Check out Margaret Whites letter to the Editor in todays Bergen - TopicsExpress


Check out Margaret Whites letter to the Editor in todays Bergen Record: New immigrants a help to society Regarding Immigration: Schools help kids who crossed border adjust (Page A-1, Sept. 15): Although the media talks about a crisis, your story shows that the numbers of children arriving are gradually growing and that schools are ready to assist them. I work with new migrants in the Palisades Park area and that is what we are told. I do not agree with the quoted statement by Gayle Kesselman that this is a huge financial strain. Although many who are opposed to immigration reform repeat this mantra, it is more fiction than fact. The incoming migrants provide services we need. They wouldnt be here if that wasnt the case, and the financial contributions they make, including payment of taxes, are important sources of income for our society. As a recent study by Princeton University and the Brookings Institute put it, Todays immigrants and their children will shape many aspects of American society and will provide virtually all the growth in the U.S. labor force over the next 40 years. Those of us who depend in part on Social Security should raise our voices to be sure these future workers are welcomed, well educated and prepared to provide the funds we need to sustain our support systems. Even if we are not motivated by concerns for the well-being of the children and their families, we at least should be motivated by our own self-interests. Margaret White - See more at: northjersey/opinion/opinion-letters-to-the-editor/the-record-letters-saturday-sept-20-1.1092497?page=all#sthash.MZF2WngM.F3bw8UJR.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:21:32 +0000

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