Check out Mark Fiores latest animation on how Rick Perry is - TopicsExpress


Check out Mark Fiores latest animation on how Rick Perry is building his presidential campaign on the backs of desperate children (alien terror kids); that is, on Americas latest shame. Welcoming those huddled masses yearning to be free? Was that ever America? Is that how my grandfather got here? Who even remembers? Changing the law to send desperate children back wherever the hell they came from as fast as possible! Yes, thats the trick (only, of course, Congress cant do anything). Youre telling me that this country cant deal with children in extremis? Anyway, watch Fiore and ponder the nature of this land of ours. Tom Here is Fiores text about his animation: With Texas governor Rick Perrys recent announcement that hes sending National Guard troops to the border, campaign season has begun. Is it just a coincidence that he was in Iowa when this news started to break? Yes, there is an immigration problem and an impotent Congress has been unable to get any meaningful immigration legislation passed. Governor Perry has apparently decided to begin his campaign on the backs of the poor people crossing the desert. All you have to do is watch his announcement to see Perry play acting at being president. Presto! Foreign policy cred. It sounds strong and effective to order National Guard troops to the border, but these troops are not authorized to detain people crossing the border illegally-- and local sheriffs have called instead for more police enforcement, not military muscle. Enjoy the new-and-improved bespectacled Rick Perry, and be sure to check out the story behind the cartoon. truthdig/cartoon/item/rick_perrys_operation_strong_candidate_20140724
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:00:36 +0000

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