Charles Koch (aka Koch Brothers) writes a good article that - TopicsExpress


Charles Koch (aka Koch Brothers) writes a good article that articulates todays problems and frames a Free Society as the answer but - He ends it with, If more businesses (and elected officials) were to embrace a vision of creating real value for people in a principled way, our nation would be far better off— business and especially politicians do not create value - the voluntary association and exchange that happens in the marketplace is what does that. A politician or a business could create in their mind the best laws or best widgets but if the individual is not willing to comply or buy then there is no value created from the law or labor and raw material. In accounting theres a term Goodwill which is established when a business is sold for more than its physical assets (like labor and raw material) which is created through the marketplace. What Koch does on one side of the political spectrum is to believe and support government that protects business, which many times is to protect big business from the competition of the marketplace. The other side of course wants to redistribute assets to support their social causes. There is a debate happening within the GOP to support Koch-type candidates which big money is prepping to do leading up to the GOP primaries. True free market candidates like Rand Paul and a handful of GOP and yes Democrats scare not only the Koch Brothers on the right but a host of special interest on the left as well.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:41:26 +0000

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