Characteristics of the Islamic State : We can summarize these - TopicsExpress


Characteristics of the Islamic State : We can summarize these characteristics as much as tolerated by this research are as follows: An Islamic state is characterized by a number of characteristics that distinguish them from other countries : 1 - State Islamic religious state , and the fact that the Islamic state a religious state, it does not mean a theocratic state in the sense of the Christian West. 2 - The Islamic State nodal state , originated on the basis of a real contract was between members and between its leader and founder of the first . 3 - The Islamic state, the legitimacy of the state - Legal - subject to the ruler and the ruled to the ruling , and the consequent significant results , such as: A - and the obligation of the Shura approach . B - lay the foundations of truth, justice , equality, rights and freedoms . C - should be hearing , and obedience to individuals in the state. D - should make counseling , and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice . 4 - Islamic state, one nation , in the sense that Islam as a religion and the state does not allow the idea Diversity , because it results in dispersions and dispersion which was forbidden by religion , and ordered otherwise . 5 - State Islamic ideological state , based on a unifying ideological God Almighty , and to enter into his religion and his commitment to his law , and this is a very Islamic state , they do not seek to simply achieve the well-being of individuals , and the deployment of security among them , and to maintain their freedoms , but also seek to worship Allah alone with no partner, and invite people to enter into the religion of Allah , and jihad stubborn , and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice { you are the best nation on earth for people Propagation of Virtue and forbidding what is evil and believe in God } . { We have sent Our messengers based and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance of the people with justice and sent down iron in which quite severe and the benefits to the people and God knows Inzareth and messengers unseen forces dear God } . 6 - The realization of human happiness in this world and the hereafter is the purpose for which the state has thrown them on the basis of faith in the foundations of the system of government in Islam : Can be defined as the foundations and pillars of the system of government in Islam b : it rules that build upon the state of Islam , and inspired them to judge the political approach . The scholars differed on the identification of these foundations and accounted for . However this dispute , we see a verbal dispute , and that if he briefed each and every one of those on the other side of what Zadeh said the foundations for him , and for this we will cite these grounds we have collectors of words of the scholars : 1 - slavery to God alone . 2 - Justice and Justice: The second is the characteristics of the Islamic regime , and the first foundations of the system of government , and includes the concept of Justice several foundations , including: the ruling Justice - Justice with non-Muslims - social justice - economic justice - legal justice . The Quranic verses that appeared in many urging justice . Mention of those verses , the verse: { God commands that the trusts to their owners , and if you judge between people you judge with justice } , and { saying that God commands justice and charity } . There were prophetic concerted must be justice and prevent injustice , we recall in the forefront of saying peace be upon him as narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad : ( ( The love of creation to God Adel Imam , and hates Gods creation to an unjust Imam ) ) . And scholars of Islamic jurisprudence that justice is the first in conditions that Astrtonha Imam ( or ruler ) . Ive gone and justice in Islam, how far away , beyond what was known in any religion or another law , as we find the Quran commands justice even against oneself, and justice , even with enemies , or warriors . Suffice it to recall the saying of Almighty says: { O you who believe , be steadfast witnesses with justice } any justice { martyrs of God , even against yourselves or your parents and relatives do not follow the fancy that Tadloa } , God tells us in this verse to be Tla even came Justice against ourselves or the parents or relatives . And says: { nor } Egermenkm (ie Ihamlkm ) { people seduce not Tadloa Adloa is nearer to piety , and fear Allah, Allah is Aware of what you do } . It is the conversations that tell about the Prophet peace be upon him said: ( ( of hurting his opponent dhimmi I ) ) . Therefore, the best known Arab Muslims in early Islam with justice and tolerance of non-Muslims of the people of the book or dhimmis , so as scientists and researchers recognize the Westerners themselves . And the scope of justice in Islam in a comprehensive . Islam does not require a justice as some may think of the judiciary , but is due to both exercise authority whatsoever ; That is what explains its commentators says: {And if you judge between people you judge with justice } . The Koran may then impose an obligation on the rulers of justice even with enemies . It is covered by justice, with the view of some men of Islamic jurisprudence that improves the Imam ( or ruler ) in charge of the selection of functions or positions . We