Check out my Sermon on YouTube entitled: (Skip the first 4 - TopicsExpress


Check out my Sermon on YouTube entitled: (Skip the first 4 minutes there is no sound, There was a song that we were not allowed to use. Hope you enjoy the message!!! Dancing With Jesus Subtitle Jesus Is Dancing Our Way 8-24-14 AM (Check out my God given Dream below!) See how I put this sermon together through a God given Dream! A dream Of Jesus Dancing! A Supernatural Manifestation Of Miracles Coming Our Way! The Lord woke me up around 2 AM Friday morning with this dream. 8-22-14 I dreamed that I was wondering around town searching for Jesus. I walked into a dark room and I noticed a toddler of about 2 years old. I told the toddler you are about to dance with Jesus. A super natural music started to play. I then saw Jesus dancing! I saw Jesus pick up the child and they were dancing in the dark. Jesus then sat the toddler down and He smiled at me. The music was still playing. I told the toddler that Jesus wants to dance with us all! Jesus was now gone. The toddler and I were running all around town. I was telling everyone Jesus wants to dance with you! I then saw Ginny Rowland and I told her what had just happened. I told her that Jesus wants to dance with His children. I then walked into a room by myself; it was the same dark room where Jesus had just been. I put my hands in the air and started to shout Dance with me Jesus. I then said a super natural manifestation of miracles is coming our way. I knew that Jesus was dancing my way. Interpretation The dance that Jesus was dancing was not something that was taught! The dance was not a dance as we would think! It was like an Heavenly dance! A Heavenly music started to play! Church do you understand that we are the toddlers and Jesus is picking up and dancing with us in His arms! Jesus set the child down and smiled at me! Jesus takes time out for all of us, He smiled because he is happy with what I am doing. The music is still playing. Jesus wants to pick us up and dance with us all! Jesus had left and the toddler and I were running all around town. I was telling everyone Jesus wants to dance with you! I then saw Ginny Rowland and I told her what had just happened. I told her that Jesus wants to dance with His children. Church do you have on your dancing shoes? I then walked into a room by myself; it was the same dark room where Jesus had just been. I put my hands in the air and started to shout Dance with me Jesus. DANCE WITH ME JESUS!!! I then said a super natural manifestation of miracles is coming our way. Church this is a word of knowledge; something God knows who has revealed it to us! Super natural manifestation of miracles is coming our way!!! De 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. Information and Sermons Go To: If you don’t attend church anywhere come worship with us at The Shelter House Assembly of God!!! A place where there is protection from the storms and a place where dreams really do come true. Located 5 minutes past Duncan falls South on Route 60 Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM PM Service 6: o’clock Wednesday 7: o’clock PM
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:47:45 +0000

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