Charlie Meadows of Oklajoma Conservative Political Action - TopicsExpress


Charlie Meadows of Oklajoma Conservative Political Action Committee writes: ++ WILL THE GOP COMMIT SUICIDE OVER IMMIGRATION? I could only attend the morning session of the state GOP convention back in April of this year. However, one part of the convention really bothered me and that was a presentation by one of the members of an OKC women’s club on the need to reach out to the Hispanic community. I don’t disagree with that and laud the effort to have a presence at all naturalization ceremonies as LEGAL immigrants become citizens. The thing that bothered me during the presentation was the shocking numbers related as growth of the Hispanic community in Oklahoma, presented without one mention that many of those numbers, probably the vast majority, are here as illegal aliens. Put simply, they are invaders of our union and the state of Oklahoma. Following that information we had a presentation from a very well spoken woman of Mexican decent who is obviously a conservative American citizen. She then introduced another woman of Mexican decent that she had recently introduced to the tenants of the Republican party and as such the second woman had switched from being a Democrat, now to a Republican. That is wonderful and we welcome these citizens to the Republican party based upon their understanding of the conservative tenants of the party. However, large numbers of Hispanics in Oklahoma, mostly from Mexico, are here illegally and as such are lawbreakers and criminals, merely by their presence here. Many are hard working and don’t want to cause further problems, though many of those folks have children that put a burden on our education, welfare and health care systems. Then of course others make up a significant part of the crime problems we face in society. When these illegals cluster in towns such a Guymon or neighborhoods in Tulsa and OKC, they change the very fabric and culture of whole areas. Their rapid growth and shear numbers have facilitated Spanish speaking TV, radio and newsprint media as well as cultural businesses which all lend to the transplanting of Mexican culture into Oklahoma rather than assimilating into American culture. With all that said, unless there is serious voter fraud, the vast majority of these people will never vote and thus not have much effect upon the outcome of elections. They will never become citizens, nor under current law will the children they brought here become citizens. However, because of a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, the children they have produced since they arrived and the children of their children will automatically become citizens. Therefore, from a political sense, the question is, will these future Hispanic children, citizens to be, become Democrats or Republicans in their voting patterns? More importantly, will Congress change the law to allow those illegal invaders and their children who are also here illegally a pathway to citizenship and if so, how will they vote? That is really not a hard question to answer for anyone willing to look a current voting patterns of Hispanic citizens as well as recent polling outcomes of those here illegally. In presidential politics, George W. Bush received around 40% of the vote in his first race, the best a Republican has ever done, with the norm being around 25 to 30%. However, last week Rush Limbaugh related a recent poll of Hispanics here illegally that revealed only 12.5% would be inclined to vote Republican if they were to ever have such an opportunity. Therefore, one must ask why would any Republican try to create a pathway to citizenship for those currently here illegally and the future hordes also surely to come? To put it bluntly, any rank and file Republican supporting such an idea has been suckered, they have bought a bill of goods from liberal Democrats, through their propaganda wing known as the main stream press along with liberal RINOs, (Republicans In Name Only), CINOs (Conservatives In Name Only) and Neo-Cons (New kind of Conservative) such as Bill Crystal, Karl Rove and their ilk. Ever since the November elections we have been bombarded with opinions that to win in the future we must reach out to Hispanics and other minorities. Reach out is code for, appeal to them in the same way the Democrats do, by offering them ever increasing programs and give-aways, try to out Democrat the Democrats. I am not opposed to reaching out to Hispanics and other minorities with a conservative message, a message that portrays liberty, hard work, respect for the rule of law, self reliance, confidence and self respect based upon a relationship and dependency upon God and His principles. However, the return on energy for such an effort is less, in my opinion, than a return on energy to retrieve the millions of disaffected Christians and conservatives who have turned their backs upon the political system and the Republican party out of a strong sense of being betrayed by Republican leadership in Washington and at the state level. So again, will the Republican party be seduced by the siren cries of the left and support a pathway to citizenship for over 10 million illegal aliens and thus commit suicide? Will the Grand Old Party go the way of the Wig party, or will they come to their senses? The future depends upon the current activists. Congress will be on break through much of August, it is time for conservative citizens to let them hear our voices. If they betray us on this issue, or fail in the House to de-fund Obamacare, they should lose our support. They will lose another layer of the base, some will be gone forever.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:30:40 +0000

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