can not fail in place of the conclusion of the talk about the principle of justice in Islam to refer to it , surprisingly, he says the jurist great Dr. Metwally to look at the jurisprudence positive in modern times we do not find a mention of justice except going to talk about the judiciary and , where called on the ministry followed by the courts Ministry of Justice , but if we left the field of the judiciary to the field of governance (ie the field of constitutional and political ), we find no mention of justice , not just a reference to it , men of constitutional jurisprudence reminding the characteristics of the democratic system , and we find them Astrtonha in the head of state ( or other men of judgment) as required by the men of Islamic jurisprudence , as Astrtonha not find them in the policy rule as required by the men of Islamic jurisprudence . 3 - The Caliphate is obligatory : If justice is the first characteristics of the Islamic regime , the succession is distinguish those characteristics , and in the context of picking a successor by the pledge of allegiance for the ( people of the contract and the contract ) and then sell the public . We can define the succession as a general in the presidency is religion and the world , the succession of the Prophet peace be upon him . It is noted that Ibn Khaldun distinguishes between three types of governance systems , realistic judgment , which is controlled by the force , and political governance based on the rules of the mind , and Islamic rule based on Sharia ( . The ruler or Caliph in Islam does not exercise power as a personal privilege to him , but he serves as Secretary of the power exercised by an interim basis and on behalf of the nation . According to Dr. Sanhoori in his contract for the succession to the Imamate contract is based on a real satisfaction , and that the head of state or caliph in Islam takes office on behalf of the nation , nation Her authority , authorizes the governor to exercise on their behalf , according to a valid contract between them and him . Excellence succession concept and term : Islam appeared , after that preceded divine religions and non- divine , did not know this religion did not name other than Islam and the Caliphate , after the prophet , and on their behalf , after that preceded political systems multiple in many parts of the world , some religious sincere , and some civilian sincere , and a range subject of ownership, and other Nemat Republic , however, did not know the system of political Islam , but did not name the succession and succession remained fourteen centuries title on the Islamic regime , and a symbol of the Islamic civilization . It emerged after Islam , and after the establishment of a system of succession , multiple systems , and the doctrines and teams of various , different in religion , in politics , in the economy and in the meeting , and in all matters of life , and was for Arabic Studies share in these currents the many that have arisen in our world , and it was some of these currents supporters and admire , and may have had Mtbon are thinking , call it by various means and ways and probably carried the texts do not tolerate , and perhaps interpreted the accident history is addressed , and perhaps confused between the text and historical reality , and they carried away the texts sins of fact , we have seen books multiple these days are trying to been made to the system of Islam in this way or that, and see what it is about far in truth and reality . In our opinion, the caliphate as a political system in Islam separate system , if Ohbhth some political systems ancient or modern , in some respects , it does not bring him closer to them , and keeps him about, but it makes it a special system in place between the systems of ancient and modern , can not be a royal ; because the Caliph governs the people all his life , not a Republican because it is supposed to elect election , not a socialist because it is justice , charity , equality, and care for orphans , and the poor , and the poor , and the imposition of zakat , not a capitalist because he respected the individual property , not abandoned the rich , but the succession system of religious, political and Fred , between these systems , it may not be called the names of ancient or modern , but it ( the Islamic system ) to be decided by pure science , and this is what imposed impartial study of Islam as a system , as compared with other political systems . Add to this that these expressions of modern political , like democracy , and the republic , socialism , etc., became its connotations of certain unswervingly about this despite the fact that property , for example, absolute , and constitutional , and in between, and the Republic of parliamentary and presidential elections , and popular democracy , and so on and socialist types and layers , and differed in their application is that these words are all due to a single origin , has specific definitions found in dictionaries, political , and in the books that circulated by specialists , it is not justice, nor of science , to be called a system age of fourteen centuries as the interview may agree with him in things, and differs with him on other things , and may have been more different positions than the positions of the agreement.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 03:50:18 +0000

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