Chapter Four “The Silence of Space” It wasn’t right. He - TopicsExpress


Chapter Four “The Silence of Space” It wasn’t right. He had always tried to do what was right, even when that wasn’t the best thing for his own interests. He had done his best to remain a faithful friend to Heather and had been very disappointed when she informed him that she would be once again dating Jake. Peter knew it was only a matter of time until Jake hurt her again. However, this time it would end differently. He had been working in the quarry for nearly three years now. It was very hard physical labor and it had been to his benefit in far more ways than simply financial gain. The physical work had added nearly thirty pounds of muscle to Peters’ body; he was no longer the weak, skinny little boy that Jake had easily beaten in the caverns. If Jake did hurt Heather again…then this time he would pay a price for his violent acts. “You can’t make her love you.” The soft voice came to him out of nowhere. He turned his head to find Heather’s Mother had come out of the store behind him and was standing to his side. “I know.” Was all the response he could bring himself to say as they stood together and watched Heather give Jake a hug just after he had stepped off of the bus. “For what it’s worth… You were always the one I wanted her to be with…I wish she did love you.” Again he could not find anything proper to say. He simply gave her a slight smile as two words barely escaped him, “Me too.” *************************************************************** “As you are aware, for many cycles we have been deciphering signals from Earth. At first we believed they were intentionally dispatched in an attempt for communication with other worlds. After much difficult work, it was determined that the signals were a series of compressed vibration waves that the people of Earth used for communication and what they call- entertainment.” The Lectin looked around towards the Council Members as he reminded them of facts they already knew. They concluded he was doing so in order to be certain Zetchka had all the information equal to their own; for his entry cycle had come after the interception of the signals began. “It took many cycles for our theorists to come to an understanding of the information we were receiving. It was concluded that many signals were important and factual in nature, while other signals were not factual in nature. The Earthlings apparently use the non-factual signals as a form of entertainment. It was only through diligence on our theorists’ part that we were able to differentiate between the factual and non-factual signals. However, it should be understood that all the signals have helped us to determine the level of intelligence and thought processes of the Earth inhabitants.” “We have learned much of the planet history through the intercepted signals.” Was voiced by a Senior Council Member; a former theorist himself. “Yes, we have learned much.” The Lectin paused, considering his next words carefully. “It is my burden to inform you that the nature of the signals has changed. For several minucycles, all entertainment type signals have ceased, while the information contained in the remaining signals has been related to a singular event. I shall share a compilation of these signals with you in just a moment. But I must forewarn you, the information is disturbing. According to the information we have received, the Earth was struck by a massive electromagnetic wave released by their nearby Star. We can only hypothesize on the level of damage this wave created. However, there is one more item you must also know. As of three minucycles ago, the signals from Earth have stopped. Our Theorists believe there is a high possibility the Planet Earth did not survive.” The Council Members sat motionless, trying to absorb the startling information they had just been introduced to. With the exception of the Lectin, everyone was surprised when it was the young student who first voiced a statement. “Perhaps it is only a temporary intermission. We cannot know enough details of what has happened to truly allow for such a supposition.” He offered. The Lectin nodded his head in approval of his young protégé. “I would agree with you Zetchka, if not for this.” He placed his finger on a data crystal and ordered the system to visually display the signal compilation. The reports began as scientific alerts among Governmental Agencies and news gathering organizations. They contained information regarding the observation of an increase of activity on the surface of their closest star, a gaseous body the Earth inhabitants called the Sun. Over a period of several Earth time periods called weeks, the reports became increasingly dire in nature. There were several large electromagnetic waves expelled by the Sun towards the Earth. The reports called these waves solar flares. A few had caused minor interruptions in the operations of the electronic communication systems used by the inhabitants. There was an increasing fear the waves would increase in intensity and cause massive damage to the infrastructure of the Planet. This fear was realized as one wave encompassed a satellite orbiting the planet. The satellite, or space-station as they called it, was mechanically devastated. The twelve inhabitants of the station were killed in minutes; a result of the stations exterior shells’ inability to protect them from the intense levels of radiation within the wave. The increasing danger brought about an increase of violence among the inhabitants. People began to hoard food, water, medicines, clothing and other items they believed they might be in need of if stronger waves struck the Earth. As large groups formed in confrontations with official peace enforcement groups, the opportunity for chaos became rampant. It had been this way for several weeks as the flares increased in intensity. Finally, the alert was given that a flare of a magnitude never realized before had been released towards Earth. It would overwhelm the Earth inhabitants’ electronic systems. It would be strong enough to infiltrate the magnetic protective barrier which surrounded the planet. What had happened to the space station inhabitants would happen to anyone exposed to the wave. Only inhabitants who were underground or in extremely well protected structures would be protected from the energy of the wave. Although the people on the side of the Earth facing away from the Sun would not be immediately affected as intensely as those facing the Sun, the radiation which penetrated the barrier would be trapped in the atmosphere and would quickly encircle the planet. The person speaking to the inhabitants during the final signal offered what was called a prayer. The prayer was offered to some sort of Deity the people believed had created and controlled their world. Upon completion of his prayer, the speaker conveyed hope that his world would survive, although, all indications were that there was little hope. The compilation ended. The group was completely silent. Zetchka had been watching intently as had the others in the group. His entire existence had been predicated on the belief that his people’s journey was to be completed by arriving at Earth. Since achieving ascension it had been his mission purpose to lead his people to Earth. The signals had been arriving since before his entry cycle began. Earth was always a part of his existence. He had often gazed out the view ports to the vastness of space, believing that perhaps one of the sparkling lights in his view would be the destiny they all desired. He now sadly found himself staring out the view port into the vast openness. It had changed. Although his people had no such beliefs, he found himself wondering if their belief in a Deity had been correct. He stood for several moments looking towards the sparkling lights shining through the darkness of deep space. For the first time in his existence he did not gaze upon his destiny but simply stared into the silence of space.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 02:02:37 +0000

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