Chasing Your Tail Veronica Lowe There needs to be a way to - TopicsExpress


Chasing Your Tail Veronica Lowe There needs to be a way to encapsulate the core fundamentals. We need to be able to copy and retain the successful, whilst directing the unsuccessful to their growing paths. In a series of succession, only the strong will surpass. Strength is limited to those who chase it, who stretch their limits to obtain it and those who work for it. Success is a puppy continuously chasing its tail. The tail may be caught on a whim, by luck, or by method – but you are always going in circles trying to reach your tail. Before me are a multitude of paths. There’s the doctor, the teacher, the child, the mother, the brother, father, sister. It’s all a blur as you spin around and around. They’re just people; it doesn’t matter to you what I call them. You’re on a mission. You’re going to grab your tail. But look! You see a distraction in the form of a complex being. A white, odd being, with two pointed ears atop its head. It calls, with its twisted gargle, altering your attention from your tail. You cease chasing. What is this creature? Can you befriend it? It seems to glare at you with its bright yellow eyes. The creature’s fluffy tail is swishing. Swish! Oh, look how it swishes from side to side. You pounce. You bite the warm flesh of the tail, and it soaks with blood. You forgot about the high-pitched squeal and do not see the claw in your face until it hits you. It stings your face, opening up raw flesh to the unforgiving air. You note that the being you have encountered is the devil itself, disguised in white. Aside you are two tables. Surrounding are people, talking about unimportant issues such as trust and time. These are irrelevant to you. For, the day goes down when the sun sets upon the day. For, trust is always replaced, until you hurt too much. No big deal. Across the way is a school. They’re always travelling to this place, leaving you behind because you cannot read. If only you could go, how you long to go with them. But they lock the doors. They contain themselves. They go over and over to that place almost every day. Can’t they just stay at home? It seems pointless. But what if you went? You can’t get out. There’s a fence blocking you. Damn, you’ve gone and got your head stuck. Your big fat head. You can’t move because your head is jarred. Your feet hurt. All you can do is scream. Is anyone going to ever let you out? What if you are stuck in this one place forever more? Where is the nourishment to keep you going? In this frustrating place, all you can do is use your inner speech to mentally harden you for next time. Or cry out for help again. Yeah, you do that. Crying works this time. You’re out; you’re free. You run fast with such pace that no average person can catch you. You have been given your momentum again. They try and catch you, but you don’t care; you’re free! You’re dragged back by your neck. Oh, it hurts your neck. Why did they have to tie that stupid purple string around you? It could almost kill you with its force. They’ve caught on. That one lone person caught you by your trail and pulled you back to them. You’re now locked up in a smaller space; more bad thoughts are entering your head. What happens now? Will everyone leave you again? They keep dragging you back by the trail you leave behind. ~ I see you. You run across the road. You spin, chasing your tail alone. You spin out of control. That swipe across your face is you hitting the ground. That high pitched squeal is the sound of tires. I see you lifeless in the midst of the open road, still chasing your tail. The white van drives on with a small bump, but keeps moving, unknowing. I have succeeded. I am the system and you have been wiped out. But there’s another path. Some other being has entered your vision and temporarily detracted you from your goal. One inanimate object has been replaced by something living. Your death has been avoided for now. All you’re left with is a swipe to your face and a lesson learnt. You continue to adapt to your surroundings; the end is not yet here. The distraction from your goal may only be a side-step.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:52:23 +0000

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