Chemotherapy is such a tricky thing. Every medication comes with - TopicsExpress


Chemotherapy is such a tricky thing. Every medication comes with its own set of side effects and food sensitivities/intolerances. If you are on a cocktail of chemotherapy medications as our daughter has been since the age of 2, it makes nutrition an even trickier thing. Please, if you or someone you know is going through chemotherapy, make sure that you get breakdowns of each of the medications. If you ask, the hospital, nurses and/or doctors will print it out for you. Nutrition is so important but, it is even more important to know what foods to eat as it pertains to each of the medicines that you may be taking/receiving. Knowing the side effects and what chemical reactions cause those side effects can also help in possibly alleviating that side effect. These past 2.5 years of dealing with chemotherapy treatments for our now 4 yr old daughter have taught us many things. The most important one is being your own advocate and educating yourself as much as possible. We went through a period of time where one of the side effects of the chemo hospitalized our daughter with something that could have been life threatening. Standard protocol for her condition is NPO which is basically starvation until certain chemical reaction numbers go down in the liver. Those numbers, after 3 days of doing it the doctor prescribed way, never came down. It wasnt until we took matters into our own hands, researched the condition and its causes and in turn researched ways of rectifying it from a nutritional standpoint, did those numbers come down in a day and she was able to be released from the hospital.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:22:34 +0000

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