Chapter 94. hay kalok ngu bhut wakho nje. a female voice spoke - TopicsExpress


Chapter 94. hay kalok ngu bhut wakho nje. a female voice spoke outside. nawe njena wavuma Athi replied, caba uthetha nale girl ke. The voice was familiar and it definitely didnt sound like intanga ka Athi. Yamkela got up and was about to open the door and the check, when Athi came in..hand-in-hand no Qaqamba. She froze when she saw me, wabe uAthi ebaleka esiza kum to come hug me. ufike nin apha? he asked me. Me: akhokdala qha buyodlala kalok wena. Athi: khange uthi uyeza kalok. I laughed. Qaqamba cleared her throat and I put a quick stop to my laugh, ndayeka no ncuma. Bendimoyika still, after all this time. Qaqamba: so I was right about you two? Niyajola, Yamkela? What did it have to do with her though? Akayo ex na lomntu? Yamkela: we werent dating at that time. Her: so she was waiting for me to leave so she could take my place? You had her as uPlan B wakho? I got up, ndanxiba izihlangu zam. Me: mandihambe.. Give you two some time to- Yamkela: we dont need time to talk. Hlala, baby. Qaqamba: hee hay bhuti unzulu, vha? Him: why usenza lento, Qaqamba? Mna nawe sohlukene kdala. Her: you left me for esisfebe?! I was taken aback. But, being the coward I am, I sulked quietly. Yamkela: Athenkosi, hambo dlala phandle. Athi: ndihleli no sisi njena. Yamkela: uzobuya ekhona. Athi looked at me and I smiled and nodded, then he sulked, stomped his feet and walked out. Qaqamba: caba ndize ngexesha elirongo. Yamkela: no. This is perfect. Meet my girlfriend, uSindiswa. Baby? Cwaka. I didnt know who he was talking to until he turned to me and said Baby? again. Me: hm? Him: youve met before, under different circumstances. But ke, ngu Qaqamba ex. He held his arm out to me, ndayibamba and went to stand beside him...a lil behind him though because I was scared. Qaqamba: mxm. Yamkela: as you can see, Ive moved on. Do the same, nawe. Her: hee. Him: uzothini apha? Her: bendilapha izolo and khange undibuze lo shit! Yinton ngok!! Oh, so she was here. Oh. Ok. Yamkela turned to me. Him: she was here too uAthi. I was about to protest, and maybe start a fight but I just couldnt...not phamb kwe ex yakhe. She didnt need to know whats going on kuthi. Her: kuthen ungamxelelanga izolo? Kodwa you claim to love her? Him: ey ndicela uhambe before undize entloko. Her: andizanga kuwe, ndize ku Athi. hambo ncokola naye phandle kalok I blurted out. And immefiately afterwards, Qaqamba wanditsala ngapha ko Yamkela, pulling my hair and slapping me. Yamkela got between us and pushed her far back. Him: voetsek, Qaqamba! Hamba apha! Her: jonga sundinyela mntanandini. Awundazi, yeva? She was talking to me. He grabbed her top. Him: suthetha kanjalo no mfazi wam. Ndangqina nam. Haha. I wasnt even done nodding when she pushed Yamkela back and came to me again, wandinyola. Her: uthini? Ndavele nda dom. Yamkela pulled her back in time, though. Waya naye emnyango, opened it and pushed her out..and then slammed it in her face, watixa. She banged on the door, ecela uvulelwa...ecela ungena... Yamkela: ndzoyikhaba le! She was still banging. He got up and opened the door. Ndaphakama ndaya etoilet, to pee...and partly, to hide. I stared at myself in the mirror, ndakhala. A minute or 2 later, kwangena uYamkela. I had forgotten that I meeded to pee. So ndachama ke. He stood by the door, watching me. Him: babe. Im sorry. I didnt know she would come today. Ndathula and wiped, then ndanxiba and flushed. Why did he not mention that his ex was here izolo? What did he mean when he said he didnt know she would come TODAY? is he seeing her behind my back? Are taking turns to come visit him? Is he cheating on me? All of these questions were running through my mind, zindifakela istress. Him: Sindiswa. Ndathula. Him: sthandwa sam? I washed my hands and my face, closed the tap and the turned around to face him. Me: why arent you honest with me? Him: I am, babe. Me: but iba yi exception when it comes to your ex? He blinked slowly. Me: mxm. I wiped my face nge towel yakhe, ndayibeka futhi. Him: it slipped my mind that ebelapha izolo. Me: slipped your mind? Besincokola ku Whatsapp izolo. You even called me ebsuku, TWICE! Him: I didnt want to upset you. Me: oh, so it didnt slip your mind? Him: Im sorry. Me: ok. He opened the door and allowed me to walk out first. Sabuyela elounge... Me: so what did you wanna tell me? Him: hm? Nini? Me: earlier on, before le drama yonke. Him: oh...that... He scratched his head. Him: bendizokuxelela ngalento ka Qaqamba...that she was here. Me: oh? Him: yes. Awkward silence. Him: yoh ndinxaniwe yaz. And he walked to kitchen..still scratching his head. Caba iyamtya le nkwethu, hay kancinci...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 13:42:54 +0000

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