Chemotherapy In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared War on - TopicsExpress


Chemotherapy In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared War on Cancer. The chief weapon wielded in this new war was chemotherapy. It is now 2004 and it is time to end this senseless war. The war is lost. It is a complete and utter failure with our weapon of choice killing little cancer with the hapless patient being the chief casualty in this war. In 1972, according to the American Cancer Societies own figures, 33% of cancers had a five year survival rate. We should also point out that at that same time 33% of cancers went away on their own. Today, according to the ACS, the five year survival rate for cancer has risen to 40%. However, what they do not tell you is that The statistics are invalid because they combine data of both local and metastasized cancers; and that the comparisons are not randomized [Ulrich Abel, Advanced Epithelial Cancer, 1990 (no longer in print) ] Cancers not factored into the original statistics are now factored in, such as skin cancers, many of which are not fatal and that the statistics are purposely inflated by including people with benign cancers. Technology has helped us to find cancers earlier, thus the survival time from diagnosis to eventual death has lengthened. They are now including in their stats non deadly skin cancers. The war is lost. To the victors go the spoils. Somewhere there are yachts and million dollar homes purchased with the eighty plus billion spent on this war, but there is no cure. According to Frank Wiewel, there are doctors today who make 1.5 million dollars just selling chemotherapy. In 1988, Cecil’s Textbook of Medicine listed the most common cancers that responded well to chemotherapy: Type of Cancer Percent 5 Year Disease-free Survival Choriocarcinoma (low-risk patients) 90 Burkitts Lymphoma (Stage I) 90 Acute lymphocytic leukemia 60 Hodgkins disease (stage III and IV) 60 Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma 70 Nodular mixed lymphoma 75 Testicular carcinoma (stage II-III) 70-90 Childhood sarcomas (w/ radiation & surgery) 70-90 Childhood lymphomas 75 Since then, some of these figures have improved. In fact, seminoma (testicular carcinoma originally, but now cancer of the seminal glands, hence seminoma), the one that Lance Armstrong beat, has an estimated 95% survival rate. Lance Armstrong is the greatest promotion the Pharmaceutical Industry has ever enjoyed. However, and this is an important HOWEVER, Dr Ulrich Abel, who poured over thousands and thousands of cancer studies, published his shocking report in 1990 stating quite succinctly that chemotherapy has done nothing for 80% of all cancers; that 80% of chemotherapy administered was absolutely worthless. The Emperor has no clothes. Ulrich Abel was a German epidemiologist and biostatistician. In the eighties, he contacted over 350 medical centers around the world requesting them to furnish him with anything they had published on the subject of cancer. By the time he published his report and subsequent book (Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer, Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag GmbH, 1990) he knew more about chemotherapy than any person in existence. His report, later reviewed by the German Magazine Der Spiegel in 1990 and summarized by Ralph Moss in an article entitled Chemos Berlin Wall Crumbles (Cancer Chronicles, Dec 1990, p.4), described chemotherapy as a “scientific wasteland” and that neither physician nor patient were willing to give it up even though there was no scientific evidence that it worked. [Note: we have just published a translation of Ables article in Der Spiegel here: A Dull Weapon.] Success of most chemotherapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland [Dr Uhlrich Abel, Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer, Stuttgart, 1990] Dr Abel was immediately attacked by the cancer industry. They could not attack his science, so they attacked his character. This is a common tactic when the accused has science on his/her side. Fact If a person dies during a chemotherapy study, that information is NOT included in the write up because the patient did NOT complete the study. History Repeats Itself Here is an excerpt from an article at this site called The History of Medicine (1800 - 1850): In France, a study on cancer, begun in 1843, had just been published. A physician of the French Academy of Science, Dr Leroy d’Etoilles, gathered together as many statistics as possible at that time from some 170 practitioners who had treated cancer. The reason for the study was to compare survival rates of those who elected to undergo the standard treatments for cancer against those who refused these treatments. According to Dr Naiman in her book Cancer Salves, the standard treatments consisted of surgery, caustics “such as nitric acid; sulfuric acid mixed with saffron; poisonous minerals such as lead, mercury, or arsenic nitrate; or alkaline caustics such as sulfate of zinc. Copper sulfate [mixed with borax], quicklime, or potassium permanganate were also used, evidently with mixed success.” The conclusion of the study showed that those who avoided traditional cancer therapies outlived those who underwent them. Did this stop anyone from practicing these therapies? Perhaps, but for the most part, these treatment protocols continued on till the advent of Radium therapy that proved to be even more deadly than any previous protocol, but was highly recommended because it was a great money maker. History, we are told, often repeats itself. A study presented to the American Cancer Society in the nineteen-eighties, concluded much the same as that study in France over a century earlier. Ellen Brown’s book, Forbidden Medicine gives us the following: One of the few studies ... was conducted by Dr. Hardin Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley. He told an ACS panel, My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals. For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average of 12-1/2 years. Those who accepted surgery or other kinds of treatment [chemotherapy, radiation, cobalt] lived an average of only three years. . . . I attribute this to the traumatic effect of surgery on the bodys natural defense mechanism. The body has a natural defense against every type of cancer.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:49:35 +0000

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