Charismatic Revival Documentary Here are the mind-blowing parts - TopicsExpress


Charismatic Revival Documentary Here are the mind-blowing parts to watch in this documentary: 18:30 27 Steps to getting your healing... Gods saying (pops finger in mouth and twirls finger around) BLOW THE BUMHOLE out of that system of belief Healed? 32:40 he claims to be healed of terminal pancreatic cancer, that his pain and lumps are gone. (No doctor diagnosis or proof mentioned) 42:53 the anointing oil? he literally takes a jug of olive oil and calls it the Holy Ghost oil and pours it everywhere? 109:40 Lady falls down after Bentley touches her head with a baby in her arms. Only true statement in the whole documentary: 1:00:50 The Bible does not rule here, dreams, visions, and feelings, thats all they care about. They dont listen to the Word of God. But heres the thing im so baffled about... This isnt Christianity, there is no Bible. No Gospel. Just Jesus name chants, mainly the name God instead of Jesus. worship music, story telling, and a lot of scary twitch movements, shaking, screaming...Again, no Gospel preaching as means of the only way to Salvation. But they are being called Christians... Heres my question... These seem like genuine people showing up, But Bentley is prob the best proof of a Scriptural description of a false teacher I have ever seen... But I absolutely believe all of this is real... From other NT passages it is clear that because of the growing presence of false prophets both “from among yourselves” (Acts 20:30), and from abroad, the church must “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). The apostle John doesn’t instruct his children to test them to see what part of their prophecy is true and what part is false, but rather to judge “whether they are of God”. You do that not only by how they conduct themselves (“Beware of false prophets...You will know them by their fruits” Mt. 7:15, 16.), but also by what they say. If they live ungodly lives or if they speak falsely concerning the truth or the future, then surely they are “false” prophets. After all, how much falsehood is allowed before one is considered a false prophet? Also, what false prophet has not mixed a little truth in with his falsehood, and laid claim to a few miracles in order “to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Mt. 24:24)? Scripturally the followers shown cant all be true Christians, based on how they were saved (not through the Gospel of Christ) they are identical to all the poor possessed people Jesus encounters in the Gospels and frees, hurting lost, who genuinely want Jesus, but get taken by demons instead, but apart from the false teachers these are poor hurting people wanting to seek God, lost sheep... If these arent Christians, What are they? There is no way this is mass mental illness, although many surely I would think who are mentally sick, are a part of it, and this just further worsens their symptoms, but what about all the normal people, all the sudden looking like psych ward patients? Is this mass, worldwide demon possession? I dont know...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:28:16 +0000

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