught me by surprise; perhaps he was playing a game with me right now I thought. “I am to offer you a chance for peace without bloodshed,” He said as he turned to the night sky. I was all ears. I wondered if he was a little afraid himself to go to war with me. Why was he all of the sudden talking peace. “I also think maybe we could divide the kingdom of Enchantia into two parts, it worked for some time for Ashley and Cornella,” He still was not facing me as he spoke. I had to wonder what kind of game he was playing with me. Was this some sort of trick? I almost accepted his proposal but then he spoke, “I would hate to have to humiliate you in a battle. I mean are you not humiliated enough by being half human.” He bantered. My face turned red. I wanted to run him through right there. But it was against the laws of the elders to kill in cold blood. If I did that, I might as well hand him the throne of the entire realm. Maybe he was right; he surely had the power to vex me in battle at the moment. So I accepted the challenge, I was not about to hand him part of this realm. Maybe Predox was right and Gallian, I need to be in the elven mind, and not rule with my heart or hatred like a human. A bright golden light appeared before us both. Maybe, I thought to myself we should move to the throne room. So I closed my eyes and all three of us, with me sitting on throne appeared in the great hall. Gallian turned has he was now facing the evening sky through the much taller window of the great hall. He clapped and spoke, “Nice Ambrosia, I did not even know we were removed from the room.” Then suddenly a great golden light, that was bigger then mine appeared. Predox walked right through and materialized right in front of the two of us. He just started to speak, without a greeting first. “The first contest will be to catch the golden stag, with little or no magic on either part. This will prove who the skilled hunter. It is important a ruler have keen senses to rule his or her kingdom.” Predox looked directly at me, and that made me wince at him. He spoke again, “Since the days of Aoni till your mother Ambrosia, they have all caught the golden stag as a right of passing one could say.” Predox noted. Then I replied to him, “I had not had the time to catch the mythical golden stag. I have been rather busy fighting the evil that has dwelled among this land.” I then shot a glare at the Gallian. He smirked back at me. “Do you think that this goal is unfair to you then?” Predox asked me. “No, I do not think it is unfair Predox,” I answered back, scoffing at him. I knew I was not going to be able to achieve this, since I have never tried to really hunt anything. Then Gallian spoke,” My dear Predox it is only fair that Ambrosia has certain amount of time to train for these events. I am willing to wait so she may practice.” “That is very generous of you Lord Gallian. And so it shall be. I will make that request to the guardian of time that she watches over five moons for the first competition to commence. So Princess Ambrosia here can prepare.” Since when was I demoted back to princess and since when did Gallian become a lord. I was ready to take up my sword and start fencing right here. Predox must have been reading my mind…. “Good Idea Ambrosia, “The event next will be a duel, both with sword and spear,” Predox quipped. Well that was not going to be a problem. I knew I could vex this ancient lord in that. This was not sounding bad. I knew at least I could out duel him, with my eyes closed. Predox then announced to Gallian and me the last contest. The next contest and the hardest will be the Maze.” Predox then explained himself, “In the deepest forest of our ancestors the forest of darkness; I shall unleash a beast the Minotaur who will try his hardest to kill one of you in the death maze. Now the only exception to the magic rule is the maze. Now if neither of you are killed, then it will be the first one to come out of the Maze will be the ruler of Enchantia,” Predox paused. “I told you know one can be queen of Enchantia except for a female,” I insisted. “You are quite right and no one with an evil heart, ”Predox explained. “Then I shall tell you this Vesta since she is the oldest child and she is your heir will be your successor and since Vesta is not old enough to be queen than her father will be regent ruler or you Ambrosia. Unless she goes mad or wishes not to be queen.” Predox explained. Well I thought to myself, that is why Gallian gave me a child, to protect his advantage over me. If he wins Vesta will become queen and since Gallian is her father he becomes her regent. Well now I see his motive and his game plan. That is why he killed Devina/Cornella) Predox was still speaking,” At the end, whoever wins the last contest, will rule the kingdom. Now Predox went on now looking directly at me. I felt really small. “If Gallian wins, you have two choices, not only do you give up the crown forever and forfeit it for all of your other children besides Vesta. You will be become princess and you will become a subject to King Gallian or you face banishment and return to the human world. As the same fate will be for Gallian he will be under your rule. If neither wins for some unseen reason then another contest will be named.” Predox then turned to Gallian and spoke, “You have to agree not to bring arms against Ambrosia is she wins,” Predox paused. Gallian nodded his head in agreement, “I shall, and I swear on my mother Ashley.” My eyebrow shot up, but did he really think I was buying this. Another clap of light suddenly appeared a great hour glass; it looked like the one Aragoth had. He twisted around then Predox said, “you got five full moons to