Chapter ten, 6/05 Brother Bass - TopicsExpress


Chapter ten, 6/05 Brother Bass (1) To the Preacher and the leadership at the Church of Christ that meets in Clayton NJ, which are of the One Cupper congregations. I hope this letter finds you all well and your families well. I remember when I first met you brother Bass it was on a Wednesday night Bible class which you use to give being the Preacher of that congregation. It was Christmas Eve and I had been attending the Pitman congregation but they had canceled the study because of Christmas Eve. Even though the commandment is recorded in Galatians 4:10 to the local Church against that “Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years”. Maybe they thought Santa wouldn’t come if they were out to long. You know I am kidding, but to anyone that may read this, Christmas is not in the Bible. What is in the Bible is to show God love is to carry out his commandments which we who are alive in Christ do. My Lord Jesus gave no command to do anything about his birthday and if you read in the Bible the account of the story of Jesus birth (Luke chapter two) and (Matthew the first and second chapter), you will see no proof he was even born on that date. It could be that the birth of John the Baptist B.C.6 (about Feb.22) the time of Elizabeth’s conception being inferred from the calculation that course of Abia went out of office on may 22, B.C. 7. The Nativity of Jesus Christ B.C.6 (about Aug.1) nearly two years before the death of Herod (Matt.2:16) the Census under Sentious Saturninus, who displeased Varus before September 2, B.C. 6 this information is from a Mr. Lewins scheme of the Chronology of our Lord’s life found in the Holy Catholic Bible according to the decree of the Council of Trent. I am not saying I agree that this is the date of our Lords birth neither, I just don’t know, but I don’t believe it was Dec.25. And the Wise men who gave the three different gifts don’t mean there were only three wise men. There may have been twenty Wise men in the group, we don’t know. But we do know from the Bible they did not make it to the manger that day to see baby Jesus like people think. No, they came months later and they came to King Herod and asked him were the Child was (Matthew 2:1 through werse12) because they had seen the star in the east and then they came. Herod had his men and his astrometry men also involved looking for the Christ Child. But here is what happen and you can read it in the Bible. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the Child, his name was called Jesus, who was so named by the Angel before he was conceived in the womb. And then his Mother Mary and Joseph after the days of purifying under the Law of Moses took baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to present him to the Lord according to the Law of Moses (Leviticus chapter twelve). After that Joseph took the young Mother and child to Nazareth. (Luke 2:39) “And when they had performed all things according to the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth”. So King Herod talked to the wise men privately (Matthew2:7 through 11) and in the eight verse Herod is asking when the star appeared and then he sent them to Bethlehem to search for the child and bring him word so he may go and Worship him. But when the Wise men left Herod and before they went to Bethlehem the same Star which they saw in the east (2)reappeared and went before them. They follow the Star till it stood over the house in Nazareth and when they came into the house, (not stable and manger) and saw the young child with Mary his mother, and they fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. You can see that Christmas is a fable and from the Bible it is not true, and Jesus said if you hold to my teaching you shall be my disciples in deed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. So it was on that night (which is Christmas Eve to the World and nothing to us) that I met you and the leadership. Well not that night did I meet the Leadership because they never come to the Wednesday night Bible lesson? One won’t give up his bowling night and the others just don’t seem to care. They would rather come on Sunday to preach to be heard and seen. One a Brother King comes all the way from Delaware and the other a Brother Mark from Philly and the other a Reggie Blunt who says he was anointed as the evangelist by some Elder down south and he is in control. And since he is the evangelist he appointed King and Mark to acting elders and tells them and the preacher what to do in a way that they are eager to oblige. At least King and Mark were eager because the way Reggie set it up they voted on matters with and of course Reggie was over it all. The first thing they did was stopped the one hundred a week you got Brother Bass from the congregation because they couldn’t find a minister of a congregation in the Bible getting paid. For some reason it doesn’t occur to them there is no acting elders in the Bible and there is no were in the Bible about evangelist being anointed by an Elder from another congregation and that he would be in charge. But you went along with it, and you were the preacher in that congregation. You also live in the town of Clayton, and the town people know you, they don’t know them guys, they aren’t from here. Anyway brother Bass you and I got to know each other to a degree over the next four months. I first thought we both loved the Word of God and we both needed money. The night I met you I show you why Moses was denied entrance into the promise land and latter I show you many other things you did not have correct concerning the Word of God, some of those correct teachings or truth I told you, still did not stay with you. I showed you in the Bible that Titus was told to put things in order and I tried to get you to do that while there was a chance, but you were moving to South or North Carolina and you said