Chapter 9—Wishing every person well Wishing every person well - TopicsExpress


Chapter 9—Wishing every person well Wishing every person well is not a hard thing to do if you have a functioning heart. That is, it is not dead nor does it not see with its eyes. A pure heart will be warm enough to accommodate people of different classes, social backgrounds, ethnic or racial groups. What constitute wishing every person well is a goodwill. As discussed before, goodwill drives us towards progress. There is absolutely nothing wrong in greeting everyone you see. Those who pass on the streets, those who come into your place of work or your home—and those who come to inquire something from you. Say hello to each and every one of them. This might seem strange, but it is practical and the teachers of men, the prophets have always enjoined this. The practice of well-wishing is fundamental to raising hope to every living creature. Man and animals inclusive. It surely is an abhorrent behavior for people who wish well of others to become negatively affected at the reception of their behavior. A few people remain adamant to change and do not see the beauty of life. This could be because of the way they were raised up when a child, or due to personal experiences they have undergone in the world. We need to build trust. There is an overall plan concerning this lecture, the world peace project aims to make positive changes on how humans view their selves and all creatures of the earth. With the mercy of God on men, the human race will reconcile themselves and do the right thing which has always being the cause of progress. Wishing every person well entails you to have a feeling for their need. If you have something to calm a situation, offer it now. If someone is bothered about a thing or matter you can comfort him or her by soft words. Soft words do heal hearts. Do not be harsh in speech except people treated you or someone wrongly. If someone comes for a job offer, you do not need to go through heavy resume requirement to offer him a job. If he or she is welling to learn the trade or business, teach him or her that they may be able to feed their family. Give hope to people who lost hope and try and amend their ways to right by taking good actions. Speak good words, take right actions and do not fall into treating people badly. This is what the world deserves to make a better place for all people. If someone is in need of food and you run a restaurant, yet he cannot afford a decent food. Feed him and make him satisfied. Everything in the world will prosper not because of the excessive money you gain or have, but because of the change to put into it. In the Scripture, it is said: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Observing this verse alone is able to cure much of planet earth’s problem. Let us wish every person well, in deed and by words and good will come to us. We will become happy people. No matter how wealthy a man can become, money will not buy him happiness if he dejects the notion of helping and showing favor to people. We must love everyone on earth, especially those among us that are weak and need help. We need to wish every person well, everyday. It comes as a practice but with time, it will be the respondent of why we truly live. Show your brother or sister how to succeed in a business venture. Do not be afraid that you will go out of business because of his or her prosperity. The earth vast is it is has abundance of resources, we should testify to that. Do not create scarcity because who desire to make excess profit, this is a moral perversion and also encourages corruption. The act of wishing every person well is fundamental if the human race is to become prosperous. We are not to argue or fight, but we are to come to the agreement that we do all we do for the love of God, and then for the love of all His creation. Do not let anyone rob you of your well wishing to humans and beast—this is key to your own happiness and success in the world. Embrace each other and love each other out of true friendship. In the abundance of the heart does the word speak from. For if it is alive and heavenly, it will wish every person well regardless of their race, nationality, social status or other differences not mentioned therein. When you borrow someone money, wait till he can repay you back. If he cannot repay you back, forgo it is an act of charity. Do not seize properties and land of people because they owe you some sum of money and cannot repay. What is money except a printed paper that serves as a legal tender because it is acceptable by all? More can be printed and distributed freely to make the world go aright. The old pattern of doing things in which we only trust those who are near to us, who at times might be unfaithful is failing to work. We have to see it that way. The new direction humanity is headed now is to increase our trust of people, that people become trustworthy because there is surely enough to go round. And that the human race observe the statues of God and pay ordinance unto the truth revealed by the servants of God, the prophets. We cannot still remain in the old system where everyone is suspicious of his brother and where no trust is guaranteed. To think about well wishing, we need to start to trust again. If your intentions are pure, the only prayer you hold is that the intention of your brother or sister is pure as yours. Like poles do attract one another. We are not to become selfish caring for ourselves and family alone. Let us move beyond our families, and go into uniting the humankind as one big family. We will do this in the world peace project by holding seminars, engaging people and politicians, religious institutions, business institution and every social institution world-wide. God is with us. Instead of creating endless alarm systems on our vehicles, homes and property—let us make sure we build trust in society. This way, there will be no need for panic or fear. There will be no secret information agencies that gather intelligence on what they suppose the other guy is doing wrong. To wish people well, we must: Trust people and stop being afraid that they will harm us. The governments across the world must create programs enlightening the people about the need of trust. Bestow our wealth on those in need to change the world to positive growth. Through this, armed robbery, financial corrupt practices and all forms of fraud will seize to exist. Give good advices to people, and never to give wrong advices because it leads them astray. Lastly, we need to wake up that it is each and every human responsibility to handle his or her affairs just, even as it is enjoined in the Scripture
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:44:06 +0000

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