Chapter Twenty Two,Her last tear of sorrow. What if I were to - TopicsExpress


Chapter Twenty Two,Her last tear of sorrow. What if I were to tell you of a new truth , of a place not so very far from where you stand now ,a place in which you can experience the fullest range of feelings and emotions that any human being ever felt, and within this land a moment can become a life time ,yet little time passes by. She looked at him ,her mix of cynical bemused yet partial intrigue, obvious to his passionate eye , often whilst in his presence she gave this look ,always careful not to betray her inward expressions of impatience ,she knew this spirit, would open her eyes to something new, he had right from the start. The spiritus wolfen afford himself a a small smile as he reached for composure ,he often read her eagerness to know that which he knew ,she wondered if he knew of the trust his experience of such a long life engendered within her ,silent seconds ticked on between them as this quiet comtemplative of each other continued ,eyes touching each other with unasked questions. Of all questions she could ask one burned deeper than any, the simple question of why, why had this spirit come to her, she felt she knew part of the answer ,but further mysteries unfolded at every conclusion she reached in such a maddeningly unhelpful way that she ended feeling lost,5 steps forward yet 6 steps back, did the universe have a plan, what was it ,had she accomplished that which the fates had laid out for her or was it still a task ahead of her ,he stood opposite, knowing she had no inkling of what was about to happen. A song began renting the air with melody ,and lyrics that reminded her of parts of her life past ,he stepped forward toward her and with gesture he took her hand and drew in close, asking her permission for this dance ,for last time they met he had told her life was essentially a dance of sorts and she had agreed knowing it had been quite some time since she last danced. Her head rested gently on his breast ,the sway was slow and peaceful ,she looked upward into his eyes and the moment began ,a maelstrom of incandescence swirled like a slow moving whirlwind around them of silver grey wisps ,she felt the warmth of his wing around her, contented safety of bliss, a warmth she was certain of within her life she had never felt before ,she felt tears arise and fall, anger the same, rage fluttered in and then left as if never been there, questions flew through her mind ,she considered the utter indifference of injustice of her fate before this day, yet the feeling left her ,how long had they stood there , time seemed almost a foreign concept ,a thousand years might have past by , she dwelt for a second or an hour maybe a year on all those in her life that she loved, and of what might have become of them and what fates had befell them without her guard, her family her children her animal friends, and still the trusting bond held between them within the dance he held her in, the stars all around them seemed much brighter, bathing their gentle light upon the scene, the last question of why now do you come to me left her with a spark of lightening anger within the maelstrom and was then gone, and then she felt it, the tear of sorrow ,the one she had held onto for so long ,the one that represented the regrets of anger of impatience of misery of lost love of private selfishness of lost desires, her eye wet for the briefest time and as she watched the tear fall and hit the ground the maelstrom dissipated around them, they stood apart, she had held on so tightly it seemed to her, yet the embrace was ever gentle. Heart felt new, lighter her head clear, the once torn inside her was whole ,she stood on the street, in the town centre, everything looked fresh and clean a clear contrast everywhere she looked ,a light rain had paid a call ,the evening air was dark but fresh, only slightly chilly ,her warm black winter coat pulled around her ,she mused, as the bus pulled into the stand ,he watched her from behind, in deep shadows, she boarded and the bus took her onto a future unlittered any longer, his eyes followed her down the bus to her seat, she sat on the left side looking out, as the bus started to pull away their eyes met briefly ,he saw the flicker of recognition in her beautiful face ,contact lost and as she looked again her head shaking slightly unsure of what she had just seen ,she past by now out of range ,but she stole one more look backwards as the bus roared on into the night, she smiled to herself though why she simply could not fathom ,she was going home and that was all that mattered now. She became the keeper of his Trust and the bearer of the Capricorn Garnet stone key.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 21:13:11 +0000

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