Chase Update: Day 69 Wed. August 27th 9:30pm Day 36 at Craig - TopicsExpress


Chase Update: Day 69 Wed. August 27th 9:30pm Day 36 at Craig Hospital Big day! Huge day! Epic Day! Chase was able to say the word NO! I recorded him kind of saying it, but missed the 1st really clear moment. His mouth is definitely waking up! He practiced his mouth movements and vowel sounds today, everyday is just a little better In PT Chase practiced walking with a more normal gait instead of like a robot. :) he also practiced balancing on one leg, and walking sideways. Chase had vision clinic today. They tested his eyesight, and unfortunately a normal side effect of TBI is impaired vision and we were did not escape it. Chases glasses before the accident were relegated to the classroom and driving at night, but his vision is a lot more impaired. He will have to wear them continually now. He gets a new pair on wed, but the doctor is picking them out, so we may be getting some new frames when we get home. :/ Chase is so excited to see his Dad. He has been grinning all day, and anytime someone asks him why hes so happy he signs or writes Dad. Its been a fabulous day full of laughter, and fun. We finished off the day with a concert in the garden. Great music and singing, was the perfect way to end the day. Today I have been thinking about blessings. Neil A. Maxwell said We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count. I think thats along the same lines as Where much is given, much is required. Tonight I pray that I can live my life in a way that reflects the grattitude I feel for the miracles and blessings that I have been entrusted with. I pray that we all recognize the multitude of blessing we have poured upon us. I am so very grateful for the most basic freedoms we take for granted. That I can express my love for my Heavenly father. That I have food, shelter, clothing, family, friends, and freedom. So tonight I pray for comfort for those who are not blessed with the basic comforts or freedom that we take for granted everyday, and I especially pray for the men and women who fight to keep us free. I pray that we take a moment to reflect on how richly we are blessed. May the lord bless you and keep you until we meet again. We are legion!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:57:58 +0000

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