Chapter XVIII EAGLES ARE MADE IN THE WILDERNESS: MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY (Conclusion) ... The most wonderful aspect of my entire story is that during these trying moments of my life, having returned to my home state, the Lord had begun to bring me closer to more profitable ministries of the word of God. One of them was the William Branham ministry. I was fortunate to learn some great new things in the revelation of God’s word, among which were the truth about the godhead, the mark of the beast, the significance of the eagle, etc. In 1992, I finally quit the Catholic Church and the Charismatic movement. But I didn’t last in the Branham’s ministry either as the Lord also showed me a relatively better and higher way in terms of the knowledge and understanding of His holy will. It was within this period that the Spirit of the Lord said one day to my spirit: “You are that eagle that you saw up there in the mid-sky and whose sight you dreaded so much.” I now came to realize that the twin event of the vision and of the stolen motorcycle along with other later negative events mentioned and not mentioned in this article were the beginnings of divine workings, trainings and processing. The Lord was just beginning right from my early days of experience in the Savior to train me to fly and to be lifted up from the earth realm where I naturally was and that I was accustomed to into the heavenly realms and estate where I truly belong in Christ Jesus my Lord. An eaglet may stay upon the ground scratching the earth side by side with the chickens. But one day as she keeps noticing the mother eagle flying above and over her, she will begin to question the very environment where she is. She will gradually discover herself and will come to the awareness that her look and nature differ extensively with the creatures around her. And as she comes to the full realization of the matter she will one day take her flight upward to join up with her mother in the heavens, and to take up her residence upon the munitions of the rocks and of the mountains. She will come to the self-awareness that she was never made for the low places and that the realm where she has been only limited her visions. There is a stage in the eagle’s life that could be termed her wilderness experience, i.e. her unpleasant moment. During this time, the eagle is said to develop calcium around the beak and the talons. Being automatically weakened, she enters into a state of inactivity and thereby forcefully separates herself into a valley of solitude. Other healthy eagles that fly over her and behold one of their own in that condition will immediately go hunting for preys which they will go dropping way down into the valley for her. As she accepts this goodwill and feeds on the meat, she will be revived, and will live on till she is healed enough to fly out of that valley condition. But it is equally proved that there are sometimes some stubborn eagles that reject the offer and ignore the goodwill. And some die in the process. What a clear example of some self-sufficient, self-righteous sons of God who are so full of themselves that even when in their valley conditions help comes to them on a platter of gold they reject it, all because they don’t want to lower their standard and be seen as poor, beggarly things depending on others! Greater than all physical or material means of sustenance that the eagle-sons require in their trying moments is the revelation of the mind and purpose of the Father enshrouded in His word. We have said it that the Lord brings His own into the wilderness, suffers them to be hungry and gives them to eat, suffers them to be thirsty and gives them to drink, so that they may learn just one important lesson that “Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Lord doth man live,” – Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4. Where else do you think this scripture applies better than in the wilderness? The eagle is said to be a bird of the storms. Where the storms are raging is where the eagle’s interest is tickled and where she sets as her target of flight. She releases herself into the winds in defiance of the raging storms and she flies her way steadily through, unperturbed by these vagaries of nature. The inspired prophet says that “the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet,” - Nahum 1:3b. Saint Paul was a classical manifestation of the eagle spirit. As we saw much earlier, nobody could scare or cajole or hoax him into bowing out of his suffering for Christ’s sake and the gospel. He was so fanatical for His Savior, Lord and Redeemer that he was ever determined to lay down his life for Him. How many today are thus minded? The Lord is again raising up eagle-sons who are not circumstantial believers, who are not moved by what they see or hear, whose hearts don’t neigh like a starved horse after the perishable riches of clay, and who are ready, if need be, to die for His name’s sake rather than compromise with the corrupt systems of men, be they political, social or religious, that promise or offer all the gold and silver of this Satan-controlled world. They want at all cost to please the Father, and they will stop at nothing to do so. Let us close with this great song which, I guess, was written by a son with an eagle spirit within him: When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with you above the storms Father, you are King over the floods I will be still and know you are God I will be still and know you are God. Father, we pray that thou wilt not only give us the spirit of an eagle, but that thou wilt keep us through all trials and temptations by helping us to stay right within thy refining fire until patience has done her full work in us so that we may be perfect and entire lacking nothing. Father, may we grow in the doctrines of thy word so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by every shifting wind of the deceitful doctrines of men that have the semblance of truth but lack completely the substance of divine power and ability to deliver the soul-man from corruption and bring us into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Lord, we ask that thou mayest perfect that which thou startedst in us for thou art the Author and Finisher of our faith. This we ask in the name of thy Holy Child Jesus. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:29:39 +0000

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