you just didn’t care, which I thought was wrong. The brothers at Clayton in the beginning accepted me as a Brother and stated that at the men’s monthly business meeting. I had stated that I am not of the belief that you have to take the wine in the Lords supper out of the same cup even though I will drink from the same cup if I come into a congregation of one Cuppers as I call them. I have studied this teaching very much. Jesus prayed for an oneness John 17:22 and 23. The Apostle Paul commanded in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye are perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.1 Corinthians 1:10. Now I can get a Directory of the Churches of Christ in the United States from Gospel Advocate Book store and it will have (3)all the congregations in it. But in the congregation in Clayton the Directory WHERE THE SAINTS ASSEMBLE 2001-2002 by Grey Gay. This is a listing of congregations of the Church of Christ who commune using one loaf of unleavened bread, from which each participant breaks and eats, and one cup, containing fruit of the vine( grape juice), from which each participant drinks. All music is cappella (vocal only) and the assembly is not divided into Bible classes or Sunday schools. Brother Gay says I do not presume or intend to imply that this directory is a roll of congregations who are in good standing before God. It is intended as a practical aid to help those who travel to find a place to scripturally Worship God. When Brother Gay says this directory is not a roll that is in good standing with God, from his own words “to scripturally Worship God” another words if you take the Lords supper in another way it’s not scripturally correct. In the Clayton Church of Christ they have another track named ONLY ONE CUP FOR THE LORD’S SUPPER by Keith T. Brown. The brother goes over the scriptures (and he took the cup) and (Drink ye all of it) using a couple of translations even though the one cuppers only use the King James Bible from what I have seen. He says “Jesus commanded all of them to drink from the one cup”. He says the significance of the one cup is in Luke 22:20 (that the cup is the New Testament), and in 1Corinthians 10:16 (notice we bless the one cup). Brother Brown says “When an assembly of the Lord’s people come together to take the Lord’s Supper individual cups may not be used. To do so would be without the Lord’s authority. Remember Jesus when he said “and why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and not do the things which I say? Luke 6:48. Churches or congregations must conform themselves to Christ’s plans not vice-versa. He is Lord! Remember we have scriptural authority for more than one congregation in which to observe the communion, but no authority for more than one cup in a congregation. After all, we ought to obey God rather than men. Brother Brown also talks about THE DISEASE FACTOR but I am going to stop with his teaching now. To me when I eat at a meal I drink from one cup or glass, I believe Jesus had one cup before him and he took that cup and told them to drink of it. We can’t get that cup, the one Jesus had before him if you wanted to. We know from the book of Acts second chapter, the number of those baptized was three thousand and later the fourth chapter, fourth verse; five thousand more and in Acts 6:1, And in those days, when the number of disciples was multiplied. So it looks like there was at lest eight thousand before they were multiplied. If it takes an average of half a minute to give the bread and wine to each person counting refilling the one cup, the time to serve at lest eight thousand would be, 8,000 people divided by half a minute=4,000 minutes divided by 60 minutes=66 hours or almost three days around the clock. Even if they broke into groups to use one cup it won’t work because it won’t be one Cup again. When I explained all this to you Brother Bass your answer was you were at a congregation or a Worship of three hundred people of one Cup and it did take a while to serve the Lords Supper but it did not change your mind. I believe the Apostle Paul in writing (1 Corinthians 11:23 to the end of the chapter), twenty-four years afterwards, to the new converted (4)Gentiles at Corinth, would have used words, which full as clearly express a true and real presence of one taking the wine from one Cup but he did not. I was a member of the Church of Christ for about three years before I knew about one Cuppers, as you can see it is them that divide from us. I never hear a preacher preach against one Cup, so it’s you guys who cause the division and its you guys who will be judged for this division. Brother Bass you preached in the book of Exodus that only Pharaoh escaped the waters going after the Children of Israel when Moses divided the sea. After talking to you I realized you got that teaching from the movies and to me if you make mistakes on what is plane to read and to study, to base your life on one Cup is beyond my understanding. Brother Bass I also want to talk about another problem we had in Clayton Church of Christ as you know it was not the Word of God I was preaching to you guys that got me cut out, it was because I needed help financially and I asked to borrow $500. from the Church and Reggie had you Brothers vote and the count was four against loaning me Church money to three votes for loaning me Church money all of which can not be found in the Bible. The Bible asks you a question in 1 John 3:17 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? And James 2:1 My Brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, with respect of persons. These scriptures and more did I tell you about and got no response, so I tried to use a word you should be acquainted with,(SEGEGATE) Brother King told me the men’s meeting was private and you preached that when Jesus took James, John and Peter up on the high mountain (Matthew17:1) it showed a inter circle. That