Chelsea v Arsenal: Why Costa and Fabregas will sink - TopicsExpress


Chelsea v Arsenal: Why Costa and Fabregas will sink Arsenal All of last week of September, some bad enemies of the Blue Bandit tried to have me on the run and the defensive. But, like Chelsea, we have now hit them hard on the defamation counter- offensive, my motto being like that of one Caesar Azipilicueta - that is - asipokuleta, atakurudisha. Still, it was nice to take a break from battle - did you know that during the Trench warfare of WW1, French and German soldiers once took a break from shooting at each other to play a friendly New Years day friendly match? - and just watch football. After the Book Fair at Sarit, where I found colleague Kiundu Waweru who is too into books and not balls, I went to hide myself at the Hidden Agenda on the second floor and happily watched Jagielkas last gasp equaliser against the Kop in the Liverpool derby. It not only cancelled Gerrards fantastic free kick in the 65th minute, but lost the Reds two precious points. They are still out of the top ten in EPL. Balotelli, clearly, is no Suarez. Perhaps he should go to Uruguay for a loan spell so he can learn to have more bite in his game. Then it was off to Psys (Hooters) in town, where other than the good natured fan mafans and hooligans poked at the Blue Bandit around my recent trials and Twitter tribulations, it was great fun to see Man U under siege, clinging desperately to their one goal lead like a turn boy hangs onto a miraa bag at the back of a truck as it careens round a corner in Meru. Van Girls start to the season has been so bad, I bet well someday soon see a banner in old (and battered) Trafford - We Miss Moyes. Chelsea, meantime, was suffering no such problems, as we dispatched Aston Villains to the rubbish bin of defeat with a clinical 3-0 demolition - thanks to Oscar, COSTA, and afro Willian. Our ruthless stranglehold at the top of the table remains. What we now need to put is clear daylight between us and our chasers ( si mean Southampton). Talking of which, Man City survived a scare to beat Hull City 4-2, with our ex Lampard still in fine scoring form. Oh, Roman, we ought to have used Lampski to the last drop, until he ran out of bat power like our old hero dog, Drogba. Up I went to Tamasha for the late Sato game between Tottenham and Arsenal. And how Wenger looked relieved, and the Goons yelled, when that man who sounds like English nobility ( kumbe tuu ni chokosh wa kawaida) Oxlaide-sijui-Chamberlain equalised for the Gunners to salvage a draw. Hope they enjoyed that goal, because we (Chelsea) will choke and constipate them of goals, on Saturday. But we have to do better than we did on Tuesday against Joses old employers, Sporting Lisbon, a game I caught at Jeans, Nairobi West. We should have scored six but only Nemanja Matic saw the back of the net with a neat back header for the 1-0 win ( my most enjoyable moment of that game, though, was when Nani after a serious run and series of dribble stops, cleverly back-heeled the ball towards the on- rushing referee. What did he expect him to do, score? Oh, I forgot, Nani left Man U when Fergie still had most EPL refs in his front shirt pocket). The Lisbon goalie was in inspired form and cold stopped at least three Chelsea goals, with German Schurrle screwing another three. Mourinho, kama hawezi kumaliza, basi, arudi shule, tuletee College. Then there was the Arsenal/ Galatasary game which I understand the Goons won 4-1 and Welbeck scored his first hat-trick. I did not watch this game because I have better things to do mid-week than watch such games, like snooze. I heard some pundits asking, Has Welbeck finally arrived? My Welbeck curiousity is much more prosaic - is it a must that he maintains that box haircut from 1991. Talking of 1991, I must say here to my Arsenal amigos like editor Bismarck that, come Sunday, Diego Costa will make you jump, jump, and surely Wenger must be feeling jumpy about the killer passes of his old protege, Cesc Fabregas. Look at all the videos you want, but Hazard and Oscar will rampage down those Goon flanks, your old boy Fabregas will provide defence-splitting killer passes, and Costa will cost ya this game. I honestly dont see 6-0 like last time. I see Arsenal scoring a solitary goal, coz our get-ball-back rate is extreme, and our young big goalie TC terribly hard to beat. But you score a goal. And we score three, four or five. Any bets? No worries, even taking zero points from the Sunday game against the Blues, Arsenal maintain the fourth position they are in, Chelsea the number one position they are in to win the trophy end o season, City come second, and Man U stay in seventh to ... well .. to chora saba. Let us finish with a little ditty, dedicated to Arsenals Yaya Sanogo: Yaya unaisha wapi? Na Wenger kakulipa pesa ngapi? O Yaya, weee ... (the answer from Yaya) Othaya! Othaya.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:12:33 +0000

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