Chaturanga Dandasana is typically part of sun salutations they - TopicsExpress


Chaturanga Dandasana is typically part of sun salutations they build energy. Chaturanga builds strength in your arms, abs, and allows you bring the focus inward and on your breath. Starting in downward facing dog you shift your weight forward as you inhale. On the exhale lower down half way making arms parallel with the floor and keeping elbows in. Inhale push up keeping shoulders back, tops of the feet on the ground and knees lifted (or knees on the ground if you need to build strength in your arms). Then exhale hips high and engaged back to downward dog. I feel strong doing them. But started on my knees to build the strength in my arms. #enjoy #yogaforbeginners #Chaturanga #yoga #fitness
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:51:18 +0000

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