Checked in to ou er on tiedsay or wednesday. My mom was out of - TopicsExpress


Checked in to ou er on tiedsay or wednesday. My mom was out of town so I just got my phone charger. Right after I checked a family ran up to th e desk and the mom said "my sons here can you tell anything..." the lady at the desk so "we dont have anyone by that name." Wow I watching my mom trying to find me and any info about me that june 21, 1996. I listened for hours as the family tried to figure out what happened and make sense of everything they had already been told but nothing was confirmed. They knew there was a fatality in the group ofboys but no one knew which guy. My mom had been told at tje scene of my accident that there two injured and a near fatality. The family went back and forth wishing all the things they couldve done to prevent this accident and the mom said well he wouldnt have listened anyways. The family waited for hours with anticipation they were hoping for good news but with everything theyed been hearing from friends. I was pretty scared for them myself but I couldnt stop thinking about my mom waiting to hear about me and the hospital didnt even know it was me. The nuse at the er desk gave my mom the jane doe belongings to look through, bloody torn clothes and bloody jewery. My high school ring had my name on it.thats how my mom and the hospital found out I was me. She put my ring on while family and friends arrived at the hospita. She didnt take that ring off fot at least 10 years. The chaplain met with her to let know the severity of the trauma and to call the family to give their last goodbyes. Finally a few hours later a nurse came to tell the family that their son and brother had been stabilized. I watched them all exhale like a thousand lbs of worry left their bodies and they all fell together in one of those thank the lord hes alive hugs. The mom cant stop thinking about all the things shes she has heard and just want to be with her son.and they told her shed have to wait. I never knew what my family and friends especially my mom experrienced that day I spun our lives at of control. But the other night it was just like watching them and I couldnt stop crying for them and us. I really wanted to tell them that things would turn out ok but I didnt know if that was a fact.I wanted to tell that its ok if hes different you all will learn to adapt. But I didnt know that either. I wanted to tell them that 17 years my family sat in the same position with no cell phones or text messages to put out information but bc of that my moms friends, the man I hit his family and church, and a ton of bethany high school kids packed the icu room waiting room and rallied around me to two visitors at a time hoping I would pull through and bringing cheerful spirit to the icu and my family. When the dr came down to give news to my nom it wasnt that I was stable. He was asking her if I was an orvan donor bc people were waiting on transplants and the drs were certain I wouldnt live. They told my mom how many others could benefit from my organs. after being told multiple times that i wouldnt survive and even if i woke up from the coma id never be the same due to permanant severe brain damage. My mom said to wait anyways to at least give me a chance to live.during the first week of a coma my friends sat with me, played music for me, read to me, sang to me, told me about day day events, and showed me pictures.I remember some them being there but I couldnt wake up. Finally one day my brain switched on while looking at a picture of my dog elliott. I hope everything will work out for that family and it was heart breaking to watch exactly what my mom went through when her friends went and got her and told her she needs to come wiyh them now. I got a glimpse in to what my brother mustve felt like when they showed up at his out of town baseball game and told him he needs to come with them his sister had a bad accident and wasnt going to make it.and I saw how my family was reliving the day and the last things they had said to me and trying to make sense of all the medical info they had been given that didnt make any sense. Be careful when youre driving and try not to part company with hateful words. You might not get to see that person again and after watching that family wishing they couldve done or said things differently
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:30:03 +0000

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