Charlie Hebdo outrage: Birmingham vigil planned for - TopicsExpress


Charlie Hebdo outrage: Birmingham vigil planned for tonight General view of police and rescue vehicles at the scene after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo VIEW GALLERY Three men suspected of murdering 12 people at Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris were identified after one of them left his ID card in their abandoned getaway car, it has been reported. Said Kouachi, 34, his brother Cherif Kouachi, 33, and Hamyd Mourad, 19 have been unofficially identified as the men behind the brutal attack. Anti-terror police launched a series of raids in the eastern French city of Reims following reports they had fled to the town, which is close to the Belgium border. FOR ALL THE LATEST ON THE SHOOTING - FOLLOW OUR LIVE BLOG. But it has now emerged that the suspected terrorists have been identified after one of the brothers left his ID card in the Citroën C3 they abandoned as they escaped. It was also reported that two of the machine gun-wielding murderers went to the wrong office in the minutes before the raid on the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo. After being told by two maintenance workers that the correct location was two doors over, the men are reported to have killed one of the duo before launching their attack on the magazine. All three suspects were believed to have been living in the Paris commuter town of Gennevilliers. Liberation newspaper said on its website they had fled to Reims, in eastern France, following the bloodbath which left 12 dead and four seriously wounded. The Kouachi brothers were originally from the Paris suburb of Pantin, where another anti-terrorist police raid took place today. Cherif was convicted in 2008 to three years in prison, with 18 months suspended, for his association with a group sending jihad fighters to Iraq. Hamyd is believed to have been living recently in Charleville-Mezieres, in the Ardennes. In total, 12 people were killed and four injured. This included ten members of staff and two policeman. A video posted online today of the brutal terror attack captured two gunmen, clad all in black and carrying Kalashnikovs, taking fire at a lone policeman in the aftermath of the massacre. The graphic video shows the victim falling to the ground and holding his hands up to surrender before apparently being executed with a point blank shot to the head. The gunmen, who appear to be professionally trained, then jog back to a black Citroen car waiting in the middle of the road before driving off. Other videos from todays horrific attack show the gunmen shouting Allahou Akbar outside the office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris and bystanders fleeing the carnage. The weekly magazine has previously courted controversy with its depiction of news and current affairs. French TV channel iTELE quoted a witness as saying he saw the incident from a building nearby in the heart of the French capital. About a half an hour ago two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs (guns), Benoit Bringer told the station. A few minutes later we heard lots of shots, he said, adding that the men fled the building. Gunshots and woman runs to hide behind car - first scene video from Paris shooting. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the killings were a barbaric attack on freedom of speech. My thoughts are with the victims, their families and their colleagues, he said. It also emerged tonight the terror threat level in Britain could be raised from severe to critical in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, David Cameron revealed. The Prime Minister suggested the threat level could be raised to its highest possible level - which means an attack is expected imminently - following the devastating attack in Paris today. Speaking at a press conference today, Mr Cameron said: The murders in Paris are sickening. We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press. As reported by the Telegraph, he also said the Metropolitan Police service and the intelligence agencies will be looking very carefully at the threat alert. He added: There is no one single answer to these appalling terrorist attacks. We have to all be vigilant. We have to try to address all the problems of radicalisation that have happened in our country. Britains terror alert is currently at severe, which means an attack is highly likely. The critical alert - its highest possible level - means an attack is imminent.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:01:17 +0000

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