Character Description: Garret the Poisoner This is a man who - TopicsExpress


Character Description: Garret the Poisoner This is a man who appears consummately dangerous – he is tall, and lean to the point of being gaunt. His skin is pale and drawn tightly over a collection of long, toned muscles and sharp features. The veins in his arms are especially prominent, and there are track marks up and down their length. He communicates the overall impression of a normally docile creature that has become vicious and predatory from prolonged privation. His hair hangs in matted, oily strands of glistening black, and his heavily bagged eyes have a piercing focus that sets the recipient of his calculating gaze on edge. “I am known as Garret, I have heard that you are in the market for an individual with my particular skill-set.” “Why should you trust me? That is for you to decide, but for my part, I would say that if Iwere the subject of my work, I should consider myself highly suspect; but if I found myself in the extraordinary position to have the opportunity to employ myself, well, I should see myself as the very figure of trustworthiness.” “I loathe idle hands, I abhor an idle personage.” Garret is an entity ever in motion – he is only comfortable when his actions are clearly directed at the subject of his work, or when he is between projects, seeking or preparing for his next contact. Like a shark, he is ever-driven to constant forward progress. If he is forced, for whatever reason, to wait idly for any significant time, he tends to become irritable, even irrational, and ringshis hands or clenches them into fists with such violence that often times he bloodies his palms. Garret grew up as an urchin in a denseley populated slum, and learned early to take what he needed to survive from others whenever the opportunity presented itself – he committed his first murder when he was 6, and has never stopped killing to get ahead thereafter. He has evolved into an intelligent and methodical killer, he excels as social manipulation, guile, and tactile tasks, and has mastered a modest array of magics which assist in mobility and stealth. His calling-card skill, poisoning, is a passion he has possessed as long as he has known that it was possible to kill a person through indirect means – his procedural mind and towering intelligence lend themselves well to the alchemist’s and apothecary’s arts, and he has single-handedly developed an array of powerful toxins as well as tinctures which are in wide use – admittedly with little accreditation, he prefers anonymity. Garret typically seeks his own contracts when the the timing suits him, typically, he charges exorbitant rates and promises termination within a calendar year, though he sometimes agrees to work under a more pressed time-table at progressively more extortionate prices. He has failed to carry through on only a handful of contracts out of hundreds – most of which have gone unreported or unknown to the world at large – and he has never collected a fee up front; though he has disappeared more than one employer who failed to deliver on promised payment.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:16:33 +0000

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