Charles Hebdo - This magazine was estd in the late sixties in - TopicsExpress


Charles Hebdo - This magazine was estd in the late sixties in france, which is 90 plus percent christian. since then, except occasionally, it has consistently made fun/lampooned of christians, jesus christ,pope,crucifix and all other things that christians hold sacred. A question which has constantly troubled me in the last few days - why didnt any christian kill them? Why did it have to muslims? The bitter truth is that these assasins have merely served to reinforce the typical stereotype of muslims being intolerant, jihadists, barbaric and fundamentalist. If a book,movie,song offends your religious sensibilities then dont read/watch/listen to it. Its as simple as that. Where is the question of going about murdering people. And that too in the name of god and prophet? Are they so helpless that they need the assitance of couple of good-for-nothing french immigrants to protect their honor? Applying the assasins logic, if a muslim man praises his allah and says he is the only true god, in a christian country like france, then is it justified to lynch him? Where will then this mayhem stop? Maybe i am sounding like pk(aamir khan), which gets me to my next question - would a movie like pk be made in any islamic country? Personally i think it is a fantastic movie and aamir khan is indias finest actor, but do u think, if a hindu hero in pakistan had made acmovie on islamic obscurantist practises, would he still be alive? I seriously doubt it. As Voltaire said - i may not agree with what you say but shall defend unto death your right to say it. Charles Hebdo it is a satirical magazine, permitted to publish under french laws. It has lampooned political personalities also. If u r offended, by all means sue them, killing is simply unacceptably barbaric. The intelligenstia amongst muslims must face the reality. Dont run. Dont hide. No point blaming america, jews, cia, hindus etc etc. The fault lies within. At present, no religion is being misused in the manner islam is. Globally, terrorist organisations are founded in the name of islam. Maximum killings are committed by muslims in the name if their religion. From peshawar to paris. Not a week goes by without some muslim organisation killing some non muslims or sometimes their own co-religionisits, in the name of islam. This requires serious introspection.Why is it that only muslims suffer from a seige mentality and no other religion in this world? When muslims are in a minority they demand equal rights secularism and freedom of speech and religion. Yet they deny these same rights to everyone else, the moment they become a majority. Name a single country belonging to the OIC that constituionally provides religious and other freedoms at par to what india or france guarantees to its minorities. In fact i was saddened to read comments by several idiots on fb who have expressed no remorse at the killings and are indeed proud of it. PS : if you have read till here, please accept boty my gratitude for your patience and my apologies for this rather long post.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:08:35 +0000

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