Chapter Sixty Six The first confrontation of Lucifer. Spiritus - TopicsExpress


Chapter Sixty Six The first confrontation of Lucifer. Spiritus and host bade the temple and all within a hearty goodbye,the following morning as they left the temple of spirit,the spear of destiny had pointed the way their course should now follow,pointing toward the Ahal province Derweze, Turkmenistan. The gelug monks had made sure they were well provisioned,Spiritus had for an hour the previous night communed in thought with the Guru,the only human ever to master the skill,and keep his sense of self intact after the sharing,both agreed with the direction of the lance,and so the course was set,to the road they went. The trip was uneventful,in the sense of evil showing face,however the peoples along the road seemed lighter of heart as if a great pressing weight had been lifted,spiritus commented as much unto the host,Joseph see for yourself,the noose of influence is unravelling,look at the eyes of people,see how they are walking,the times are now changing. There was no doubt about it,the events of the last few days were showing their effects,it was heart warming to see,after so much struggle for life upon this planet,so much hardship,fear and horror,the clouds of that storm were finally clearing. The journey on foot seemed lesser now,a new life found its way into the hosts legs,for carried a great burden he had for many miles,but seeing real change had inspired,he felt a new youth spring growing from within,the light of a long tunnel end was in now in view. Five days later they reached the central part of the Karakum dessert,and the lance belayed its vibration as if to communicate they had arrived. Lucifer was waiting.............. The host Joseph,stood watching the dark figure by the rock,surprise from Lucifer that he felt no apprehension no fear from this lowly human,and so intrigue grew. Finally the actions taken had draw him out,they stood facing one and other,Joseph took a survey of this once angel,hair was a very jet black shoulder length,as tall as the host,deep black eyes and the whitest skin,he wore a long black coat black trousers and black boots,on his left hand fore finger there was a ring with a green stone set within the silver swirl,malice was growing in the black eyes,malice at the impertinence of this lowly human,stood facing him,without even a flicker of fear in his eyes,Lucifer raised his ring hand,but Spiritus was waiting for it,and burst forth deflecting the beam of green light firing from the ring,it hit the wolf square in the chest,yet deflected down into the earth below,Lucifer shaken by this sudden appearance,seemed to concentrate his effort further,but to no avail,the beam simply deflected to the ground,the wolf stood proud,unafflicted by his evil,far in the woods the whole coven had raised and united their hands,they sent their light unto wolfen whom then conducted the light against the green beam,just enough power to push the beam to the central point between them,Lucifer collapsed with the effort,exasperated by what he had just faced he retreated back into the shadow,and was gone. Joseph asked,was that it,is he defeated? Spiritus shook his head in answer,no he just wanted to answer the question of what he was facing,answered the wolfen. Joseph looked at the ground where the beams had met,it had opened into a firery crater,which was growing larger by the minute,they turned and walked some distance away. Joseph eventually looked back over his shoulder toward the scene behind him now unfolding,and asked so are we just going to leave this five burning here? Oh yes, said wolfen smiling at him,this fire pit has future purpose,but for now I just wanted to deny Lucifer his power of malice,its all but now spent. Joseph shook his head in wonderment at the plan hed no idea of,but his trust in wolfen was absolute,for to long they had shared,Spiritus seemed to sense his thoughts and looked at him locking eyes,smilingly he said I know understanding is thin at this point but at the end of end you will understand.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:20:31 +0000

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