Check out our line up for our Fall Kids and Tweens classes at - TopicsExpress


Check out our line up for our Fall Kids and Tweens classes at Stillness: Our Fall classes begin on Tuesday August 13 Kids ages 4 - 8 years at 4:00 -5:00 p.m. Tweens ages 9 -13 years at 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Myself, Maryanne Hawkins and Cynthia Lind are super excited to share with you the Fall outline for our kids and tweens Yoga classes. Your student days are golden opportunities for you to nurture all that is best in your beautiful personality. This is the stage of life where you lay down the foundation for your future. As you grow in your yoga practice you begin to develop an inner sense of virtue that helps you feel strong and confident about meeting the challenges of student life. Yoga makes you feel great, strong and focused. Our themes for the Fall: S = Study/ Self Discipline T = Tenacity U = Understanding D = Devotion E = Excellence N = Now T = Target Self Discipline: Self Discipline is about bringing order and efficiency into your life. Discipline simply means self control. Learning how to not overdo things or let yourself become too lazy…. it is finding Balance. It is about creating structure in your life where you find freedom within boundaries. * Creating routines - yoga postures, breath and more to help find a sense of balance in the midst of our school and extra activities. Doing a little yoga each day helps you feel great and balanced in your life. Tenacity: Try and try again. With tenacity you can do amazing things. Nothing is impossible. The story of the tortoise and the hare. Being faithful and purposeful. When we are steadfast, even when we have doubts, in our hearts we remain committed. We can shrug off the doubts because deep down we know where we stand and what we are committed to. * Pacing ourselves like the tortoise - priorities… what is important to you and how do you prioritize.* One step at a time each day Understanding: Understanding yourself and others . A human being is a most mysterious and profound being. Understanding human beings and relating to each other in a harmonious way we discover our connectedness. Consideration - giving the same importance to others likes and dislikes as you do your own. Beginning to understand that your actions are affecting not only you but others as well. Devotion: Developing love towards those closest to you in your family and society. Honoring and loving is a path of integrity. You were created as the highest form of love and honor. Gradually understand that deep down your spirit is full of love, that within you is the all loving Self. Growing in love. Excellence: By emphasizing positive traits , cultivating virtues, you cause the negative ones to eventually vanish. The highest within you is just waiting to be expressed. Giving your best allows you to Shine! Excellence is bringing your gifts to the world and making a difference. You are here for a wonderful reason. Now: D.I. N. (do it now). Purposefulness … having a clear focus instead of being fuzzy or unsure what to do or why you are doing it, Act upon your creative thoughts and ideas. Some people just let things happen a purposeful person makes things happen. When you are purposeful you can achieve anything. Target: One must always have a target , a goal towards which to strive and grow. Assertiveness. Assertiveness is expressing your own ideas, opinions and talents. Serving the world in your own special way. Be the change you wish to see in the world. You are worthy of your grandest dreams and goals. We are also planning more great Kids and Tweens Friday Nights and Family Yoga once a month! It will be a great Fall and a wonderfully supported school year for all of our kids and tweens.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 15:11:08 +0000

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