inter circle in Clayton was Reggie, you, King and Mark and you took that scripture out of context for you three to have control, which again is not Bible. I knew in the past, that others were financially helped; especially Reggie who stood up that Sunday right after I stood up and I asked the congregation if anyone could help me and Reggie said he was out of work for a long time and he never asked the Church for money. I knew he was lying because your wife already told me he was helped big time from the Church. I called Reggie the next day to question him and he said “I said I never asked for money” and hung up on me. Two weeks latter he is preaching on a Sunday and saying he was never helped from the Church. I asked the brother Kavin who keeps the books is there a record of who got help and his answer was yes. I asked him if I could see them and he again said yes. Before he let me see the record I believe he spoke to Reggie and I never did get to see them, and I was starting to fell (white) which you said was not the reason they wouldn’t help me. Brother Bass you know I got insurance money from the death of my son which I had told you was coming, and even though you guys hurt me and my wife, I gave you one thousand dollars to help you and your wife. I and my wife also gave the big brother James who weighed 500 pounds two thousand dollars. He had no job and no money and I was helping him all along when I could. I went to the motel he was staying with someone who was nice to him and gave him the money and took him to the big mans clothes store cause he only had the (5)clothes on his back and brought him home and the guy made a past at my wife. I gave money to the widow and later she was kind enough to stand up and tell the truth, that I will help you if I have money. I also loaned $500 to Brother Joe and when he paid back half, I told him to forget the rest. Brother Bass you had your wife called me to borrow $3000. Just till you moved, you were asking my wife to help you pack and I loaned it to you. Now it’s been well over a year and you still haven listed your house and for a while you wouldn’t even return my phone calls back. When I got my annuity money when I retired from Boilermaking I also loaned Joe $2000. Joe does have the word of God and he has helped me with that. So I helped with money, giving and loaning, in love cause I didn’t have to do anything, I already had move on because I couldn’t really Worship God in Sprit and truth no more at Clayton, now this scripture comes to my mind and I will say no more about it. A Devout Man lends to his neighbor; by supporting him he keeps the commandments. Lend to your neighbor in his time of need; repay your neighbor punctually. Be as good as your word and keep faith with him, and your needs will always be met. Many treat a loan as a windfall and bring trouble on those who helped them. Until he gets a loan, a man kisses his neighbor’s hand and talks with bated breath about his money; but when it comes time to repay, he postpones it, pays back only perfunctory promises, and alleges that the time is too short. If he can pay, his creditor will scarcely get back half, and he will count himself lucky at that; if he cannot pay, he has defrauded the other of his money, and gratuitously made an enemy of him; he will pay him back in curses and insults and with shame instead of honor. Because of such dishonesty many refuse to lend, for fear of being needlessly defrauded. Nevertheless be patient with the penniless, and do not keep him waiting for your charity; for the commandment’s sake help the poor, and in his need do not send him away empty-handed. Be ready to lose money for a brother or a friend; do not leave it to rust away under a stone. Store up for yourself the treasure which the Most High has commanded, and it will benefit you more than gold. Let almsgiving be the treasure in your strong-room and it will rescue you from every misfortune. It will arm you against the enemy better than stout shield or strong spear. A good man will stand surety for his neighbor; only a man who has lost all sense of shame will fail him. If a man stands surety for you, do not forget his kindness, for he has staked his very self for you. A sinner wastes the property of his surety. And an ungrateful man fails his rescuer. Suretyship has ruined the prosperity of many and wrecked them like a storm at sea; it has driven men of influence into exile, and set them wondering in foreign countries. When a sinner commits himself to suretyship, his pursuit of gain will involve him in lawsuits. Help your neighbor to the best of your ability, but beware of becoming to deeply involved. The necessities of life are water, bread, and clothes, and a home with its decent privacy; better the life of a poor man in his own hut than a sumptuous banquet in another man’s house. Be content with whatever you have, and do not get a name for living on hospitality. It is a poor life going from house to house, keeping your mouth shut because you are a visitor. You (6)receive the guests and hand the drinks without being thanked for it, and into the bargain must listen to words that rankle: Come here, stranger, and lay the table; ‘Be off stranger! Make way for a more important guest; my brother has come to stay, and I need the guest-room.’ How hard it is for a sensible man to bear criticism from the household or abuse from his creditor! (Ecclesiaticus or The Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach). Now Brother Bass that inner circle you preached about has booted you out and put you down from being the preacher at Clayton. When I heard it, I called you on the phone and reminded you of the words you told me that you just don’t care which I thought was a sin and you should repent. You’re Brother in Christ David Robert Darrah
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 01:50:45 +0000

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