Chapter three Anitas story OK I think this is about the place - TopicsExpress


Chapter three Anitas story OK I think this is about the place where I entered Anitas life she had been working in Hong Kong many years by now sending almost every dollar she made home sometimes she would even take loans out on her passport to get extra money to send home all of the years she was there for about the last 18 months and she spent there she would call me almost every night and we would call for an hour or two we are already married by this time and I was waiting for her visa to be issued way back then it took almost said 18 months for her visa to be awarded she would tell me how she would get letters from her relatives a lot of the times they would be asking for money but with almost never happened is that she would get a letter saying that they loved her and the one for her to come home all of those years when she would give letters some would be asking for something no we may issue we love you we wish she would come home and be with us you know all of these things you have to wonder nobody wanted the other brothers and sisters to leave know everyone knows just how the hung out and nobody missed Anita I often have to wonder why everyone made her feel so unwelcome it all comes back to of all of the children Anita was the least attractive than don’t get me wrong my wife is beautiful and I tell even now I have to go to her workplace sometimes and tell one of her coworkers he better watch ass because there’s always some guy trying to chase after her of course in a way it makes me proud because she is quite beautiful but her family did make her feel that way all yes I remember the phone calls well when she would cry and cry because she felt no one wanted her and I fell so very lucky to have got her so now she’s in the United States her sister Merle is still in college only about half way through the Anita is in the states now and not working Malou has already graduated from college with a computer science degree that was paid for with Anitas Hong Kong money but Merle still had two years ago I don’t think Anita had been at my house for two months before she asked me if we could help with her sisters college there would be tuition and books supplies to be needed and because I was so happy to be married to such a beautiful wonderful woman and because I wanted to please Anitas family and make Anita proud to be married to me we send money every semester for Merle college for two years and though she graduated with a degree in food science technology yes Anita an I paid for that and for our troubled Merle never he even said thank you as a matter of fact she said something that would become the regular thing whenever they wanted take advantage of us we did not ask you for anything we owe you nothing all of that is in the past you can’t look back now this is just the beginning of all the help we gave two Merle and let me remind everyone she is now married to Mark Green Merle is the wife of Mark Green of course as we all know by now Mark was not her first husband although she claims there was no man before him but we will get into that later once again this isn’t about her being married to mark green this is about that this respect shown to my wife by her in her new husband you know I keep waiting for someone to say that these things I am putting on Facebook are not true that I know there are many people back in the Igang Bacacay Albay that know that what I’m saying is true if anyone knows that to be different I would sure like for them to make a comment telling me so as for everything that I Ssay that happened in the United States write down here has in fact I either have documentation photographs witnesses for recordings to back up everything I say and at some point plant into post some of the recordings so people can hear the horrible things that Anita’s sisters is said and done to her while Anitas mom and dad just look the other way I know that I have been boring setting up the story until this point but to me it was important that everyone knew how much Anita sacrificed even before she met me but now we’re getting to the really important stuff and the stuff of what her sisters have done since they’ve been in the U.S. And how they have bled us like vampires how much money they have cost us all that this respect they have shown us and how they’ve actually tried to destroy a mime Anitas marriage on purpose like when they would use to follow me around and then tell my wife and I was having an affair that very thing that they are guilty of when I was playing nothing but hardworking entry to my wife oh yes this is just the beginning things like how the one sister kicked in the day in the stomach when she was pregnant and send her to the hospital into this day they’ve ever said Sorry they just say that’s in the past oh yes and how they talk about you have to help the family but no one helps us they just take and then they talk about all of their suffering of all U.S. Anita sisters will tell you how they’ve suffered I have many pictures and I will pose in which she can see how luxurious their suffering is how they drive new cars and go shopping almost every day how they go until money away in the casinos and eat in restaurants almost every day and this was sent after malaise who has been this was while they were living with us and we were paying all of their bills and they would say we’ll pay you when we feel like it you can make this may so Anita in I pay for everything did we get a thank you no we got we owe you nothing all of that’s in the past
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:51:32 +0000

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