Charles Miraculous-Architect Lipenga wrote a new note: Episode 03: - TopicsExpress


Charles Miraculous-Architect Lipenga wrote a new note: Episode 03: TIME MANAGEMENT. SERIES: IMPROVING YOUR COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Always remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Failing to structure is structuring to fail.” INTRODUCTION: By the way, making preparations is not lack of faith; actually, it is the very essence of your faith [in action]. When a farmer has faith [believing + action towards the belief] that he will harvest more this year, he does not just sit down and wait for the harvest. How stupid is that, instead he goes ahead and prepare the seeds, then with observation of season, he plants, then within a period of time he plans for weeding/ pruning/ fertilizing and then plans for harvest. TIME MANAGEMENT refers to a range of skills, tools and techniques used to manage events in your life in relation to time. So what happens when you are not practicing good time management? Stress, tasks take longer, illness/ fatigue, disorganization, lack of accomplishment even poor relationships, oh yes… If you don’t set goals, targets and time frame to achieve something, you will know when or what has happened, you will not know when or what is supposed to happen. Start with a single day, like tomorrow, maybe a week, a month, or a year; MY TOP 12 LESSSONS ON TIME MANAGEMENT 1. LIST DOWN YOUR PLANS, TARGETS, OBJECTIVES, VISIONS etc. if you do not know where you are going, you will not know even when you get there. Hab 2;2-3 …Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance. Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. 2. MARK THE PRIORITIES. Not everything you do in a day is that important. For instance, I do watch news on TV, but I can do without it, it’s not my priority. How do I identify my priorities? it’s not about what you would really love to do, otherwise some of us would be sleeping/ playing soccer the whole day. I found the answer to that question in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”NIV Let these things define your priorities. 3. INDICATE HIGHER YIELDING RESULTS/ ACTIVITIES FORM YOUR PRIORITIES. Going to work early is a common priority, but your prayer time for example, will bring far much greater yielding results even to your work. Don’t you know, Psalm 127:1“Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is useless.” So don’t ever convince yourself that “GOD will understand, I am a busy man.” Hahah. You see the word “house” there is just representing a building of a structure; it can be the structure of your relationships, job, business, career etc. 4. CREATE A POSSIBLE TIME FRAMES [be realistic] for every given activity. Know how to spend your time, please don’t lie to yourself. Know when you are most productive; don’t do the most important things when you are tired. Sad how so many Christians like to pray while already in bed, and they say AMEN in the morning after sleeping off. 5. POSTPONE PROGRAMS/ MEETINGS IN GOOD TIME if you know you will not make it. One thing I don’t like is to be kept waiting for nothing. It does not matter, but learn to respect other people’s times and schedules and I assure you, you will see the improvement. 6. LEARN TO DELEGATE. You may not be at all places at once, if you can send someone else to the job, then deliver yourself from the stress. Act 6:2 So the twelve apostles called the whole group of believers together and said, It is not right for us to neglect the preaching of Gods word in order to handle finances. [It was mainly the distribution of food not finances] Act 6:3 So then, friends, choose seven men among you who are known to be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and we will put them in charge of this matter. Act 6:4 We ourselves, then, will give our full time to prayer and the work of preaching. This takes me to my next point. 7. AVOID MULTITASKING: I know this might sound like a shock, but about 93% of people in the world cannot effectively multitask, only a few of us, lol. Try to give your full attention on one thing at a time; you will be amazed at the results. A lot of people wonder how I manage to write notes from pastor’s teachings word by word, here is the answer; Give your full attention to the given task at the given time. I never switch off when I am in church. I am told nowadays a lot of people study while facebook-ing, texting/ whatsapp-ing/ bbm-ing, even some to the extent of watching TV while studying. Mmmmh, ok. Ecc 3:1 There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. 8. STOP PROCRASTINATING [many are always delaying until the opportunity is lost, “I will do it, I said will do it spirit”] I may never communicate this point better than Ecclesiastics 5:4 “When you tell God youll do something, do it--now. God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble. Vow it, then do it.” MSG. Ecc 5:5 It is better to say nothing than to promise something that you dont follow through on. 9. LEARN TO MANAGE TIME WASTERS Am sure you will find this interesting; you see, in life there are some people who are good at wasting your time nicely, plain truth. I know it sounds cruel, but whether it is an activity, an individual or certain groups/ societies that drag you down. I think you know what I am talking about here. There are some TV shows/ football games that can make some miss church/ work. it might be very hard to ever redeem that time lost. 10. GET YOURSELF ORGANIZED: don’t wake up at 8 when you are supposed to be somewhere else at that time. Learn to prepare for the next activity in time. If you can, learn to iron your clothes a day before, call the taxi a day before, book the venue a week/ month before, learn to create an itinerary and a checklist. I learnt this point from my mum. You don’t just go to buy groceries from town, she will nicely ask you, “which groceries?” and if you don’t present a written checklist, oh boy you are in trouble. lol 11. MAKE OF USE PLANNING TOOLS/ APPS.: No.1 tool is your brain then we can talk about clocks, you must have a watch or anything that tells time [accurately], please I beg oh. In this age of tech, you probably have an alarm clock, a reminder/ timer/ stop watch/ a calendar/a diary and so many more on your single device alone. Whatever it is that you can use, make a good use of it. I teach more than 90 children at church and all their birthdays are indicated in my iPad calendar, and a reminder is set on every one of them. In the old testament, we see God giving Moses a tablet [the original iPad] of the 10 commandments to serve as a Commandments Reminder App. In Habakkuk we also see God instructing man to write the vision on a tablet, so that it can be clearly read as a reminder of what is to happen. 12. PUT IT TO PRACTICE: PRO_14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. A lot of people talk too much and do less; they will nicely tell you their big plans, and then time; months, years now and they haven’t even started anything. You can thank me for these points I am sharing with you, but what’s the point of thanking me if you don’t apply them to improve your life? One last important point I would to share with you is that, “Learn to stay healthy” Don’t eat too much or too little, without a good health, you will not do any of these right. I never want to give an excuse of “Sorry I had a hangover,” so I just don’t drink. Please share with me, which of the 12 you find interesting/ most beneficial to your life. and why. ALL THE BEST
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:08:38 +0000

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