Check Your White Male Privilege and STFU! This video is a prime - TopicsExpress


Check Your White Male Privilege and STFU! This video is a prime example of how intolerant, hateful, and physically violent that 3rd wave radical totalitarian Imperialist feminists have become toward anyone who holds a difference of opinion. Her answer to ending any sort of intellectual conversation with people she disagrees with is to call those people racists (With no evidence of racism) and claim they have white male privilege and that their voice is only valid if they have a uterus and to then start smashing their property and physically assaulting them to beat them into submission to agree with her violent narrative of thoughts control and abusive behavior on some crazed power trip. It would be one thing if this was just one video of an incident of radical feminism and the pure supremacist agenda of intolerance toward everything but I have seen many videos of this type of behavior and i have personally witnessed this behavior expressed directly toward myself and people I know in person. I have been told that people like this character in the video do not represent a majority of feminists but far too many people calling themselves feminists have shown themselves to be exactly like this person not only on video but right in front of my own eyes and very few feminists have enough courage to start addressing this growing problem within their movement of these maniacs who act like totalitarian control freaks that would easily start mass executing people if the state provided them the tools to do it. And people wonder how 80 million Chinese were exterminated by Maos red book carrying cultural revolutionaries that believed it was necessary to purge society of what Mao and his followers considered degenerate...
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:32:02 +0000

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