Check out this excellent healing practice for female reproductive - TopicsExpress


Check out this excellent healing practice for female reproductive health. Vaginal or yoni steam baths are an old, respected treatment for women used by Maya midwives and traditional healers in Central and South America. The practice is mentioned in early chronicles of Spanish friars who took time to record the healing practices of the Maya and Aztec. Bajos (ba-hoes) as they are called in Spanish, are a common and effective treatment for many female complaints, especially those of a serious or chronic nature. Midwives give them within 1-9 days after childbirth depending on the personal preference and the woman’s condition. They are excellent for dysmennorhea, amenorrhea, ovarian cysts, cervical fibroids and as a general health aid to prevent any of those ailments. Practitioners of Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy recommend vaginal steams be done regularly. How often depends on the severity of a woman’s condition. Vaginal steams are also good preventive care. For those who have normal, pain free cycles, we recommend a vaginal steam be done four times each year just before menses. Menopausal women have reported passing clots and dark, thick blood even a year after menses has ceased. “Better out than in,” is our motto. The combination of steam and essential oils from the plants penetrate deeply into the cervix and uterus to dislodge indurated menstrual fluids and pathological accumulations that have not properly sloughed off with each monthly cycle. Induration of the uterine membrane causes the uterus to cramp fiercely to expel the hardened or thickened accumulation.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 01:00:00 +0000

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