“Characters” in Nevada as remembered from my youth. When - TopicsExpress


“Characters” in Nevada as remembered from my youth. When you look back over the years that you lived in Nevada there are bound to be a few characters that come to mind. Below are six. 1. Harry Ambrose Well, yes he is my Grandfather but none the less I think most that knew Harry would agree that there was something about him that you remembered. He was diminutive, always smiling and had a sense of humor. example: The same day my Mother, Harriette was born, Harry went to a Methodist church service with what appeared to be a baby wrapped in a blanket. Harry just went into the church, sat down and let the parishioners shake their heads. Before the service was over Harry got up and left. Of course it was a “doll” wrapped up in a blanket that he took to church, not baby Harriette. 2. Glover Ambrose And again, yes he is my Uncle, but living in Nevada, you can be sure that everyone knew him. Same characteristics as his Father, Harry and always greeted everyone with a smile. He just had something unique with his personality that could not help but make you remember him. Glover had the unique ability to play the flute, --very well. Glover liked to use the term “fluffy-duff,” in reference to pretty ladies. I still use that term today and friends will ask. Where did you hear the term “fluffy-duff?” Why it was from my Uncle Glover –of course. 3. Ada Crooks Ada lived at a older home with a porch and a ever present porch swing that now is home for the Methodist pastor. When I was 5-6 years old I passed her home on the way to and from downtown. She was usually sitting on her porch swing and I walked past always a little imitated by her, for whatever reason. Her house was very old and in the back she had a old small barn and a place she raised chickens. One day she motioned me over and we talked. After that we became good friends. Regarding the chickens that occasionally would get loose. My grandfather, Harry Ambrose was know to place notes on the chickens that stated: “Keep me at home, so I won’t roam.” I received a e-mail from my cousin in Denver just yesterday when she was reminiscing about Nevada. She remembered and mentioned Ada. 4. Merle Lattig Anyone that played golf at the Nevada Indian Creek Golf and Country Club would remember Merle. Merle was a diminutive person also (hey, small people are fabulous) and who had a passion for golf and was on the course whenever he could. I believed he played golf into his early 80’s. I was returning to Nevada from the golf course in the mid-fifties, and there was Merle who had been in a minor traffic accident. Golf balls were “everywhere” on the road. Merle and his wife also had a café on main street as many will remember. 5. Hugo Hagen You only had to spend 2-3 minutes with Hugo to realize that Hugo was indeed quite the character. I got to know Hugo when I worked for the Iowa Electric Light and Power Company Gas Crew during the Summers in the early 60’s. The crew went to see Hugo at his trailer park as he had the equipment to help dig lines for gas lines. Hugo used the term ”Jazz It,” referring to do this or that. I still use that term today. I talked with Hugo in his final days when he was admitted to Story County Hospital, extended care. Hugo said to me, “Bryce, go and get your car and lets get the hell out of here.” That was Hugo. 6. The Sheriff Looking out the window at home on 8th street on a Sunday morning I would often see a very small man, probably in his 50’s walking to the Lutheran church with his bible in hand and wearing a old coat wearing a large Sheriffs badge. He was called “The Sheriff” as I remember. As a young kid I was somewhat fascinated by him and unfortunately know little about him, but indeed he was a true Nevada character that I remember
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:52:42 +0000

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