prepare. The hourglass will start at the break of dawn.” I thought that was most generous, but why so long. Perhaps he thought I would lose interest and just give up. I did not know his motive. “The guardians will judge who will be the winner of all the contests. If you do not comply with these rules Ambrosia, Gallian wins by default and the same with the other. One more thing I should add. As of now neither of you have rule of Enchantia. The rule falls back to the guardians as it once did when our world was in the void,” With that Predox bid me fare winds and disappeared. Gallian also dissipated into the night, but did not bid me anything. I sat there and ponder what had happen for a moment. All was quiet. I waved my hand and all the torches went out all at once. I sat there in the in the dark, in the empty thone room. I was in utter disbelief that this was happening. Maybe they were all right, I was blinded by what I thought was love and I let an ancient evil creep back into my domain. Maybe I was just too human to rule. I then disappeared myself, only to return to my bed. I held court the next morning while the hourglass was still floating in front of my bed and then my throne. I was restless and could did not sleep the rest of that night; the sounds of marbles began shortly after the break of dawn. They were like rocks hitting glass. I explained to all, including Andromedia what had happen. They agreed with the guardians that this contest would be an ideal why to prove who is really is fit to rule. I told them I suspected it was Predox who suggested the contest. I thought maybe he was in league with Gallian and maybe a trick. But nevertheless I agreed. Later that evening I decided to pay Gallian a visit in his bed chamber. I caught him with another she-elf. I appeared to him, in the same way, but I brought along the hour glass. I told him that the hunting of the stag will commence at a time Predox designated. I also told him, between all the games there will be a break between, for preparation of course. He cackled and I took that has a yes. I was going make sure he knew that I was still in control, even though Predox told me I was not queen anymore, that did not stop me. Then I took his hour glass and broke it in my hands as I held it and I threw into pieces on the floor. I spoke most firmly to him, did you forget to say goodbye, before you left?” I asked. He just looked and made his sword appear as I did as well. At one point they clashed tip to tip. The she-elf who was in bed had disappeared on Gallian’s orders. “Leave now she-elf, for I need to speak to my wife in private.” I shuttered and remembered that might still be true. “Yes, Ambrosia,” he answered my thoughts. “It is true what they say you are still my wife.” he repeated himself. I did not want to believe that he might be right. “The marriage is void; you tricked me with another’s face,” I shouted as are swords meant again. “You sure are feisty, maybe I underestimated you. Maybe you’re not a weakling human after all,” He shouted back to me. Then he knocked the sword out my hand, I picked up my sword and I stabbed his bed. “You can have this back Gallian, and one more rule, don’t you ever come to your queens chambers again.” Gallian commented, “You are not the queen of anything now or ever!” And with that I disappeared. That night Andromedia and I sat by the fountain of my ancestors, it was paved with marble brick and the water fell from behind it from the top stone, not making any noise. The smells of the Flowers were intoxicating. Andromedia told me that neither she nor her tribe could help me in this contest and if I was sure I wanted to go through with it. I acknowledged that I had known that already, but I was still disappointed. I knew Gallian was going to cheat by using magic. I told her that I was going to be preparing to fight myself. But Andromeda did say her brother Zax will help me prepare. But I argued and said I did not need anyone. But she convinced me I was wrong. Later I decided I would go into the stables and pick myself a horse. I certainly needed my own horse. I had Nadia but she was getting on in years and Remacourt to. So I decided I would find one to replace them both during the contest. The stables were one my favorite places. I remember how I would sneak into the stable in my youth and I took my horse on my first great adventure. Then I remember chasing Alora with Nadia. The golden hey was all over the dirt floor, and stables were bare accept two horses, my old one and now this one. A black steed of magnificent stature stood next to my old one in the stable. Then I heard a voice “You like that one youre majesty, The horse master ask me in his deep voice. I replied “Yes very much.” I never saw one with deep red eyes before. “He was Alana’s. He said the horse was named BLAZE.” I gasped, “How could this be.” He was a gift from Athos to Alana; he was born in the fabled golden forest. He is only sent when he is needed. Gather the Guardian watches over all magic beasts. He has given this as a gift. For I did not understand much this day, a gift from the Guardians, they are the ones who wanted me to play these games with Gallian. But then occurred to me, maybe some did not want Gallian to win. I ask the horse trainer if he knew if this horse can hold up during the contests I was going to endure. Then he asked me what the contest were and I told him, but not all the details. Then he replied with a smile, “With a little training on both your parts. Ambrosia I dont have to tell you, that you need to be one with the horse.”
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:03:49 +0000

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